Morning ladies. I haven't posted for a while regarding my mums cancer. I guess there are times when you feel like you're ok with it and then times when you feel like you don't understand how you feel or what's happeneing.
Today, well the last few days have felt a bit like that. So I'm hoping for some guidance please.
Mum had 4 lots of chemo (the last one was about timing to get her to surgery) Then she had a big surgery, ovaries, appendix lots of other tumours. She's recovered from that pretty well. But she saw her surgeon on Monday and they told her: They removed a lot of tumours but there were many on her diaphragm and bowel. They could have removed the ones on her bowel but it would have left her with a perminat stoma and that would have had implications on her quality of life. They are giving her 2 more chemo and then after that check ups every 3 months. Mum said they will give her chemo as and when she needs it. She keeps saying it's treatable.
I feel like the battle is over and they are saying we have done all that we can, fingers crossed.
I obviously can not discuss this with mum and dad, they are behaving positive but I'm not sure how they feel underneath as I haven't visited yet.
I'm hoping you guys can explain what happeneing, what the prognosis means in reality.
Thank you in advance