Holby Sh*tty - Episode 5 a.k.a. And so it came ... - My Ovacome

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Holby Sh*tty - Episode 5 a.k.a. And so it came to pass that on the 13th day...

Kryssy profile image
β€’43 Replies

Please remember the warning as this is going to get messy .......

Photo explanation later.

Bonjour, Bonsoir, Top 'o the morning/evening, Hi etc. my sisters. It is so humbling yet gratifying to know that I have made you smile or laugh out loud with my insane ramblings. It means so much to me. I don't need the praise though. The thought of your smile is enough. I laugh at myself and my crazy life so it's fine that you do too. But, I digress ....

One is pleased to announce that at 3.08 a.m., on this 13th day of purgatory, Rocky left the building. The following graphic description is not written to shock but to merely help those of you who may be facing a similar situation right now or may have to face it in the future. Many of you, I'm sure, will cringe with me, having been there, done that, T-shirt etc. Above all, I want to take the fear out of it, just in case you are worried and scared.

I settled into bed at about 9pm last night, completely exhausted. I'd had visitors. Two dear friends who brought a bag of fruit - apples, pears, bananas and grapes. Of course I was not allowed any of it, nor are likely to be in the foreseeable future, so it all went away with them. I felt so ungrateful. We sat in "my personal lounge". I had a mint tea and hoped that a nurse wouldn't come in and catch me. My girlfriend held my hand and stared at me with her beautiful Irish eyes. I obviously look bad. Her husband fiddled with the tv as I asked him if I could plug my memory stick into it and watch my programmes in cinemascopic panovision. He said no but told me how to connect my laptop to the tv. He may as well have given me the Enigma code to memorize..... I took my Doc Martin pill and was away into slumberland before 10pm.

Something woke me with a start at 3am. It was dark and still. My night light was casting weird shadows across the floor. I put my specs on. Better. I had the strangest of feelings. I'd had it before. The first time was back in June 1975. Now, bear with me here girls, or skip along as you wish. I was in a hospital bed in a maternity ward. My waters had broken at my mother's house whilst I was sitting on the sofa enjoying a glass of Guinness. Those were the days, ay! It was her birthday. She did not appreciate her soggy sofa. It was about 9pm and once I stopped dripping I went to the hospital. No pains or anything. I was given an enema (as they did then), shaved (hmmmmm), tucked up in bed and told to go to sleep. Hubby was sent home. However, I wanted my baby and it was impossible to go to sleep with all those wailing banshees carrying on in the other beds. I kept ringing the bell and asking if I was going to have my baby yet. I was told that it would be hours - possibly days. I continued to ring the bell every so often until in the end the nurse blasted me with Pethidine to shut me up. Bad move. It sent me into La-La land and I started to sing at the top of my voice, "Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside". It was about 2.30am. I got really told off then, but I wasn't bothered. I was having a great time. Shortly after I needed to go to the loo for a poop. I rang the bell and told the nurse to which she shouted back at me, "You don't need a poo, you've had an enema!". Well, says I, you either get me to the toilet quick or I'm going to shit in the bed. Luckily, her common sense kicked in and she decided to inspect my little bald pleasure palace. What greeted her was the beginnings of my beautiful son. Of course all hell broke loose. Bells going off in all directions, my bed being hurtled at full speed down the corridor into the delivery room and me shouting, "See - I told you I needed a poo!", quite unaware what was going on in my Pethidine haze. A couple of minutes later my son was here. I tell you all this, not because I know you will hate me as I am that rare woman who does not have labour pain, but because I think we've all have had that same "wanna poo" moment before baby's here. But it's not the normal wanna poo feeling, is it?

And so it was again. That same feeling lurking under the covers. Full of Doc Martin I staggered out of bed, unplugged my drippy friend - beep, beep, beep. shut up. Got to the loo. Plonked down and promptly nodded off for a couple of minutes. I came to as brown stinky soup leaked from my arse. Nice. Then, in slow motion, I felt a very smooth round object making it's way out. No pain, no strain, just a slow silent exit and all by itself. I had imagined Rocky to have spikes and razor blades all over his surface and be as big as a football. I'll have to guess the actual size but it felt like a golf ball, perhaps a bit bigger. It hit the brown sludge with such force that the splash-back covered the pan - and me. Then there was that other feeling. The same one you get when baby comes out with a whoosh. The internal organs jostle to reposition slightly and everything feels empty. It's a wonderful feeling and sitting there at 3.08am, all by myself, with no-one to tell, I cried. It was over.

