I've just completed First Line chemo for Stage 3C ovarian cancer ( CA125 down from 628 to 11.2 before chemo 5) and am due for debulking surgery in 3 weeks. My oncologist told me my chances of recurrence or progression is 80%. Has anyone else been told similar news with their Stage 3C ? I am not very happy about the thought.
Prognosis after 1st line chemo for OC. - My Ovacome
Prognosis after 1st line chemo for OC.
Hi there,
First of all a congratulations for getting through the chemo.
I'm not sure about the recurrence rates but even if it is 80%, concentrate on the other 20%.
I'm new to this site and in a similar position to you waiting surgery, 17th may, although I have only had 4 chemo carbo taxol.
You have already climbed a great hurdle so focus on the positive looking forward to the words disease free.
I have read on here some people gone for a few years before it returned so everyone is different.
Try not to dwell on statistics you are unique and have your own.
Thinking of u.
Mandy. Xx
Thanks hon. Much appreciated. Good luck with the surgery. I think mine is around then. Any later and it'll be Ramadan ( I live in Dubai) and I really don't fancy being cut open by a surgeon who is fasting 😋 Xxx Jeanne
I was told that the significant bit is after surgery - and whether or not there is any residual disease. And even then it's all individual.
You've had a great response to your chemo....stay positive.
Thank you xxx
Strangely I have just read that statistic. I stated to go down that tunnel of doom that we all experience but told myself I could be in that 20 per cent and why not? Keep the hope as it's a better place than at the end of the tunnel. Tracey x
That's what I aim to do ... Be one of the 20%. Thank you xxx
You have to keep the hope. Statistics don't help. I'm also 3C and treatment has got CA125 down from 10,500 to 20. Currently on Avastin. My onc told me it will come back - how I wish she'd said it MIGHT come back. How people say things makes the world of difference to your mental state! Think positive, get back to a normal life as soon as you can.
OMG that's an evil CA 125 number. Wording is so important and has such an impact on one's mental state. I wish you the strength to beat this cruel disease. Hugs and love, Jeanne xxx

Thanks, Jeanne - I have defied the odds with a cA125 of 20 now so hoping I and others will continue to do so. I'm lucky to be feeling so well now and I say that every day. Good luck to all!
Hi There are statistics. But you are not a statistic. Yes OC is notorious at recurring. But yours might not.
Hi I have just had 1st chemo 7 days ago and understand I have a long way to go, my oncologist is put me on the same treatment plan as yourself, however she wants me to go on Avastan targeted therapy for a year after my initial treatment. I have read this helps reduce the risk of repccurrence.
Ellsey xx
They quite the statistics they have which are always a bit out of date and treatment is improving all the time. I was told it would recur within 2-3 years and it did but I was stage 3/4 as it was In a couple of lymph nodes. You've got a better chance of not recurring or at least for it to take longer. Avastin was not available for me 5 years ago so hopefully that will help you. I had further chemo and it went away again. If it does recur there always seem to be more options for treatment being developed all the time.
Thank you dear ladies for the positive, lovely responses. It is wonderful to be able to share / offload without feeling a complete idiot. Hugs, Jeanne xxx
Hi Jeanne,
My oncologist also told me that the risk of recurrence is 80 percent with stage 3 C OC but Like others on here I am thinking of being in the 20 percent instead. I have just been given the all clear after first line of Carbo/Taxol to mop up any remaining Cancer in lymph nodes as 2 were found to be affected following my total hysterectomy in Oct 2015. My CA 125 was 70 before surgery, rose to over 300 during chemo but is now down to 12, very good news.
Hope your debulking surgery goes well and that you will soon be feeling stronger.
Best wishes,
Thanks for the positive info, hon. I had a hysterectomy when I was 39, ovaries left behind, and never ever did I think they would turn nasty when I was 63. Not looking forward to being sliced and diced again after 6 major abdominal ops on my tum over the years, but my bikini wearing days are long gone I too am thinking I will be part of that blessed 20%. take care. Hugs. Jeanne xxx
I was diagnosed at stage 4a. My doctor didn't give me a percentage, but he fully expects the monster to rear it's ugly head again. That may be true, but everyone is different. You hear of stories where some women go several years between recurrences.
My thought is that only God knows if/when it will recur. In the meantime, knowing I don't have any control over it, I just try to live my life and keep as strong as possible in the event I will be challenged again.
I wish you well........Judy
Hi Jeanne, why would cyto reductive surgery be done after the chemo protocol is completed and the markers are down to normal? Did they do a pet scan post the six? My wife had cyto deduction first and has just completed 5 out of 6. CA125 is down to 20 from 750. She has PPC though and not OC.
Just to remind you Jeanne, that everything in the world is 80/20........ so dont fret over the 80. Instead look at the 20 just as we aspire to be the best in everything that we do.
Hi Naimish
My oncologist in Dubai believes it is best to shrink the tumors with chemo before embarking on surgery. Apparently this is common practise in the States, and a scan will be done before the debulking surgery. So glad your wife's count is within the normal range. I wish her a speedy recovery.
Thank you Jeannefor your good wishes. What bugs me however is - what if the scan shows negative? Will they abandon the surgery? Btw, my daughter lives in Dubai.....
I understand that to be as certain as possible of removing as much of the main tumour and the secondaries, surgery is imperative . I come from a family of medics who are in agreement with my oncologist. Hope your daughter enjoys Dubai. We've been here 10 years and have had more than enough of the place. 😋