I was diagnosed with ovarian/peritoneal cancer 14 months ago. Surprising as I had bilateral oophorectomy (and tubes) removed 10 years ago due to benign cysts.
It was considered to be inoperable and I had the full round of chemo and all the miseries that go with that.
I was very fortunate after this to be referred to a surgeon who was keen to see me to discuss surgery as the tumour had shrunk. She is well respected and a professor of surgery.
I had debulking surgery, and 4 out of 5 nodes on the aorta were malignant. She said it was a "messy" job - it took 5 hours. My recovery was excellent and the scar from the boobs to the pubes has healed well. My bloods are all fine but bowel movements not so normal yet. My appetite is still poor.
What is driving me nuts is my lack of energy. A walk down the road or even a quiet afternoon with family leaves me totally exhausted.
I would appreciate some ideas on how to start feeling better.
Thank you in advance!