5 years: When I was diagnosed in October 201... - My Ovacome

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5 years

44 Replies

When I was diagnosed in October 2016 with stage 3 Ovarian Cancer. I was totally devastated and traumatised [edited by moderator] .

Well here I am exactly 5 years later. I’ve had one very small recurrence but remain well and currently back in remission. I feel incredibly blessed [edited by moderator]. It’s never going away for good, but having gone through such a huge amount in these 5 years I stay determined and full of faith that I will deal with it whenever it makes its next appearance.

From the day of diagnosis I have been on a journey of hope and despair, strength and weakness , darkness and light, to name just a few. I have lost many ovarian cancer friends in the past 5 years and each time it’s broken my heart ❤️ not a million pieces.

But from day one I have absolutely refused to allow cancer to define me (Sod that)!! I am NOT a victim, I am a survivor, a thriver. I am a wife, mother, grandmother, aunty, friend, colleague and a nurse (a nurse who now understands her patients even more than she did before).

I might have cancer, but cancer does not have me..and NEVER will.

I guess what I am saying is, is that there is always hope, we have strength that we never knew we possessed. We have friends and family that we never knew could be so amazing and strangers who come into our lives who bring utter joy. We also have people who we expect to walk with us who choose to walk the other way.. but that’s ok, it’s their choice and I wish them well.

I have shared very little of the last 5 years on here as it’s not my thing, but I believe that this anniversary was worth sharing because it shows that love, faith, strength and hope can conquer all. So does an advanced sense of humour I might add.

Life is for living. Live in the moment and wring the most out of life, and when life throws a curveball, chuck it straight back with bells on. Love to all the amazing women on her, Marian xxx

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44 Replies
Andrea63 profile image

Hi Marian, thanks for sharing and I hope you get to celebrate. I’m coming up to 5 years in December, it’s quite a milestone and one we’re lucky to reach 💖

in reply to Andrea63

Hi Andrea, it’s a big deal isn’t it? Well done to you too xx

lynn6156 profile image

Well done with knobs on 😃👏 Party time!!🍰

in reply to lynn6156

Thanks Lynn, hope all is doing ok with you xx

Comedy123 profile image

Hi Marian, thank you very much for sharing your story. It gives us hope too. Was it high grade serous or another kind? When did u have first occurrce? Were u taking any maintenence dose? Did u take any herbal stuff too? I will appreciate your response.

in reply to Comedy123

Hi, I hope that it does give hope.I have high grade serous.

I as in first remission for just over 3 years. In that time I took the COC protocol drugs. When it recurred it was a couple of lymph nodes and Carboplatin & Caelyx sorted it.

I also took quite a few supplements that I researched (if interested pm me). I can’t of course say if they made any difference.

I’ve been on Olaparib (Lynparza) for 14 months and so far so good.

Hope this helps 🙂

Iside profile image
Iside in reply to

Well done on all counts, inspiring story, Thankyou. I too am fighting the good fight, stage 3 , I started & 3 years on after all the Chemo, 2 major ops & now Letrozole am still here!!! However for the last 18months, I am on Protocol & am interested to know if you are continuing with it? I have had great support from all at NHS & indebted to them. Having probs., with Magnesium now but apart from extra drugs enjoy a normal life with a supportive family & friends. Long may it last PG. cheers Iside X

Comedy123 profile image
Comedy123 in reply to

Hi Marian, thank you very much for your response. What kind of supplement did you take? Thanks

mrstadpole profile image
mrstadpole in reply to

Such an encouraging post. For me it has been four years (Oct 17).I've been taking Olaparib now for 16 months and all seems to be going well.

MPee123 profile image
MPee123 in reply to mrstadpole

Hi can you tell me if you have Brca or HRD please? 🥰

mrstadpole profile image
mrstadpole in reply to MPee123

I am BRCA 2+ve.

MPee123 profile image
MPee123 in reply to mrstadpole

Thank you ❤️

in reply to MPee123

I am BRCA 2 xx

MPee123 profile image
MPee123 in reply to

Thank you 😘

MPee123 profile image
MPee123 in reply to

Hi can you tell me if you have Brca or HRD please? Thank you for giving so much hope x hope you have many more years of Ned ❤️

Stuee01 profile image

Thanks for sharing this Marian :) ❤️ I have been supporting my partner through her OC journey and she maybe having a recurrence. Your post gives me hope though.



Hi StephJust remember if it is recurrence there will be a plan, wishing your partner all the best, she can absolutely do it xx

Cropcrop profile image

Congratulations Marian on reaching such an important anniversary. I am so pleased you’ve hit this milestone and here’s to the next one lovely 🥂, it certainly doesn’t seem like 5 years since you joined us but here we are and we’re all the better for your presence with us.

I think that our disease is such a complex one with some scary statistics but, as we know only too well, one size most certainly does not fit all and some of us fare better than others but our medics are constantly trying to improve treatments and care for us, I thank them all and your lovely self for the continued care given to those of us who need it . It’s so very true that we find out who is willing and/or able to walk with us along this diversion from our original route and we’re grateful for them and all our friends here too.

I too have lost friends and acquaintances to this disease, some I knew personally and some here at Ovacome, and I miss them all deeply but there are still many of us still plodding along together and if we fortunate ones can offer support and occasional advice to others that are struggling then that can only be a good thing in my book.

Be as well as you possibly can be, keep your humour going it’s one of the things that helps us deal with life’s turmoils (together with a great inner strength and sheer bloody mindedness) and keep on keeping on lovely lady. Big virtual hugs across the ether and lots of love ❤️Xx Jane

in reply to Cropcrop

Oh Jane 💗💗!! I love hearing from you. You are one of the inspiring ones who helped me so much in the beginning. This is a very special group.You are so right, there is so much work going on to help us. I think that Parps are probably changing the statistics, that’s why mr google is not good for those newly diagnosed.

