Today I have been for my 5th of 6 chemos. I am on Taxol and carbopIatin and was told my magnesium was low. I was a bit out of it whilst having my chemo so really didn't ask the relevant questions. Should I be worried by this and what should I do to improve my levels.
Low Magnesium: Today I have been for my 5th of... - My Ovacome
Low Magnesium

I had the same problem they gave me an infusion as my levels very low then check levels in a week still low so had a drink made from powder horrible icky but better than two hour infusion on top of chemo.... foods that you can eat nuts are high in magnesium especially Brazil nuts ... Epsom salt baths and you can get body cream which I used too I don't know how helpful it was but I tried everything to avoid another infusion ... I only had the one ... oral powder can cause diarrhoea too so that's not much fun either 😝
Thank you, the nurse said it wasn't too low but just wanted me to know. Then I came home and worried. I will try Brazil nuts and Epsom salts as I don't want my last chemo to take 7 hours instead of 5.
That's what I thought my face was like a slapped bum that day as I had no idea when I turned up for chemo that they were going to add two hours on... chemo strips magnesium apparently and it's essential for running your body... I had eye twitches an apparent side affect who knew lol... think tomatoes are good too but not as good as Brazil nuts ... all best for your treatment 💪🏻🤗
Are eye twitches a side effect of low magnesium?! Well I never knew that and at times had ridiculous eye twitches during chemo!!
Yes they are didn't know myself just thought it was another weird chemo side affect but you get them with low magnesium levels 😳
I had low magnesium at the same point in treatment. My onc. Prescribed 500 mg magnesium tablet per day and I am still taking them 5 months after completion of chemo. Currently NED and feeling great.
Will see what she says when I see her. I Have found that despite feeling very optimistic at the start of my treatment now I am getting closer to the end of it I am now reading into everything and getting more anxious about every little thing. I shouldn't worry so much,
You could definitely try Epsom Salt baths as the magnesium is easily absorbed through the skin. If you enjoy them, buy a bulk sack of the salts though as the little bags you can buy in the shops are ridiculously expensive. I buy mine from a garden wholesaler for around £20 for 25kg (I love them that much!). The baths also help with chemo aches and pains.
Yosh x
I had the same situation and my dr just ordered me a mag supplement
I did too though not clear for what reasons. My hair started falling out. So, in your case it might hinder regrowth.
I found some of the supplements upset my stomach. Not surprising as some of the forms of magnesium are found in laxatives etc.
The most tolerable I found was Solgar chelated magnesium. Also agree re Epsom salts.
I'm currently on my 3rd line of chemo, & have low magnesium every time. One of the chemo nurses has told me it's quite common. They prescribe chewy magnesium tablets. I'm not fond of the taste, but it's putupable (that probably isn't a proper word) Di
I would have also used epsom salts to help my neuropathy thinking of an elderly gent when I was growing up. He would soak his feet in a basin with epsom salts and them throw the contents of the dish on his roses. He did have lovely roses. I didnt realise that you can buy it in bulk from a garden centre, so the magnesium in garden centre is the same thanks for that tip, Deffo much cheaper
I had an infusion too for low magnesium. Then had tablets. Think it is quite common xxx