If anyone has any knowledge/experience on this I would really appreciate it.
My Mum has primary peritoneal cancer, diagnosed April 2022. It has recurred more than once, but she remains responsive to chemo every time, with the tumours always described as stable post treatment and CA marker consistently around 60- which they weren't worried about . Only a month ago she met with her oncologist who said everything was looking steady and that they would rest her for a while, with a view to treating with weekly paclitaxel if/when it recurs.
Very quickly her ascites (she always gets this when off treatment) grew and her CA marker went up to 120- though scans showed no change of tumours. She couldn't eat, was vomiting badly and has ended up in hospital with a partial blockage of the small bowel. Her oncologist said today that they are a little unsure on the cause, likely a combination of the ascites and 'potential movement' of a tumour (though not growth) that is pressing on the bowel. There are no tumours in the bowel itself.
Surgery is not an option as would risk spreading her otherwise stable tumours. She is being treated with a nasogastric tube which has stopped all of her nausea and vomiting. They hope this may clear the blockage and they want to get her on weekly chemo to control the ascites. If it doesn't, they want to give her chemo as an impatient alongside the tube to try and gets things under control.
I'm finding it all very complicated, and reading things online are terrifying truthfully. Has anyone had any similar experiences, are there any encouraging outcomes in situations like this?
Thank you in advance.