Hi , I can find plenty of information about the skin problems Caelyx might cause ( only had one infusion along with Carbo ) but has anybody had rashes which look like a heat rash plus big lumpy things which look like bites ?. Thanks Julia xx
Caelyx skin problems : Hi , I can find plenty of... - My Ovacome
Caelyx skin problems

Hi, I also had my first chemo second line caelyx and carbon a week ago. Thought something had bitten me as my hand swelled and was so itchy. Back to normal now but still feeling a little sick at times.
Did you have any other side effects?
Best wishes Linda x
Hi Linda , nothing else really , the dreaded rabbit poo for a couple of days but apart from the skin thing that’s all. I have a few of these bite type lumps in my hair and on my back , they are so itchy . I drank loads of water before during and after treatment to flush it through , I didn’t get nauseous at all thank goodness . Keep in touch so we can compare notes , next treatment is 6 th July .xx Julia xxx
My next one is 13th of July so you are a week ahead of me.
Take care Linda x
Hi, how did you get on with your second chemo?
I had chronic diarehha on the 5th and 6th day. I have an illostomy bag after last op and stomach bad. A little weak but hopefully today is a better day.
Take care Linda x
Hi , sorry I asked how your chemo went on your message before I read this . Oh dear, I think the weather doesn’t help as you can’t rehydrate quickly enough, I like to think lots of water is flushing the poison through.so far no terrible bowel problems , I am lucky so far .My next one isn’t until 31st August because of holiday and not being too low so you will overtake me .xx
Hi,yes I did.Finished 8th round of Carbo/Caelyx in May.Skin was and still is(in places) lumpy and sore.My groin in particular.Aveeno wash,Sudocrem.aloe Vera, but lately used lanecane cream.It has been great. Good luck with your treatment. X
Oh yes the lumps on my arms are unsightly, looks like I have been bitten to death, I will look for the aveeno wash . Thanks xx
It’s a bugger,my foot is blistered at the moment.Sore and peeling,11 weeks after finishing treatment.Dr says it’s the Caelyx! X
I did read to expect the peeling after you finish with the Caelyx so I’m guessing that’s true then , I go to bed like an oil slick I put on so much cream .Hope you stop peeling soon .xx