Hi I've got stage 4 high grade serous ovarian cancer. I have had 4 cycles of carbonation and permission I had a hysterectomy 3weeks ago with my last 2 cycles of chemo I will be started in Bevacizumab, what are people's experience of this drug.
Bevacizumab: Hi I've got stage 4 high grade... - My Ovacome

Hi! I hope your op went well and you recovered quickly. I have had Bevacizumab alongside chemo with a gap when my blood pressure was high and again before my operation. I have now finished chemo and am just on Bevacizumab (6th of 18 on Monday). Generally I have had no problems at all, with the chemo only causing two or three days of aches and extreme tiredness a couple of days after treatment. With Bev only I don't get the aches and tiredness as much. I did have a nosebleed and tend to bleed a bit more if I cut myself, and also little red 'moles' which come and go again between treatments. Oh, my hair is coming back! I know everyone reacts differently but for me it has caused no nasty side effects and I have been able to carry on normally (except for lockdown!). Hope it is easy for you and you have a positive outcome.
Hi Lesley could I just asked what happened with your BP whilst on Bev ifnypu don't mind. I Had issue with first treatment of Bev in combo with paxitaxol and carboplatin where it soared which they gave a BP meds that caused me to drop fall and break my leg. A year later post op, delayed healing I am on Bev 3 weekly. Had to have 2nd treatment delayed due to high blood pressure. Iam on 7.5 mg of Ramipril and hoping this will control it enough for Bev to carry on. Just wondered did they get you BP under control or did the Bev stop affecting it?
Hi Tilly!
You poor thing - chemo, high BP, the op and a broken leg! Hope it's all improving for you.
Like you I was also having Taxol, Carbo and Bev every three weeks. It was when I went back for my second cycle that my BP was horrendously high - 200+ over something . The oncologist cancelled the Bev that day but I carried on with the Taxol and Carbo and was given Amlodopine - 5mg once a day (evening is apparently best). When I went for my third cycle, my BP was okay and I had the Bev again. I can't be certain whether it was the Bev that raised my BP or whether it was the chemo and so they stopped the Bev as it can cause bleeding (it was stopped again before I had my operation). My BP has been okay since I started the tablets except for once when I arrived a bit stressed but it came down with some breathing exercises.
Hope this helps! Lets me know how you get on.
Thank you Lesley. With so many treatments still to go having an option to throw into the the discussion with oncologist is always a good thing I feel! Onward and upward we go. Markers very positive at this stage CT scan too so lots to be grateful for.
Thanks again
Hi, I have had about 15 doses I think. I ache and am stiff quite a lot but don't know if it is the drug or after effects of chemo and the fact I now have osteopenia ( reduced bone density). Otherwise all ok in terms of side effects. If you do get aches and are UK based I really recommend Vicky Fox free yoga sessions at triyoga ( online). She does 4 free sessions a week and is wonderful. Also hot Epsom bath and I'm about to buy a yuyu, a long hot water bottle. Good luck x
Hi i trialled Bevacizumab (or to give it its mire commonly known name of Avastin) in 2007 /2008. The main side effects I had were a raised BP, mild joint pain and what I can only describe as a 'snotty nose' which each morning took the use of about half a box of tissues to clear. Sometimes I had the odd sight of blood when blowing my nose. Now, having said all that and when I was on 3 weekly doses I worked full time only taking a day off to have the infusion of Avastin. I had nearly a 4.5 year remission. I hope things go well for you. Big hug Kathy xx
Nice to see a post from you Kathy. Not heard much from you lately. Good that you’re still well and helping so many of us get through some miserable times in our lives. We need ladies like you who’ve experienced so much and endured it so well.
Lots of love Angel xx
Thanks Angel, still here lurking lol. I hope you are doing well, especially in these extraordinary times! Stay safe xx Kathy xx
You too Kathy. I’m really getting to enjoy lockdown. My husband is a changed man. If cancer has done nothing else for me, it’s hit him like a train. Nothing is too much for him and he’s NICE to me 😃
Lots of love
Angela xx
I found it pretty do-able after chemo. It did cause nosebleed for me but otherwise very few side effects xx
Hello 👋 I came across your post from a few years ago, I am also stage 4 cancer and receiving the same treatment. I am wondering how you are now? 🙏💗