I didn't bother to fish around to find Rocky in the muck, I had my work cut out cleaning the loo. I had to shower and change as I was peppered with stinky brown splashes. I was exhausted, crying, happy and I loved my children so very much at that moment that it ached. (Love the hubby too of course - sorry darling). I slept the best sleep ever after that.

I was woken up at 6am as per but felt really weird. Sort of out of it, too calm to be normal, away in the distance looking in. I told the nurse my news. She cheered, bless her. Breakfast passed me by again and a nice young man came to suck blood out of me. I still felt weird so just went for a little walk and later Doctor Toilet Handle arrived, smiling her beautiful smile from inside her enormous white coat. (She is German, by the way. She told me so today). In extremely bad English she told me that my latest blood test is looking good and that I can have chemo on Wednesday and go home on Friday. Sicher nicht, meine Liebe. I'm on a plane on Thursday. Nein to Friday. So, we haggle, like a pair of idiots in an Arab market. In the end we settled on Thursday morning - early - if I don't die on Wednesday. I'll have time to go home, inspect hubby's DIY, pack and get to the airport by 5pm. Job done. Doctor Loo Handle was thrilled that Rocky had at last exited and she left me with the promise of food. I asked if I'm going to see my own onc - the delicious Dr G. Nein, she says. He's on holiday. So, he's not hiding on me after all. I can stop stalking around outside his office now. I cheekily asked if she could let me have a CA125 test. I know it's not a good indication for me but I feel I've got to start thinking cancer again so let's see what's going on. She said ok, but we'll wait to see if it happens. Next blood test on Tuesday. I'm prepared for the result, whatever it is, and I'll let you know. I phoned hubby and told him to stay home as I was feeling weird - but happy. He didn't want to, but he did as he was told - for once.

Lunch arrived. I never thought I would get to say those words again. Soup and yogurt. I tried to slurp the soup slowly. It didn't happen. I abandoned the spoon and just picked up the bowl and in it all went. My goodness, it was good. But, the weirdness didn't go away. I decided to try get the photos off my steam driven phone onto the laptop, without really knowing what to do. Nurse Julien - the other Brillo nurse - came in to change my drip so I plucked up the courage to ask and got him to fiddle with my wires. Yes, really! He used the charger from the Kindle to rig up a connection from my phone to the laptop. He then downloaded a free photo programme for me and showed me how to upload. I've done that now and very soon - probably tomorrow - I'll give you a link to see them. That's if you are interested. In the meantime, here is Julien and Sylvie (above). Sylvie I have known for a year. She is usually in the chemo clinic. Last year, when I was partially paralyzed and trying to knit, she helped me and knitted a lot of rows for me. She isn't a full nurse - otherwise she wouldn't have had the time - she's an auxiliary. She is always happy and I love her to bits.

During the afternoon I watched a film on the laptop and just sort of chilled. The day was so still. No sunshine. No noise. No people. Maybe it was because it's Sunday or just because. I had a little walk through the ghost hospital. Bought a cappuccino in a drinks machine and sat all alone in an empty corridor with a security camera watching me. I wondered if anyone was watching me in a little office somewhere. I didn't do anything silly. My drippy friend started to beep. Bugger. Have to go back.

Dinner came - two yogurts and an apple compote. I went into my lounge and made a cup of tea - orange and cinnamon. My sons phoned. I told them that I love them to the end of the universe and back and how proud of them I am. They think I've completely lost the plot now, but they are happy that they'll see me soon.

So, It's almost time to close the shutters and think of tomorrow. I still feel weird but I'm not in pain and I'm not scared anymore. I don't even care about the cancer tonight. My sleeping pill has arrived and I'll have another hour messing and then turn in. Thank you all for your encouragement and comments. I cannot reply to all of you individually but I want you to know that without you all, I would have a little less reason to wake up every morning. I will continue with my reports - if you want me to - and hopefully I will still be able to make you laugh, or at least smile. The cancer will not rob me of my identity. It will not stop me seeing the funny side of my life, even when it's in the shit. It will get me in the end, of course, but it's not the end yet.

