Hi everyone,
I found this board and have some questions. I am going to the GYN after 2 months of waiting. I don't have a diagnosis of anything as of yet besides 'bilateral adnexal cysts likely physiologic.' They are 1.8 cm and 1.5 cm. This was a CT, U/S showed nothing. This was 5 months ago. They GYN I saw then was clueless. She told me regarding my concerns of OC 'oh that's easy to diagnose, it you have an ultrasound and it is negative, you don't have it!' I was so stunned and knew this was BS and know that arguing will get me nowhere, so I decided to go back to GP and he did the CT. Since then, I have moved on because none of them in that group took me seriously. I now have a great GP who does take me seriously. She doesn't think I have anything to worry about given the CT saying cysts and normal CA-125 but I am going to the new GYN this week. Besides this, I have constant bloating that I noticed my pants getting tighter and also have had on and off shooting pains to ovary and left low-back pain for months. This has been going on probably since March! I know stress can be a huge contributor and I am going through perimenopause @ almost 45, have been for years. I have so many questions for the new GYN (she has good reviews) and am hopeful but I know they cannot definitively tell you anything unless you have surgery. I am sure she is going to want to redo the u/s and CT before anything else to see if they are still there. I know the cysts can be due to period, as the day of the CT I did get my period but that doesn't explain the bloating and pain. I know the bloating is also a symptom of peri but I haven't been feeling good either lately with fatigue and nausea. I guess I am asking what percentage of yall had small 'cysts' like mine and it turned out to be CA and also how many had negative u/s but still had something? Anyone have the Ovacheck or Ovasure tests? I know there is no 100% test but these seem promising. I have also read on the LPA test but cannot find any recent info? This looks so promising for diagnosis, anyone hear anything? Sorry for the rant but I am so anxious to see the new doctor and get on with this and find out what is going on and why I feel huge all the time. Thank you all for any info and God Bless! P.S. Is everyone here from the UK?