Just wanted to say hello to everyone. Joined this supportive and knowledgable site after being diagnosed with recurrence after 18 years. I have found a great deal of comfort from some very wise ladies. Thank you. Am back on same treatment I had in 2002 it is a very unusual spread in lymph nodes and sternum. Am just hoping for a remission. Just had second treatment after third will have PET scan to see if there is any improvement.
Just to say hello: Just wanted to say hello to... - My Ovacome
Just to say hello

WOW 18 years that's amazing! sorry to hear you have recurred and hope your team get you back into remission very soon. x

Thank you
Hi. Sorry to hear you about yr recurrence after so long. Treatments have moved on so much even in the 13 years Ive been going thru this. And hopefully u can achieve remission again soon. I hope yr treatment goes well. XX Kathy xx
Gosh that must have been a shock after so long but what a hopeful message of 18 years in remission!
Good luck with the treatment and here’s hoping for many more years back in remission x
Lizzieanne, eighteen years in remission is wonderful. I am sorry that you have to deal with a recurrence. I hope you enjoy another lengthy remission very soon.
Best wishes from Louisiana
Hi Lizzieanne. 18 years is incredible. Hopefully this treatment will be as successful as the last one. And, as Kathy said, there has been massive improvements in treatment options since then. Take good care of yourself through treatment.
Anne 🤗🤗🤗

Thank you.
Thank you for letting us know you had such a long remission that's fantastic. I hope you get the same again, if not longer. Sue xx
good luck with Pet scan results, hope they are positive. I wish I was in your shoes with 18 years cancer free, I have had 3 recurrences in 3 years and just started chemo again yesterday. Hopefully it will work after the planned 6-9 sessions. Will do CT scan in 6 weeks.
I was very lucky but did try and live healthily. On second treatment and am feeling really ill this time. Feel for you on third recurrence and pray this will give you a long remission. It must take a special strength to deal with the chemo. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to how we respond to our treatments. I send positive thoughts and wait to hear how you get on please let me know. X