Sleep tight, mes amies. Don't be afraid. Let's hold hands nice and tight and march on. xxxxxxx

To admin: I'm sorry for breaking all the rules. x

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Kryssy profile image
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43 Replies

HI Krissy it took me a while to digest who rocky was but yes I get it. We do have to have a sense of humour going through this illness as dark as it maybe. So hoping everything is running smoothly again and no more Rocky episodes.

izzybruce profile image

How wonderful your post was, even though it's sad to loved reading it xxx

CallmeMum profile image

😊 Finally!!! The bird has flown the nest!! Hopefully Rocky has gone to a better place!!! I’m so pleased you feel better now and should be able to come over to the UK on Thursday 🀣 so next stop you’re 70th are you gonna come home and celebrate? Xxxxxxxxxx πŸŽ‰ 🎊

CallmeMum profile image
CallmeMumβ€’ in reply toCallmeMum

On the loo this morning I thought of you πŸ˜‚πŸ€£β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ

Kryssy profile image
Kryssyβ€’ in reply toCallmeMum

Thank you - I think xxx

Ge0rg1na profile image

Congratulations what a relief! Keep the communication going for as long as it helps you because we're loving ever sentence xx

BeeWild profile image

Woo hoo bye bye rocky let’s hope he never puts in another appearance in your poop system Kryssy!

Sorry your feeling a bit weird maybe it’s a bit of shock at rocky being evicted from your body x Hoping you’ll soon feel less weird but will keep your amazing zest and humour x

Are you still having the white fish soup IV or has that stopped now your on sloppy food?

Keeping everything crossed you get that flight on Thursday and that your bloods and Ca125 give you another positive boost , you so deserve it xx

Sleep well tonight lovely lady and please keep I s all laughing with your antics they brighten my days x

Lots of love and hugs

Bev xx

Kryssy profile image
Kryssyβ€’ in reply toBeeWild

Thank you. Yes still stink like a herring. xxx

Katmal-UK profile image

Awww finally! I hope you can feel us all holding your hand xx sleep tight xx

Lyndy profile image

Bravo! What a brilliant post....so glad that things are moving xx!

Alifit profile image

Hi love,

Firstly, I’m delighted that Rocky/Connard is no longer with you. Well done!! The embroidery of your story with the giving birth thread is genius, you really should make this your new career!!

I say the same thing as you - it’s going to get me in the end, but I ain’t giving in until the end.

I’m always holding your hand Kryssy and marching with you to wherever this takes us.

Hope all goes well this week. Love to you, Ali x

Kryssy profile image
Kryssyβ€’ in reply toAlifit

And you, stabby sister xxx

Juleswhee profile image

What a story teller you are , you have truly missed your vocation . Glad the pain has gone , sleep well teal sister , gain your strength ready to go into battle again xx

ShropshireJo profile image

Fantastic news. I’m so pleased and relieved for you. Now you can concentrate on building your strength for Thursday. Big hugs Jo xx

Hi Love, I was please that you are now feeling better arfter Rocky has gone and the good news you can continue with treatment, I hope it gives you the best results you deserve it.

take care Lorraine xxπŸ’™πŸ’™

Keep writing. You are the best tonic ever xx

Nstober profile image

I have been reading your helpful and witty posts since my sister was diagnosed in january. Bye bye rocky wishing you strength and hope and ability to get back to your family. Xoxo nancy

grammeejill profile image

Oh Kryssy... I swear I was right there in the bathroom with you. Your description of Rocky's passing (RIP, spineless lump) was that vivid. So glad it's now just a memory and you are on your way to feeling better. And soon to be on your way home!

Perthgirl profile image

Once again, thank you for the laughter and very pleased Rocky had left you in peace! You really do need to do this for a bigger audience, everyone facing cancer would benefit from the laugh out loud words you put together. Thank you and good luck with the next step 🌹

27-359 profile image

Kryssy, we love your posts! I am sure we all have really down times while reading these posts, but your take on this crappy disease doesn't gloss over the awfulness of it, but somehow lightens everything and gives humour to every situation. So glad Rocky has left the building, we can all move about a little more comfortably now. X


Orsolini profile image

Enfin! Très bonne nouvelle. I hope you can leave ASAP. I am interested to hear if they now advise a special diet for you. Keep posting - Nicola

Kryssy profile image
Kryssyβ€’ in reply toOrsolini

Still waiting for the dietician to appear. xxx

Katiebairdie profile image

Good morning, couldn’t be more pleased for you. Seemed likes a quiet end to what was looking like an explosive situation.

Much as I love your posts I’m sure you don’t want β€œReturn of Connard” or β€œRocky 2”.

