Hi there,
This time last year I had a 22cm ovarian cyst removed from my right fallopian tube and they had to take the tube as well. I experienced extreme constipation for 4 weeks leading up to my scan but no other real side effects apart from a dull ache at night in my pelvis and obviously a pretty full stomach after that amount of time. I am currently experiencing symptoms of a constant full feeling and lack of appetite at all, constipation and extreme pain when I do 'go', a stitch type feeling on the left side just below my belly button and my last period was extremely heavy despite being on the pill, major mood swings and weight fluctuating around 6lbs up and down around my normal weight.
Does anyone have any suggestions or experience of these symptoms being present at the time of an ovarian cyst? I am worried if it is a cyst that it has gotten to a similar size and potentially result in the other side being affected so just wanted some opinions/ advice on what to do.
(I have rheumatoid arthritis so I'm on methotrexate, sulfasalazine and cimzia if this is at all relevant to anyone else)
Thank you in advance for any suggestions.