I've seen many posts about the various scans everyone is having and although I know that the cancer types are different etc. I'm noticing that some ladies have PET scans, CT with contrast etc. It seems to me that PET scans reveal smaller growths than CTs but also that they are more expensive - hence the stingyness with the scans!
I have a few questions (sorry!):
1. From your knowledge and experience, which is the "best" scan for viewing active cancer (my mum was diagnosed stage IV in late 2016, chemo-debulking-chemo) and is due a scan at the end of all of this soon. She has only had bog standard CT scans (no IVs).
2. What scans have you had + why your doctor thought this was most appropriate?
3. Can you ask to have a PET scan at another hospital/Trust and what is the process? (Our local hospital doesn't do PET scans and I'd rather ask you lovely ladies because whenever we have asked the CNS questions (We've literally only contacted her 3 times) we get the feeling like she's just fobbing us off and gives us the answer that's easiest for her to deal with - I understand they're really busy but still)
Thanks in advance for your advice - I'm not a warrior but you all on this forum have taught me so much and have been the most valued second opinion through all of this God Bless x