Hi ladies
Do you get copies of your blood test results and if so how are they given to you and from/ at what stage in your treatment?
I am mid front line chemo. I had extra bloods done and 2 TV scans a few weeks ago due to pelvic pain. The doctor doing my 2nd one had my results in front of her and remarked that I had high inflammation, which worried me though I know it can be for any reason and I had been in hospital with a fever a few days before. I mentioned it to the McMillan nurse when I saw her about something else and she said not to worry, if it was of concern the Oncologist would have contacted me
But it had me thinking, since my debulking and 4 chemo sessions I have not had results of my standard/regular bloods except the post op ones (which did not include a CA125).
Lots of you seem to be very knowledgeable of your bloods, including quite a few of you immediately post op.
Should I be asking for copies and if so how - uploaded to a patient portal? I do know CA125 is not reliable on its own but I would still like to know my bloods results. I feel a bit in the dark about it all.
Don't worry about posting if you are not in the UK as I'm just interested in how the NHS operates across different hospitals and what is feasible to ask for.
Thank you
Emily x
PS before op my CA125 was in the 60s along with my CA19 so these must count for something??