I have 5 more Taxol treatments to go and now my fingertips are a little numb and bottom of feet feel stiff , What can i do for this any suggestions. Helena
numbness: I have 5 more Taxol treatments to go... - My Ovacome

Hello Helena
Thank you for your post. I'm sure our members will be along to share their experiences and advice with you about this side effect of treatment soon.
I just wanted to encourage you to let your medical team know about the numbness in your fingertips and the stiff feeling in your feet, as once they know about the side effects then they can take steps to help manage it for you.
The numbness in hands and feet is a common side effect of Taxol, which we explain further in our peripheral neuropathy booklet. You can read the booklet on our website here: ovacome.org.uk/peripheral-n... We can also send you a paper copy if you prefer.
Please do message us through this website, email support@ovacome.org.uk or call us on 0800 008 7054 Monday-Friday 10am-5pm, if you need any information or want to talk anything through.
Best wishes
Ovacome Support
I took glutamine capsules 2 to 3 a day a couple days before chemo day,during chemo then a couple of days after,found it helped my neuropathy.Also some people ice their hands and feet while they are having their chemo.
I had this problem really badly after my 2nd My feet are very sensitive and feel constantly cold my hands have improved but not so my feet I was told it could take about 18 months to improve I am at a year and a tad better I hope yours improves x
I have had numbness in my feet for six years now,following original chemo. I do have a little in my hands but not so bad. I have found that Epsom Salts help in the bath. I believe there are tablets that can be prescribed but I have never gone down that route. You may find that Oncology might reduce the taxol, which is what they did for me after one session.I hope that something can be done for you. Take care.x
i had the same. I take Amitriplyline every day. My hands and feet are always cold but I have movement in them so lucky. There has been no improvement in 8 years but it could be worse. I hope you get yours sorted out. xx
After my 3rd cycle my hands and feet started to get symptoms of neuropathy. My dose was lowered slightly. However the symptoms progressively got worse. I am 10 months after chemo now. I take gabapentin to control the symptoms. I am so clumsy. My grip is affected and drop things often. I took l glutamine but unfortunately it didnt help. My feet are also affected. I find it hard to cut food. I use a food processor and mixer to do chores i would normally done by hand.
I had 10 sessions of acupuncture to try to help ..unfortunately that didnt improve it either. I feel that it hasnt improved much so far but i am hopeful that after some time it may improve. i previously had neuropathy in my left hand and arm due toa prolapsed disc in my neck, after surgery my symptoms gradually improved.
I wear compression gloves on my hands which helps. I also have bought hand exerciser which i use too.
I hope your symptoms do not get worse. Take care
Nus x
HiI hope you have been icing your hands and feet
Use old gloves with finger tips cut off
Use socks with no tips on the toes (like you get st nail salon)
Then ask for ice at your chemo place
I have been through 6 3.5 hour long carbo taxol treatments
And 16 treatments of the mixed chemo trial drug ENHERTU 30min treatment infusion
All since June 2020
I ice every time I go and no neuropathy
Please try the icing
All the best
You can research glutamine powder...it's an amino acid...also homeopathic phosphorus granules ...massage and dipping o cold water. Hugs from paris