Hello ladies,I hope that you are all taking advantage of this lovely weather.
Yesterday I received a call from my Oncologist,to say the second biopsy has shown a definite result that the cancer in my stomach lining is definitely from the fallopian tube and not the womb cancer The Onc asked me if I could get to the hospital for 12 noon,which I did and so I then had blood tests,which included one for BRCA. I feel now that I can move forward and start more treatment which she believed would be the same chemo I had the first time around. During the interim period I have been taking Megace which is a hormone tablet,and it has prevented progression.
Unfortunately I have to change Oncologists,but I am not to worried as it is at the same hospital
Although I am not looking forward to having chemo,in another way I just want to get started.
Take care all.xx