Hello lovely ladies really need some help. After feeling pretty rough for first 5 days was feeling better when felt really bloated with pain and vomiting about 20 times in 24 hours. Admitd to a&e who controlled sickness and sent me home, 4 hrs later ambulance again. I am still in hospital after 6 days on dexamethasone pump, 3 lots IV antibiotics, ng tube, and drip. Was starting to feel better with bowel but now feeling sick again from Chemo. Feel so very low and despairing, no rest in hospital and so tired xxxx
Bowel obstruction 10 days after 1st session Cis... - My Ovacome
Bowel obstruction 10 days after 1st session Cisplatin/Caelyx 3rd line

So sorry you feel this way,but you are in the right place to get it sorted,just look at it as a blip and keep your mind focused on getting better and getting on with the treatment.
If you are getting no rest in the hospital,get someone to go in Superdrug and get you some earplugs and an eye mask,it should take the level of noise and light down to a level of you being able to take cat naps,it helped me,
I wish you all the best,
Carole xx
Thank you. It's the fact that I am having to coordinate everyone when I feel so awful I am struggling with, I am not one to feel sorry for myself but do just this moment xx
It's bad you have to be doing that,but just look at it as looking after your own interests and giving yourself your best chance.
But, if you have someone who will come with you to fight your corner,then get them to.
Otherwise, write a list of questions you need to ask and the answers you get, it will help for the future,
Wish you all the best,
Carole xx
You poor poor thing (got to be a better word somewhere surely!?) are really suffering and whilst you are in such pain hospitals are horrid places to try and get sleep and peace and quiet.
I can empathise when you say you have been co ordinating your own care, that's what I was trying to do from my A&E cubicle on Monday. Crazy isn't it? Here you are ill and unwell and you have to co,ord your own care! And hospitals are no place for rest.
Have you been seen by a hospital Nutritionalist yet? Hopefully the answer is yes but if not then I afraid it's one more piece of coordination for you to get one to come and see you, I was put on a low fibre low residue diet in Jan due to my sluggish /thickening bowels and Ascites and that's essential to keep them unblocked and your BM loose.
You may not feel it but you're doing so well and when you look back you'll wonder how the hell you coped with this all !!!
I hope,you are son feeling stronger and fitter and are soon home again .
Take care
Thinking of you
Clare xx
Sending you lots of {{{{hugs}}}}. I hope things get all sorted out and you can be back in the comfort of home soon. That dreadful chemo may take a lot out of you, but its kicking the cancer's ass!! 👊🏻💥
You are in my thoughts!!
Anne 🌺🌼🌸
I am sorry you ended up in hospital, I hope your bowel problems will soon end and you get to go, after that you should begin to feel better. I understand you have had more chemo so that is what is making you ill at the minute and do ask for anti sick meds . I hope you start feeling well soon, by the way I cant really add to what Carole has said, she is good at supporting people and so is Clare

Thank you xxx
Thank you so much Emilee, just what I needed to hear, it's such terrible pain and when you're feeling rotten from Chemo too sometimes i have very dark moments as there seems no end in sight! Xxxx
Oh so sorry to hear that, I had bowel obstruction so I know how you feeling. I had my first lot of chemo on the Monday then on the Thursday was back in hospital. I was put in a ward with three other people, till the Sunday when I was told by a lovely kind nurse that I should be in a room on my own due to my immune system being low due to the chemo. I was also given morphine injection 's which has helped with the pain. Also like you I had tubes put through nose and throat to help clear the bowel. I couldn't have anything to eat for nearly a week,. I got through it and so will you. Sending you big hugs. Julie xxx
I am now a week in and really struggling, thank you for all the positive words, helps so very much, very tired xxx
It is in my small intestine and they don't know the cause unfortunately my Oncologist is away! Just don't know what to do, don't want Op but will it sort on its own?