Hi , I can find plenty of information about the skin problems Caelyx might cause ( only had one infusion along with Carbo ) but has anybody had rashes which look like a heat rash plus big lumpy things which look like bites ?. Thanks Julia xx
Caelyx skin problems : Hi , I can find plenty of... - My Ovacome
Caelyx skin problems

Hi Julia. Welcome to the carbo/caelyx gang. I've had two doses and third coming up. After the last one I thought something had bitten me on my thighs. Didn't itch though. I had seven red lumps and over the next two weeks they got bigger and flatter and then faded away. Never got sore or bled. I googled and saw some horrific pictures of what some girls have suffered and was grateful I got off lightly. We have to look after our skin on caelyx. I don't use shower gel anymore, just Queen of Allepo soap then moisturize with Udderly Smooth Extra Care as recommended by the girls. Stay out of the Sun, even through a window. I like to garden so use Aveeno 50% and cover up too. It's a bit annoying being so white when everyone else has a tan. We've got temperatures in the mid thirties just now so I'm rather hot outside but work in the shade as much as possible. So far been ok apart from the lumpy thighs but I don't fancy my palms and soles flaking. Take care xxx
Meant to ask. Are you feeling less down now after your poor mum passed?
Hi Kristy , Thanks for this , being a pre chemo ginger I have always had funny skin so try to be a bit careful. I have got a couple of lumps on my head and back and one on each knee as pictured . I won’t google the pictures.Mums funeral tomorrow so a bit tearful it that’s natural . I will probably scratch and cry all the way through it . Thanks for asking .xxxJuliaxxx
I had horrific skin problems on caeylx. I managed to get through by reducing number of showers and when I did shower it wasn’t hot. Making sure clothes don’t dig in. Went from under wired bras to Bralets.
I’m 9 weeks post caeylx now and my skin is only just starting to peel, I felt I kept things at bay with the udderly smithing cream.
Oh and avoiding hot drinks too! Good luck xx
Thanks for advice, I wasn’t sure if I was being bitten as well as the rash but it seems it’s all down to Caelyx , Oh well better get some udderly , been through a big pot of E45 already . Julia xx
Hi Jules, I didn’t have any bumps or rashes but the skin peeled on my palms and one foot! Not sure how it missed the other foot lol! It sort of happened all in one go but that was it and it didn’t hurt or anything. My feet still suffer a bit with dryness but just the heels. Bathing them in Epsom salts helps me and I should do it more often but moisturising with a proper foot balm is good too. Do be mindful of the constipation side effect and if necessary it’s worth taking something like movicol the day befor treatment. You CNS will always be able to give good advice too.
Hi Julia, good advice from the ladies as usual, I've had Caelyx as single chemo and
Carbo/Caelyx now back on Carbo/Caelyx, I did have a bad rush with a itch which drive me mad, as you have been advice keep the moisturizer up not too hot a shower, wear cotton cloth if possible.
I also had blisters under my arms and under breast, my oncologist gave me a scrip for steroid cream, 5% you can also buy a 1% over the canter.
Sorry to read about your mum.. Take care of yourself Lorraine🎉🎉