Really hope you get your holiday on Thursday and have a great time.

Kathy x 😁😁

Eriksendi profile image

Keep the posts coming Kryssy - you are keeping us all enthralled. On a more serious note, hope you are well enough for your chemo to go ahead this week and are able to see your family x x x

Cropcrop profile image

Congratulations on the great escape of rocky, long may he run free πŸ’©. I hope the chemo happens and you are able to formulate a diet that suits you better. Get those bags packed, enjoy your freedom and keep keeping us entertained with the fabulous descriptions of your antics. I’m so pleased you feel better. Take care, lots of love and hugs lovely story teller ❀️Xx Jane

Hopefulgal1 profile image

Keep being a strong teal sister and so hope you get back to your family soon. Don’t worry about replying as you say in your post - just know we are all marching forward day by day together xxx

ZenaJ profile image

You'd better not stop Kryssy, what would we do with ourselves.

So pleased Rocky finally exploded into the world. What rules did you break? All looked good to me.

Look forward to Rocky II. Hugs, Zena xx

Maxjor profile image

Love your posts, love your humor and so glad Rocky left the building! I wonder what the weird feeling is.... but anyway--you will be eating more delightful food soon and here is to many fingers crossed for a good ca125 (even though you know its not the best indicator for you) and that chemo goes well and you go home soon after! These two in the picture look like good people to have around while away from home! Thinking of you Kryssy! oxoxxoxo Judy

Mrsmerlot profile image

Well, congratulations does not really seem to be the right word! I suppose a small celebratory drink is out of the question? Anyway rest assured I will just have to have one for you!!

dryden1 profile image

YOU ARE SO wonderful, and funny. In the face of much adversity you are making others laugh. How good are you? Have you thought of writing a book?Love Chris

Kryssy profile image
Kryssyβ€’ in reply todryden1

My life has been so crazy that I could write many books. Now I barely have enough energy to write a shopping list xxx

OvacomeSupport profile image
OvacomeSupportPartnerMy Ovacome Team

Hello Kryssy

No rules broken :-)

It's great to hear that things are improving - I hope you're discharged home soon!

Best wishes


Ovacome Support Service Manager

Kryssy profile image
Kryssyβ€’ in reply toOvacomeSupport

Bless you Anna. I will try to be good, but only try..... xxx

Peg8080 profile image


You are amazing! I love reading your posts! They make me smile and laugh always. You are a brilliant writer and I love how you put your energy into writing and sharing rather than maybe be negative. It lifts us all up as well. Thank you! ❀️ And btw I am glad Rocky is out of your life! You continue to take care of yourself. Sending lots of love and hugs your way! Peggy xx

kat98116 profile image

I'm sure we can all appreciate what it's like to finally have some physical relief from a malady as bothersome as Rocky! Some days just passing gas makes me giddy with pleasure :). Thanks for your humor Kryssy, and even more for sharing your unfailing positive spirit. It's a sunny day in Seattle and today I will revel in that! Hugs from Kathy

Nancy222 profile image

I have tears in my eyes reading your last comments. Yes, let's all hold hands and march forward. XXOO

Yoshbosh profile image

Jeez, Kryssy! My pipe work is still unblocking (without the use of industrial drain-o like you), and the stomach cramps are worse than contractions. I wanted to knock myself out this afternoon and wake up once it was over. Well done on your efforts. Vicki x

Kryssy profile image
Kryssyβ€’ in reply toYoshbosh

Poor you. My heatpad, massage and walking helped a lot, I'm sure. Get it all out girl. xxxxx

Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshboshβ€’ in reply toKryssy

My nurse and I were shuffling up and down the corridor trying to provoke some action. I honestly though the Alien from Aliens was trying to make an escape. Dear Lord, the pain was intense! However, I’m all better now πŸ’©

Gettingoldnow profile image

Excellent read ,say it like it is post .the real world .wish you a better journey now and everything goes well .you sound very interesting ,keep writing it brings a smile to everyone's faces .

Lizz49 profile image

Absolutely hilarious!! I can picture the scene πŸ˜‚ you must feel utter relief!!

Keep the stories coming Kryssy and I hope you manage to escape very soon and will be back in your own cozy bed before you know it Xxx πŸ’•

babyboy1 profile image

Kryssy, what more can I say...you're Ahmazing!xxxDawn!πŸ˜€πŸŒ»πŸ˜€

Kryssy profile image

Stoppit! xxxxxxxxx

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