March 22 had surgery to remove nodules in pelvis area.of first diagnosed September 2013 surgery and chemo.
This is treated as a recurrence. At the same time as recurrence CT showed mass on left kidney by urethra described now as chronic kidney disease. . As gynae department have the lead I have lost confidence in them a catalogue of rubbish appointments no real communication between departments. To day I was told clearly that if I don’t have the stent it will be dialysis and ultimately organ failure. I asked why can’t I have chemo or maintenance I’m BRCA 2. Dr said if they remove mass it could be considered. I just get mixed messages from two different tumour sites. In the mean time feeling pretty rubbish. On top of all that this Monday I go in for a complete hip revision, I have had 5 dislocation in 10 months. Urology say I need to wait 2 to 3 weeks Orthopaedics say it’s okay. Apologies for verbal spillage. Feel a tad abandoned. Great start to 2023!