It’s now 4 years since my initial diagnosis of stage 3b PPC/Ovarian cancer. I’ve been suffering from stomach pains since my stomach reversal in September 2019, and recently had a colonoscopy which was normal and am now awaiting a contrast follow through X-ray. As I’m sure you can imagine, this increases the anxiety for the check. However, my results were back today and my ca125 is holding at 11 where it has been since the end of treatment in 2017. I know I am extremely fortunate and send my thanks to everyone and hope that this gives hope to newly diagnosed members. I also had ascites on diagnosis and had 5 litres of fluid drained. It’s a stoma reversal can’t seem to go back and change this ******
the dreaded ca125 check......: It’s now 4 years... - My Ovacome
the dreaded ca125 check......

Great news x
That’s really good news Eriksendi worrying with the stomach pains & hoping they can get that sorted but results looking good. Wouldn’t it be nice not to have to worry about every symptom we get 😕Hugs DeeX
I’m sorry to hear that you have suffered so muc with stomach pain. Hope that can be addressed successfully. But I am glad to hear your CA125 is still low and holding steady. My Latest CA125 will be drawn on May 10th. Starting to feel a bit anxious so I know the feeling. I’m about six months post front-line chemo so I am hoping I am still platinum sensitive. 🤞🏽🙏🏽
Wishing you the best from Louisiana,
My colorectal consultant says it’s either scar tissue from my big op or mechanical. By that he says damage to muscles and nerves from surgery which are causing the bowel to not work properly. He’s hoping to find the exact stricture that’s causing the problem and he hopes to be able to fix it laparoscopically. We’ll just have to wait and see. Fingers crossed x x
You certainly have given us all hope I feel sure. Sorry you’re having pain. I hope everything will be sorted for you very soon. Love from Angela xx
That's fantastic news. Sorry about the stomach trouble, I'm also suffering stomach problems at the moment which is keeping me awake 🤞 it's nothing sinister. All the best Sue xx
Congratulations. That’s really good news. I hope they can figure out how to address your stomach pain!
It’s good news to hear that you are 4 years post diagnosis & that your ca125 levels are good. But being in pain since Dec 2019 is not so good, I hope the surgeon sorts out your bowel problems very soon 🤞🏻🤞🏻
I was diagnosed with ppc, stage 4b this time last year. I have a stoma & although I know this was so very necessary, I do struggle in many ways with its management. At the time of surgery, I was told if there were no signs of any reoccurrence in a year, then I could have a reversal. My last PET scan was clear, but there’s been no mention of a reversal & I haven’t pushed for it, as I seem to go around in circles, with regards the pros & cons, I’m such an over thinker lol!
That's great! Hope they get the stomach pains sorted soon. x
Great news! Lots of love xx
Phew...Glad to hear it, Eriksendi. The 'thrill' never goes away though... <3, Maus