Hello Everyone,
I hope all of you are doing well. I had my 6 cycles of chemo followed by debulking abdominal surgery. I was planned to have 2 more cycles of chemo after surgery. I went to see my oncologist for a review appointment yesterday and she said she wouldn't give me more chemo because I had 6 already and the risks outweigh the benefit. Also, she said my surgery went really well and the histology results were very good. So I will be moving into maintenance treatment with the combination of Avastin and Olaparib which needs to be approved by NHS first. I am a BRCA 2 positive so hoping to get the approval.
I wanted to ask when you had the combination treatment, how did you feel during the treatment? As it is 18 cycles of Avastin, are the side effects as bad as chemo? I haven't worked for a while after my diagnosis and would like to get back to work in the summer for at least 2-3 days a week. Do you think it is possible? Also, did any of you travel overseas whilst having the treatment? I hope to get some advice.
Thank you ☺️