Post surgery complications: Hi All, unfortunately... - My Ovacome

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Post surgery complications

Mguilfo profile image
7 Replies

Hi All, unfortunately 2 days after my laparoscopic removal of both ovaries and tubes, I developed complications. I had severe pain, high fever, vomiting and dizziness. After struggling all night I went to the A& E department of my nearest hospital. When I went in I was septic and I had to go to Resus for 4 hours to stabilise. I had to stay 8 nights in hospital before they got the infection under control. The cause was a haematoma at the site where the surgeon had to unstick my left ovary off the peritonium. Also my bowel stopped working following the surgery and I couldn’t even pass gas for 8 days! I had to under go 2 contrast CT scans and a partial colonoscopy to check for any damage. Thankfully no blockages or damage were found and after a once off dose of a toxic antibiotic Gentomycin, I turned a corned and improved. The other 3 IV antibiotics didn’t seem to get rid of the infection.

I am at home now but I am quite weak and I am not able to do much around the house.

Has this happened anyone else and should I have been sent home on antibiotics following The surgery. He noted that I oozed from this site during surgery and he applied a dissolvable seaweed dressing on the area.

Any tips on how to get done energy back.



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Mguilfo profile image
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7 Replies
Maxjor profile image

Hi Maria,

I am so sorry for the complications you had---I can't help you with the question about antibiotics going home with you but I can about energy. My husband was septic once and that alone was pretty scary, let alone after surgery like you! I do know that antibiotics can drain your energy but with everything you had done and 8 days of not passing gas usually means they would not let you eat (??) of course, your energy is zapped for a bunch of reasons. For my husband after he had sepsis and for me after my debulking surgery (I had no food or anything for 5 days after), it was actually exercise that got my strength (and hubby's) back. First few days, walking more than I may have wanted to, next few, took on a little more, and each day added more and more to the routine of exercise of any kind, trying to limit couch time. I would be so drained after but the next day I had more energy than the day before. The exercise of whatever kind also helps with your appetite which then helps with your eating (more protein) to help with your energy. Not sure you have the strength to start this but I felt I could not move after dubulking surgery and the nursing staff at the hospital made me get up every hour or so to walk around on my hospital wing--telling me they wanted to see at least a mile a day (!!!) Hope you are up to this and that it helps. oxoxox Judy

Seasun36-uk profile image

Hi Maria,

You’ve had a rough time 😕 The Surgeons are careful in their techniques to guard against infection, but it does happen. I agree with Judy - I think stairs are good to start the moving. Other things: lots of water, bio yogurt, nutritious food of any type. (I liked rice pudding - I felt it gave me protein & calcium! I liked tinned fruit, seemed a bit easier on my stomach - to give vitamins & minerals).

Remember to see your GP if your energy doesn’t pick they may need to check that you aren’t anaemic.

Best wishes,

Linda xoxo

ssjmichael profile image

Wow Maria, you've been through a lot! Surgery alone puts your body through a lot of stress, so to have sepsis, and the lengthy bowel issues after must have really done a number on your body.

I believe the bowels not working after debulking is somewhat common, though the length of time varies. It's due to the general anesthesia they give you. The bowel just takes a while to "wake up". I believe it's technicality called an ileus. My mom had a horrible time with this, and was throwing up black liquid for a few days after her surgery, which terrified me to see. They had to put an NG tube down her nose and throat (which was traumatizing for her, and for me to watch), and a couple of days later she was starting to do better. I never felt happier to hear my mom whisper to me that she passed a little gas lol. She had to spend a week in the hospital. I think they also might have given her antibiotics while there, but I don't think she was given any to come home with.

As for getting your energy back. I would personally recommend you try and rest as much as possible. With your abdominal surgery, you don't want to stress that area too much and tear anything. So certainly no heavy lifting, stretching, or anything overly strenuous. I think if you allow your body to rest you will gradually recuperate some energy. Just listen to your body, and take it slowly.

Definitely stay hydrated though, and if you do notice any significant pains out of the ordinary, or your wound feeling very hot and/or looking red, or some fluid coming out, call your hospital (or emergency) right away.


Lindaura profile image

Dear Maria,

It sounds to me as if you have really been through the ringer. What a nightmare!

After all that, you cannot expect to recover as swiftly as you would have imagined.

Your body has taken a beating.

You now must let yourself heal. Don’t try to do too much.

After my op, I felt that there was something wrong with me, because everyone else in the ward was eating and walking around, and getting discharged before me, but it took 7 days for me to get well enough to leave and another day before I could eat, when I finally could use the loo.

I took it very easy at home. Baby steps. Eventually giving myself little tasks each day, like dusting the piano one day, sweeping the kitchen floor another, until I could make breakfast again.

I hope you will let yourself relax and heal and that you will remain healthy for a long time to come.

Best wishes,


bamboo89 profile image

If you have stairs, walk up and down (slowly is fine) at least once a day, more if you can manage it. Eat as well as you can, choose mostly healthy foods, especially green veggies and fruit. Otherwise, rest - your body has taken a battering, and your army of repair cells is now doing a great deal of work to put things right, as well as your kidneys and liver doing a lot of detoxing of the drugs you were given, and that won't leave much energy for you as a person. Sleep whenever you feel the need... you will recover, in time, but that's just it, it takes time, and its better to work with your body and give it what it needs when it needs it, rather than thinking I ought to be feeling better, or should be doing this, that or the other.

One day at a time. I had post surgery complications, though not the same as you. There's such a developing problem with antibiotics stopping working, they would probably make it worse if everyone was routinely sent home with them. But your experience sounds horrid and it does set you back. Protein is important for healing. Hope you feel a bit better soon.

Flamingobeef18 profile image


Sorry to hear you have been through this.

I went through a very similar experience 4 years ago when I had my debulking surgery. I had been in hospital for six days and was hoping to go home the next day. I had been steadily improving when suddenly I felt dreadfully ill and within moments was having an awful time vomiting, diarrhea, drifting in and out of consciousness the works. I was rushed back to surgery to have the haematoma and abscess removed. It was a horrible and very frightening experience so I really sympathize with you.

When I did return home it took me a long time to recover and I found this very frustrating. However what I did eventually learn was that you cannot rush the recovery and trying to do so just made me feel worse emotionally and physically. The most important thing is to be kind to yourself. Accept that your body has survived a significant trauma and it will take time to heal. This will not last for ever and you will get better but just for now give yourself permission to rest and recover.

Wishing you all the very best


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