I have severe and almost constant diarrhoea after cycle one of carboplatin/caelyx. I don't think I can go on like this. I just move from bed to the sofa and back. My oncologist says there is no plan B and that if I can't tolerate it they will consider just treating the symptoms. Please. Any advice, especially with the diarrhoea
Problems with caelyx: I have severe and almost... - My Ovacome
Problems with caelyx

Hi Lizneid, I am sorry to hear you are having this problem. Maybe cut down anything with fibre and stick to white bread and rice and chicken and fish. Other than that could they prescribe a low dose of immodium. Perhaps you could ring the Ovacome Nurse on Monday but note there is a change of number at the moment because they have moved offices.

Thanks for the reply suzuki. I have rung the triage line at the day therapy centre who suggest a rather high dose of immodium which I am taking and I will give up food for 24 hours. After that they say get onto the GP. Here's hoping
Hi Lizneild. My mother swore by arrowroot biscuits, I have always found them to work. They taste a bit like rich tea. Not available everywhere but I do still see them.

I will hunt down the arrowroot biscuits if I can. They used to be quite common but I havn't seen them for a while. Many thanks, Liz
Sorry to hear this. I have had to take Imodium (called something else when they orescribe it) and I find arrowroot helpful. You can get it in health food stores or presumably on the internet and a teaspoonful stirred into water is enough formme.
Ah ! The arrowroot sounds like a good idea. Now where to find that in my crammed store cupboard? Many thanks, Liz
Have just googled arrowroot biscuits and up came Tesco, Sainsbury, Morrisons and Waitrose 😋😋

Clever you. Google know everything ! XX Liz
Hi Lizneild, I hope you are beginning to feel a bit better, yes I remember the arrow root biscuits. Maybe you could also have picked up a bug. But do keep the fluid intake up and eat things like rice, and jelly at first before going on to more solid food again. Best wishes
Thank you Suzuki. I'm beginning to doubt if I can keep my next review being unable to leave the house. I am going to get hold of the oncologist;s nurse now that the weekend is over. If nothing can be done I don't think I can go on with caelyx and they are not offering any alternative. I'm trying to keep my spirits up but finding it a struggle. Thanks for the support, Liz
I'm sure the doc's must have checked this out. My wife had continuous loosies after her debulking and first chemo which was due to an inflammation in the small bowel, part of which was removed during debulking. So back to the hospital to treat the inflammation and all fine since then. Was told that such inflammations and obstructions can happen post surgery and chemo and may also very well be a part of the disease itself. If such inflammation do not subside even after clinical management it may require surgical intervention . Thought maybe will give you a heads up to my best info.
Many thanks for this. I am undergoing elimination tests and am on antibiotics to eliminate possibility of infection. I think I am leaking poo from my vagina and getting worried about a fistula. Must try to move CT scan date forward from another 10 days. Will give the antibiotics another day or so and then hassle. Am awake worrying as we so often seem to be on this site. Thanks for the useful information.