I have finished my last chemo and my CA125 is at 8. Scan next week. My red blood count however is extremely low. Since my chemo is done my onc said we would just wait for the RBC to come up. I'm worried that it will take too long. I feel weak but no shortness of breath or chest pains. Has anyone dealt with this?
Low red blood count after last chemo: I have... - My Ovacome
Low red blood count after last chemo

Well done on finishing treatment, you must be relieved. It is normal for your bloods to drop but the will come up themselves. Eat liver and greens and plenty or orange juice which helps the body to absorb iron, Prunes also have iron in them if you take them for constipation, Rest as much as you can, its just a little thing that corrects itself, all the very best

Thank you so very very much Suzuki
Hi Congrats on completing your chemo. I totalla agree with Suzuki. Now chemo has stopped I think you'll be surprised at how quickly your blood will right itself. Wishing you well. Kathy xx
Thanks bi feel much relieved for you kind counsel
I think I'm In the same position as you. I finished 2nd liine chemo beginning of August. I dont think I've ever been so tired. I feel like I could s!eep the c!ock around. If fact, more than once I've gone to lie down for an hour and I'm getting up 5 hours later, and I still manage to sleep all night! I obviously need the reset.my bloods haven't been done but I'm sure they are low. Just have to weather the storm! Xo
Well done on finishing your treatment my last chemo today too. Your bloods will start to go up naturally as you won't be having the chemo. Each well and you will start to feel good xx
jmackmom, I had the same situation, but I was gasping for air so was sent for rbc transfusion. When you get a transfusion you are getting blood cells from 4 strangers, at least in the US, and there are risks involved. Take Suzuki's advice. Eat very high quality whole foods, get rest and your blood will fix itself fairly quickly. Tesla
What was the transfusion like? How long did it take? Did you feel better right away? Side effects?
I've had 2blood transfusions, takes2 hours for each unit. I had 3units both times, so spent the whole day in Onc. It's much the same as having chemo, just takes longer. But i did feel better almost immediately!
Hope that helps
Penny xx
Ps. Congrats on finishing your chemo!
jmackmom, it takes two hours per unit. I had two units. I was comfortable. It was painless. I started to feel better almost immediately. I had a transfusion right after surgery as well. Same experience. No pain. Felt better quickly. I have a titanium port a cath surgically implanted in my left upper chest which is wonderful. Makes chemo easy. I've never had a canula or chemo in my arm. I would have preferred to not have the transfusions, but I absolutely needed them. I passed out in hospital after surgery due to blood loss. However, I feel very good now. Finished chemo nearly a month ago. Tesla
Well done on finishing your treatment plan, my last one is on Thursday, I have noticed I am feeling weeker than normal and had to lie down yesterday and slept an hour. But just want to get this last one o etc with.
Great news on finishing your chemo- what a trooper!!!! My hemoglobin has been around 8 for the last three weeks. Had to delay chemo twice because of it. It does come up though. Eat molasses, raisins, pomengranite, etc.***** remember, the lowest point of your blood levels comes 21 days after the chemo- you will be feeling better soon.
the shortness of breath and feeling of tiredness feels like you are sick, but keep plugging along and you should feel better soon. i have 5 treatments to go. hopefully not delayed today.
XXOO Carol
I had to have a couple of blood transfusions because of a low count. My cancer support nurse also recommended something called Floradix, an iron and vitamin supplement. It was about £10 a bottle but certainly helped top me up! Good luck x
I had to have two blood transfusions because of a low count. My support nurse also suggested I took Floradix. It's a vitamin and iron supplement. About £10 a bottle but I found it really good- certainly kept me topped up! Wishing you well xx
Yes I had exactly the same happen to me. They postponed my chemo for a week, retested and everything was normal again. From what I have learned, it is not uncommon to have this happen. Best of luck to you!