What do you think about this: Oncofocus? - My Ovacome

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What do you think about this: Oncofocus?

Sarah_t_mvp profile image
11 Replies

Hello fellow peeps,

I have received the email shown below. Is this worth the money in your opinion? It is significantly cheaper than the Caris one. But does that mean it’s not as in depth / useful?

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for your request for more information. Here is a brief overview of the Oncofocus® Test and how to request it.

What is Oncofocus?

As you have probably already read, the Oncofocus® test is applicable to all cancers (except lymphoma and leukaemia) and allows us to identify precisely the right targeted therapies/immunotherapies that the patient’s tumour is likely to respond to.

This is called personalised medicine or precision oncology. Targeted therapies are new drugs that specifically hit cancer cells and not the normal cells of the body. This means they can be much more effective than chemotherapy and do not have the associated severe toxic side effects such as hair loss, infections, anaemia, gut toxicity and fatigue. Most targeted therapies are taken as an oral pill and therefore do not need hospital based infusions. There are currently more than 630 targeted therapies at the present time including immunotherapy. Oncofocus® is able to identify additional treatment options in 85% of patients.

The Test Request Process

The test request process is really easy and can be requested directly by the patient. Oncofocus® uses the routine pathology biopsy block that has been used to make the initial diagnosis (held at the hospital where the biopsy was taken) and the patient does not require any further tests or consultations.

The cost is £1500 and this includes both the Oncofocus® Test and the Immunofocus (PD-L1) Test and can be ordered by either completing the attached forms and returning to us at patientcare@oncologica.com or by going to our website at oncologica.com/request-onco... and using the ‘request a test’ tab.

We will ask you to provide details of the patient and the hospital(s) they have been treated at. We then request the histopathology reports from the hospital(s) which our consultant pathologist will assess and select suitable samples for testing. We arrange for the collection of the sample and shipment to our laboratories. Once we receive both the sample and payment, the test takes 10 working days and a report will be issued indicating the therapies that have been identified as appropriate.

I have attached a leaflet for your reference and a Test Request Form. Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Oncologica Clinical Team

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Sarah_t_mvp profile image
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11 Replies
TinaB1 profile image

Hi Sarah ...

if the test really did point out accurate therapy, that would be good. The only thing I'd say is that it may not be very accurate in outcome and may sideline some treatments which may not particularly work on paper but would achieve a remission in practice. Xxx

January-2016-UK profile image

A quick reply while I’m on the train, but I think before shelling out £1500 I’d like to know how many of the 630 therapies are effective against ovarian cancer and which type of ovarian cancer. I’d also want to know how many of those identified therapies are available on the NHS.

I also think it might be an idea to ask your oncologist’s opinion

All the best!


Purple-iris profile image


Yes sounds impressive but I agree with Helen I would ask your oncologist. Also would need to co ordinate with them anyway as to which of the identified treatments they could supply . Surely your oncologist/ team should be doing these tests anyway to identify a treatment plan if needed. I know I am BRACA neg in blood and my onc said they would test for BRACA in tumour sample if / when need further treatment. .

Unfortunately we have to be so careful as there are those out there trying to profit from us . I have also asked recently 2 top oncologists 1 in London and 1 in Manchester their opinion on the use of other everyday drugs like , ibuprofen, metmorfin , aspirin etc to ward off recurrence for OC as prescribed by some cancer clinics and they both made their feelings very clear ! Can't repeat what one of them said !!!

Maybe if you do not feel confident in your team or plan it would be worthwhile getting a second opinion at a centre of excellence for OC and you could then discuss options of inhibitors , immunotherapy etc that would be suitable . I have just had a second opinion re stopping Avastin in January and it was well worth it . Put my mind at ease stopping and also gave me a chance to discuss further treatment options if / when I need them .

Take care love and best wishes Kim x 💜

Neona57 profile image

When I asked my onc about tumour profiling his answer was " the trouble with tumour profiling is that they may recommend a drug that is not available". I wasn't convinced by this answer and felt that I would rather give it a go. Meanwhile I am getting some level of profiling done at the UCLH as part of the clinical trial process. This does seem a lot of money. I have read about " Clearity" which is in the USA but is available internationally and might be worth looking up.

Sz123 profile image

Hi ladies,

I just googled this test and it came back with a utube video as Pat Kenny show in Ireland. I will watch it and might discuss with my Oncologist as well. Will give you an update.



Yoshbosh profile image

I think these tests sound fascinating- if they can help pinpoint better drug choices for us as individuals, why doesn’t the NHS use them more ?

I think it’s definitely something to discuss with your team, Sarah. Maybe the NHS will fund it if it can save money in the long run?

Vicki x

Sarah_t_mvp profile image

Thank you for your replies ladies. Why is nothing with this disease straight forward!!! I I was unrealistically hoping they one of you would write that you have had it and it was really useful. I think speaking to my oncologist is a must. I’m off to Belgium for my post op check up on the 1st December so I will ask Professor Vergote then. They have such better OC care over there I would trust his opinion. I will keep you posted about what he says. I hope you’re all keeping well. I hate these dark nights. Off to Fueteventura on Sunday for a yoga retreat; I need some sunshine!!

Wishing you all the best


Zena41 profile image

Hi I’m not sure hun ,

I would want to know what treatments are available on the Nhs. See what your dr thinks. These companies are good at making money. X

I would suggest you speak with your Onc before shelling out that amount of money. Are they using another term for braca profiling and if so this should be available on the NHS. I have read some of Oncologia posts on facebook and decided not to follow them anymore but its a personal choice

Hi Sarah

I had this test done with Oncologica in March of this year at the suggestion of my oncologist here in Dublin. It identified that I had BRCA in the tumour (somatic) and not in the blood (genetic) and highlighted some treatment options - Olaparib being one of them. My oncologist put me on Olaparib, but unfortunately for me it only worked for a month or so and then my CA125 rose again and a scan showed further progression.

I was delighted at the time to have had the test and felt very positive as I had heard Olaparib can very successful for those of us with BRCA in the blood- it doesn't have the same success rate in people like me who have BRCA in the tumour, however, it does have some success.

I think you have nothing to lose (except of course the expensive cost of this test!) by going for the test and potentially a lot to gain. Initially it gave me a lot of hope - I was just one of the unlucky ones that Olaparib didn't work for.

I hope this helps..

Best wishes


Sarah_t_mvp profile image
Sarah_t_mvp in reply to

Thank you so much for your response. It’s always good to hear things from people who have tried them. I hope that you are well and again thank you for replying xx

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