Saw this and it struck a chord.....
LIFE and how I feel about it since diagnosis - My Ovacome
LIFE and how I feel about it since diagnosis

Oh yesssss! I do have dips and wonder ‘ why me?’ But someone asked me if I was worried about turning 60 next month and I can honestly say I am delighted! I shouldn’t really be here but I am and trying to enjoy every minute xx
Hi Lyndy I have never asked 'why me' it's never entered my head, I don't know why I've never thought about it. I embraced being 40 and 50 but when it came to my 60th at the end of last year it really got to me - not in a depressive way, I'm extremely lucky not to get down too often but in a 'my goodness I'm 60!.... I feel the same as when I was 19!' kind of way, having said that I probably should have celebrated more, I shouldn't have been here for my 50th! I'm over that now though and I do feel very strongly about enjoying the here and now! I think I always have done lol. Not that I'm a party animal just like to savour life and family xx Happy 60th for next month btw ! xx Kathy xx
Totally agree! And look at me! I can’t believe I am 72! I only cane to realise, with a shock, that I was actually 70 years old, two years ago, when I saw it in my hospital discharge papers.
I feel like I am still 26.
I am still doing loads of creative and business things, and except for the last two years of diagnosis, treatment, recurrence and more treatment, I feel fantastic.
Thanks for this! As long as I feel physically okay I feel great joy at being alive. I must admit that in my lowest points during chemo I was pretty miserable. I realized then that just feeling well enough to be up and around was a joy in itself. I view every day now as a gift.
This is so true Xxx
I think that is a great sentiment all round. 👏
Love this Kathy, it’s how I look at life especially after the diagnosis we’ve all had, I never did the ‘why me’ bit, it was a case of ok, this is what it is so how do we deal with it. I know not everybody can be like this which is a shame. Thank you for sharing, keep well lovely ❤️Xx Jane
Hi Kathy. People often ask me if I believe that having a good attitude can contribute to keeping the OC at bay. I tell them that I really have no idea but what I do know is that a poor attitude does no one any good. Best wishes. Pauline

Great response to that question Pauline. Hope you are doing ok xx
Thanks for posting Kathy. It was just what I needed to read after a rough few weeks. Love Jo 🌺🌼🌸🌻🌹
Awww Jo, How's treatment going, rough I take it? (Stupid question really.....) . Everything crossed it's having a result for you. Big hug, Kathy xx
I like this picture Kathy. It is truly an option we make. In fact it's ups and downs (but mostly ups like 80/20)
I'm a believer and I had times when I was angry at God and kept thinking (what do u want? why me?).
On the other hand, so many positive things happened along the way since my diagnosis years back.
I can only be grateful for what I have.. and what I still have the power to do (physically).
Thanks for spreading positivity xoxo
Thanks for posting a great sentiment my niece sent me a card when 1st diagnosed 'When life gives you lemons...go make lemonade'
I celebrated my 60th even though I was in treatment, I thought 3 years earlier I would not reach 60 now heading for 61st in November.As some of you may remember I share my birthday with my grandson who was born whilst I was having diagnostic tests for this disease, for every year he gets a year older I celebrate.
Ellsey xx
Great sentiment. I am 60 and quickly focusing on how fortunate I have been in life and setting out to enjoy every day gets me through any ‘feeling sorry for myself’ moments. I have not had a great week and am having chemo as I type. The person next to me is 29 years old, enough said. Jx
I remember going for my chemo one day and got to the bit where you give your DOB, the young girl a couple of chairs down gave hers, 21....... that got to me. I went off and had a few tears. There was another time a young woman next to me was having chemo, her husband bought in her baby that she had given birth to a week or so before. Like you say, enough said.... I often wonder what happened to those young women, I truly hope they are living their lives.
So, so unfair. Young people and new mums should be carefree and able to enjoy their lives, not dealing with all the worries a cancer diagnosis brings. Jx