Hey all I had a hospital appointment yesterday to discuss my surgery for an ovarian cyst which my gyno said will be done by lap but previous appointment back in August I said do I need a CA125 blood test she said no, I know it will be high there is no point as I have Endometrioma cyst, but yesterday she said while I was at hospital to get the bloods done which I did, she said she would call me with results on Monday or Tuesday, that was fine I left my appointment confident all was okay in regards to my planned surgery and just waiting for a letter for date, but she called me about 4pm and said I want you to have another scan as your cyst might me larger and we have to plan surgery? I said why didn’t you mention this in the consultation she then said did you do your bloods I said yes she said I’ll chase results ASAP which has now worried me into thinking all sorts!!! She said I’ll call you Monday and if they come back high we will discuss options! Does this mean how I may not be having a lap and instead having a laparotomy? Any advice or anyone go through something similar? I’m worrying about this all weekend I kind of wish I never answered the phone now 😳
CA125 bloods and re scan : Hey all I had a... - My Ovacome
CA125 bloods and re scan

Lap is just short for laparotomy.
It is an exploratory operation.
Hope all goes well-try not to worry too much.🌻🌻🌻
Hey howick01
laparoscopy is what was supposed to be having which is keyhole but they might change it to laparotomy if cyst is too big or suspicious, that’s why I am worrying but your right I should just try not to think about it lol it’s so hard though xxx
Sorry forgot about it could be short for laparoscopy as well💐
It sounds quite confused but all I would advise is take a long deep breath and wait for your consultant to respond once she has all the information. Hopefully it is a non cancerous cyst but they need to be sure before giving you the wrong information. Good luck and deep breath - T x
It is all a bit of a mixed bag she’s given you but she’s being very thorough from the sound of it. The endometrioma cyst would probably cause a rise in the CA125 reading as endometriosis is a known cause of a raised reading so this probably explains her not doing the test earlier. The fact she’s doing one now is a good thing, she will have as much information to hand as possible. Cysts can often grow quite quickly so it’s a distinct possibility it may have grown in the interim period and, again, she’s right in having the scan done to make sure which removal method is the right one to do, it would not be ideal to start a laparoscopic procedure then have to change to laparotomy mid way through so she’s really doing what’s best for you in my opinion.
Try not to worry, easy said I know, but she really is doing her best for you. Please don’t google your situation you’ll only scare yourself unnecessarily with information that possibly may not apply to you and that really is out of date, you most probably won’t have OC but, and it is a big but, if you do have it then steps are being taken nice and early to sort it out.
It’s monday tomorrow so you’ll know more once she’s called, try not to let your imagination run away with you in the meantime. Let us know what she has to say, take care lovely ❤️Xx Jane
hey cropcrop thanks for the reply and I know you are right I should just relax a bit about it now and know it’s all being sorted and checked, am relaxing now after a nice big lunch out with hubby so I’m thinking positive thoughts and just getting on with it now I’ve had all weekend to think about it like you said she is being thorough and checking so it’s a good thing!!! Thanks everyone and enjoy the rest of your weekend I will let you know how I get on xxx