Since my last update I've had my IP port removed and my ileostomy reversed.
The IP port removal hurt way moe than i expected it to. Felt a bit like I'd been kicked in the ribs by a small horse and very sore for a week. Now that's healed, so i can sleep on my side. Small favors!
The ileostomy reversal was by far the easiest surgery recovery I've ever had. Hardly any pain and once the plumbing kicked in again it's been working like a regular champ ever since. Thank goodness, because reading experiences on the internet had me terrified I'd end up with yet another complication.
And now... my mini meltdown. I've been trying really hard to be ok with this, but it's extremely likely I'll lose all my hair again. Third time in a year... and this time for a year. I had my first monthly dose of monthly maintenance taxol today. Being alive is more important than being bald, but I'm just so tired of - looking - sick. Wigs are hot and itchy and I hate hats and such. My hair just got back to a very short pixie... and I get to say goodbye all over again. So much has happened, and it's this that had me sniveling in the car. Ugh!
At least I'll get another year without shaving my legs...