Hi everyone : I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer... - My Ovacome

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SEckett profile image
20 Replies

I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last June stage 3C. I had 4 lots of chemotherapy and avastin, then operation then 2 more chemotherapy’s then avastin which ended in July this year. My CA125 is currently 5. Even though this is all good my mental health has taken a battering. I have always s suffered with mental health issues. I’m waiting for Southern Health Team to get back to me and help me. Then I watch the news and all this stuff is scaring me and making me worse. I’m trying to work with this ovarian disease and mental health issues and struggling. I keep trying to reach out to my family they don’t really help me and just say get in with it.

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SEckett profile image
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20 Replies
SarahBa profile image

Sorry to hear what you are going through and the lack of support from your family.

I believe there is a very active Facebook page in the UK for women with ovarian cancer and I think that may be a good place to post to get the support you are looking for.

SEckett profile image
SEckett in reply to SarahBa

Hi SarahBa,

Thank you so much for your reply. I will at that Facebook page. Sending you hugs. X

Lyndy2 profile image

Find out where your nearest Macmillan/Helen Rollasen or Maggies centre is. You can get counselling sessions and well-being support for free.

There might also be a face to face support group. I found meeting other women with OC really helpful. You are not alone, you just need to reach out to the support that’s there for you. We all struggle at times, so don’t wait ❤️

Lovedogs41 profile image

Give MacMillan a call in the morning and explain how your feeling,like Lyndy says they offer free counselling.It sounds like you need to talk everything through with someone who will listen.Have you any close friends you can talk to? Do you work? I have found trying to keep myself occupied helps,perhaps look into taking up a new hobby or swimming,some type of regular exercise will help improve how your feeling.It might also be a good idea to call your GP to have a chat see what they suggest x

SEckett profile image
SEckett in reply to Lovedogs41

Hi all,

Thank you for all your support and advice. It means a lot to me. Sending hugs to you all

Jack1066 profile image

Hi, sorry to hear you are struggling copy withO/C.

Ask your CNS if there is a local support group you can contact for support.

We have one in Southampton that covers surrounding areas. We meet once a month via zoom, but we are hear for each other anytime if we have a wobble.

Hope you get the support you need, you aren’t alone, remember that x

Ova3 profile image

Hi, It does seem like a lot to bear and yes, this disease drags down our mental health. Do you have friends that you can talk to? My sweet family tries to be separated, but I see the sadness in my own daughter’s eyes when she comes over. She wants to help but she knows the outcome of this disease. Focus on forgiveness. Give love when you feel down. If you have some volunteer opportunities, get involved.❤️

panfield62 profile image

Hi SEckett, Sorry for the issues you have - we all understand where you're coming from and send you really positive vibes and lots of prayers. Pse don't watch items on TV like all the news as, like me, it doesn't help - I only watch things that make me happy/comfortable. Also perhaps your hospital has it's own cancer support gp as well as all the other suggestions made here. I've found Maggies Centres really good - you can nip in/out for a cuppa/biscuit - in a quiet corner or chat with others - they have the right people to talk to so please ask - they also have various groups you might like to attend. Love and Best Wishes to you. Gwen x

fendweller profile image

So sorry to hear how you're struggling , everyone on here knows that feeling ,so sad you're family are not supporting you,perhaps they're in denial, I can't really add anything to what the other ladies have said ,theres some good advice ,do contact Macmillan they helped me . Sending love . X

OrdinarySoul profile image

Hello 👋 it’s so tough isn’t it? I agree with the others who’ve suggested Macmillan and/or local cancer support services - most offer counselling and relaxation stuff (my local one does reiki which I’m looking into at the moment) Not sure what kind of stuff helps you feel calm but try and carve out some time for that stuff - reading, bingeing Netflix, chocolate, walking - whatever it is for you (not including watching the news!). You're not alone but you might not get what you need from the people who usually support you - I’ve realised that some of my closest friends and family are not great with this whereas other people who just “get it” have surprised me. Good luck and I hope you find something to help you feel okay ♥️

