Hey, a little down today. I had 4 carbo/taxol treatments before surgery and 7 treatments after surgery. I had one carbo/taxatere and Avastin treatment. Different docs said I had too much toxic chemo and I had one Avastin only treatment. My CA -125 numbers were 2247 when diagnosed, went down to 350 after surgery. It had been hovering around 60 the last couple of treatments only going down a point or 2 between each treatment. It was 56 March 6 then one Avastin only treatment. Today I learned my CA 125 is 185. They have said they would order a PET scan but insurance is having trouble covering it since I just had one In January. In January I was NED but CA 125 was still high, so continued the chemo and then Avastin. Need some support here, and hugs and prayers to all here.
12 chemos and 1 Avastin treatment CA125 numbers up - My Ovacome
12 chemos and 1 Avastin treatment CA125 numbers up

Hi, Luckydog11.
I can't really offer any advice, but I can send hugs and prayers. You do sound as though you have been having a rough time of it! Hope you get some answers soon, and meantime, hope you have a happy Easter,
Lucky dog, where are you based? Are you in the UK?
I’m sorry you are feeling low. This is really normal if you are having a rollercoaster like you are experiencing.
Your ca125 could be raised for different reasons, so try not to panic too much until you have the scan results back. Sometimes the levels settle down again. It is different in all people, as to how indicative the test is.
Have you tried any supplements or Chinese Medicine? I put myself in a protocol and my ca125 levels started dropping significantly. This might help? Even the Dr’s were slightly baffled as to what I was doing. I keep banging on about it to ladies, but there are complimentary things that can help many ladies out there,
Lots of love, Nicky xx
Don't have any answers as my ca125 isn't used and I failed first line chemo miserably. I am on a clinical trial and the fear of it not working is high and I really sympathise. However I know there are many reasons for ca 125 to rise - and if it's not working better to know as soon as possible and get on to something else.
Thankyou and I wish you well Hugs
Hi another avastin treatment . Had PET scan came back clear next CA125 was 785. Doc says not do anything different til something shows on scan and continue Avastin. Numbers have risen significantly on these 3 Avastin treatments. They say I cannot use Carbo anymore because numbers went up so fast after my last treatment. I dont like waiting until something grows on an organ. Does anyine have any imsight or if MDA or Dlian Ker I should consult?
That should be Sloan Kettering
My CA 125 is now 1209 I have had one treatment of Doxil with Avastin. I was warmed it took a while for Doxil to work. I am switching oncologist on Monday. I have fluid again ariound right lung. I dont feel my other onc is fighting for me seems to be no plan. The new said may can discuss clinical trial. I am brca negatve and platinum resistant