Take care my lovely, Marian xxx

in reply to Cropcrop

Hugs to you, Jane. Thanks you. Anne 🤗

Jo2305 profile image

Well done you! I am just over 9 years since diagnosis stage 3b. I have had 2 recurrences in 2015 and 2017 but been in remission since then and living the best life of holidays and fun plus work unfortunately 😉

I don’t know what the future holds for me but I’m well right now (never really been ill touch wood 🪵 )

I try not to think about the future too much if I can help it and live my life every day as much as possible!

Attached is a pic of me and my hubby in Cyprus last month.

I’m hardly ever on here but want to send strength to everyone as it’s a bitch of a disease! Lots of love 💗 xxx

PS. Been on letrozole since op in 2017 and think that must working xx

in reply to Jo2305

What a totally great photo Jo, travelling keeps me sane too (Covid permitting). You are absolutely right, live life everyday to the full.

I also love that my post is triggering all the positive stories, and we know that there are loads of them

Keep staying well and enjoy the holidays xx

Jo2305 profile image
Jo2305 in reply to

And you too - the positive stories are great 👍🏼 I think you were right posting that - stay well and well done xx 😘

Lyndy profile image

Yes Marian I totally agree… I may have cancer but it does not have me! What a great thought xx

Mammi profile image

That’s greats news Marian, hopefully we can all follow in your footsteps 🤗 Hugs Dee X

Brilliant Marian! It’s great for us to hear these good-news stories. Anne🤗

Tulips66 profile image

Hi Marian, what a lovely positive post, you are a breath of fresh air. Congrats on your 5yr milestone & hopefully you will have many more. I am on first recurrence after been diagnosed in 2019 & on chemo but a recent scan has showed its working so that's all positive. I too have learned who my true friends are since my diagnosis & I treasure them dearly. You are such a strong woman. I hope I can stay as strong too especially for my family. Thanks for brightening my day Hugs Xx Mag

Mossey profile image

Thank you. For sharing. You sound like such an awesome lady. Xxx

Iwillbeatit profile image

Hi MarianCongratulations a huge milestone to pass on this journey we did not choose to make and great encouragement to those of us who are not so far along. Thank you for sharing great news for everyone to see that there is still life out there to strive for. Well don here's to the next 5 years.😀

Eriksendi profile image

That’s such good positive news and definitely something to shout about - 5 years well done. You have expressed so well the emotions and thoughts that many of us have on this rollercoaster of a ride, where none of us want to be yet, sadly, we have found ourselves. 5 years since diagnosis and such an amazing attitude and, as others have said, here’s to the next 5 years.

It’s so great to see some positive posts and I would encourage everyone to post good news when they have it to give others strength. I know, I have been in some pretty dark places, and reading stories like yours gave me so much hope. Keep posting everyone x x

JustKBO profile image

Well done for writing this and to all those who followed suite with their inspiring stories. KBO girls.

Can I just ask “what are protocol treatments”?

Barmycharm profile image

Hi MarianCongrats to you on your 5 year milestone! So inspiring for us all.

I was also stage 3b and been 2 years in remission until now facing a recurrence. I’m in that quite can’t believe it stage atm, knew it was likely to happen but also didn’t actually believe it would?! I’ve been getting very low and panicky about what’s up ahead again but your post has given me hope and encouragement. Thank you so much and very best wishes to you for another 5 happy years in remission

Love and hugs

Claire xx

Seedlings profile image

Thank you Marian for posting such an inspiring story of your journey.Congratulations on getting to 5 years!!🎉. I live in hope that I will be able to have a good quality of life when I get sorted with this Niraparib!.

Raise a glass to life...it's for living 🎉.

MarleyZ profile image

Brilliant love that warrior fight you have keep it going never accept this disease rules any of us ever.

Lockygill profile image

I feel exactly the same 7 years on….Living the Dream x

Katmal-UK profile image

Congrats Marian, I passed my 14 year milestone 2 days ago….. I think we share a similar mindset. Keep doing what you are doing. Kathy xx

delia2 profile image

Congratulations on your five year milestone! Your post and all the others you’ve inspired are so positive and hopeful. Xx

Thankyou for sharing your wonderful news! You have been an inspiration for all of us on here. Long May your journey continue! Hugs from the U.S. Donna

LesleyGB profile image

What lovely news! Hear from you in 2026! xx

Summergold2 profile image

Hi Marian thank you for giving those of us who fight as you have, hope and positive vibes. I am going in for my 5th session of a second reoccurrence in less than one year and hope abounds for me from your journey thus far. I was diagnosed stage 3c Dec 2019 and am happy I am still here and still enjoying life. Thank you for giving all of us a boost!!!! Hugs from California USA,


Heart12345 profile image

Thank you Marian for your wonderful post, very positive and just what I needed ❤️. I will definitely take a leaf out of your book 🤗Mish

Sashay2020 profile image

Congratulations and thank you for sharing your good news. The positives of this site far outweigh the negative. . I’ve participated in the Ovacome forum for about a year and a half and it is upsetting when someone passes on, especially when it is someone I feel attached to, even though we have never met. Each time someone shares good news, it helps to assuage the sadness I feel when when a teal sister gains her wings. May you continue to do well and post more good news in the future. It uplifts us all. Best wishes from Louisiana,


Emsymits profile image


Bettyxxx profile image

Congratulations and long may it continue xxx i was 3b diagnosed jan 2014 and one relapse, i totally agree with the things you say, one we are lucky and two positive attitude and a sense of humour are really important tools for us xx so pleased for you xxx

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