Barmycharm profile image

Hi sorry to hear how low you’re feeling, as other ladies have said we’ve all been there and know what it’s like all too well. Earlier this year when I had my first recurrence confirmed I was so low and desperate that I phoned the main Macmillan no and they were absolutely brilliant. A lady spoke to me straight away, just listened while I talked and cried and then offered me immediate counselling which I accepted. The process was very quick and I had 6 sessions. I think different counsellors they use, use different techniques but it was helpful to have someone to talk to, rant at, cry to and she suggested several ways to help myself moving forward. Do give them a ring asap. Sending love and hugs

Claire xx

Bluetilly profile image

My poor darling I am so sorry to hear how awful you are feeling but there is help and support available and hundreds of us are on the same journey as you ... you are not alone in this scary situation. The ladies on this chat line are wonderfully supportive and will all be there for you whenever you need to talk. I would contact Macmillan as soon as pos because they offer professional advice and conselling in various ways ... by phone, email or face to face and they have huge experience. Try to do something every day that makes you happy ... maybe go for a walk, buy yourself some flowers, watch something light hearted on telly or get lost in a good book. Sending you lots of love and hugs xxx


OvacomeSupport profile image
OvacomeSupportPartnerMy Ovacome Team

Good morning SEckett,

Thank you for your message. I am sorry to read how you are struggling at the moment. You mentioned that you have contacted Southern Health team for support and I do hope that you hear from them soon.

I just wanted to let you know that we are here to support you and we are at the end of the phone if you ever want to talk things through. We would also be very happy to look into other sources of support that may be helpful. If you would like to talk, you can contact us by calling 0800 008 7054 Monday – Friday 10am – 5pm. We would also be very happy to arrange a video call if you prefer, just let me know and we can organise this.

I have seen that you have had a number of very supportive responses from members of the forum community and many have suggested sources of support. These include the Macmillan Support Line and the counselling service that Macmillan Cancer Support provide. You can contact the Macmillan Support Line by calling 0808 808 00 00. Their support line is available 7 days a week, 8am -8pm.

Others also mentioned local information and support centres, such as Maggie's centres or Macmillan information and support centres. If you would like us to find out what support centres are available in your local area, please do let me know.

The Samaritans are also available on 116 123 and are open 24 hours a day if you would like to talk. Here is some more information about their listening service: samaritans.org/how-we-can-h...

I hope that you hear back from Southern Health team soon. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if there is anything at all that we can help with or if you would like to have a chat with a member of the team.

Best wishes,


Ovacome Support

PPSCENE profile image

hello. Just wanted to send you a big fat virtual hug. Remember you are not alone and the lovely ladies here have made some very useful suggestions. Keep positive.. you are great and a lot to look forward to x chin up xxxxxx

SEckett profile image
SEckett in reply to PPSCENE


Thank you so much for your hug and words. I’m taking everyone’s advice and I’m so grateful and really appreciate all the reply’s. Sending you hugs and much love ❤️

verityann profile image

Can't really add anything extra but just wanted to say Hi and send a big hug 💕xxx

delia2 profile image

I also am sending hugs. The mental challenges of this disease can be really difficult and the world seems crazy right now but you’ve gotten good advice here. Xxxx

Hi, I am also sending you a warm hug from the U.S. Just like Delia mentioned that this disease can be a mental challenge. Hoping that you can find someone to talk with and ease the fears that come with this journey. Take care, Donna xx

Kaitlinsmum profile image

Hello, firstly you are not alone in feeling like this. Im in UK,( north west england), aged 53, very similar story. My oncologist referred me to a clinical psychiastrist who specialises in cancer support. Its worth asking asking if this is available in your area. Especiall if you have a history of mental health needs.

Also try the cancer coaching. Its a block of 6 sessions which i found helpful. Google it. Sorry i cant remember details. I have chemo brain!

Re news on tv. Remember to let go of things you have no power to change. Focus on what you can do for yourself. I found citizens advice helpful in getting benefits and phasing back to work.

Have you looked for support groups in your area? I joined 'Sam's Diamonds' ladies cancer support near me. Been so helpful and important to me

Good luck. Stay connected to people

SEckett profile image
SEckett in reply to Kaitlinsmum

Hi Kaitlinsmum

I have now got counselling and have my first session today. I work the NHS in the south. So I went through Hampshire and Isle of Wight counselling services for the NHS. Had my referral yesterday and within an a couple of hours they called me to arrange a time. Thank you so much for all your advice and support. Sending you hugs Sheenagh x

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