Hi everyone .. this is my first time writing on this site but I always read what’s going on.I am writing this today to hopefully gives you amazing ladies some hope . I was diagnosed with clear cell 1c grade 3 in August 2013 . I have just had another MRI and am still clear .. that’s just over 5 years now . I hope this will help some of you as it’s not always bad news.
Nearly 6 years: Hi everyone .. this is my first... - My Ovacome
Nearly 6 years

Hi Janeroe, I've just been diagnosed with endometriod grade 1c this does give me hope. Thank you for sharing xx
Dear Janelle, excellent, well done you must be ecstatic. I bet you still hold your breath whilst having your scan and when you get your results. It is for many very reassuring and does give them hope.
I have incurable cancer and have my CT scan on 30th April mid wY through my second cycle of chemo and I pray it will show that the tumours have shrunk.
Best wishes to you, any signs or symptoms of anything straight to your Gp for referral.
Sending you lots of love 💕 hugs 🤗 and positive thoughts your way xx
Tracy x
That’s great news-thanks for sharing x
Hi Janeroe, welcome to our lovely gang. I too was diagnosed 1c3 clear cell OC, my diagnosis was in 2014 so I’m not too far behind you. It’s always lovely to hear from new ladies especially when your story has a good outcome that hopefully gives hope to others. Long may it continue for you, thank you for sharing, keep keeping well, we’re always pleased to hear some good news ❤️Xx Jane
So glad for you xx
Marvellous news - very cheering up.
Long May it continue!
That's fantastic news. xxx
Hello Jane Roe, thanks for letting us know. That is so good to hear. I am new here, diagnosed with OC last March, stage 4a. Had one chemo cycle, got stuck at operation, never got the referral I asked for and in feb ct scan showed tumor had grown again with cyst with fluid. Or maybe the sept scan which said stable wasn’t really stable. This is actually my second cancer (unrelated to the other multiple myeloma) and the treatment is so different. With multiple myeloma I have the cancer under control since 2011 so it becomes like a chronic illness. Now for me OC can also become a chronic illness which is much less worrying as it is represented now! When I started the second chemo caelix I was told no surgery anymore and this is just to keep the illness under control. I also was given a new hospital card!!!!!!!!!
I am happy for you, God bless!
Thankyou everybody for your kind words xx
5 years, wow that’s brilliant!!! Long may it last! Best wishes, Jo xx