Hello lovely ladies - thank you for all your well wishes.
Well I'm finally home & in my own bed. A slightly worse ordeal than op 1, starting with being bumped from 2nd to last on the list so I didn't head down to theatre until 4:30pm, parched & just a little peed off. On admission all my veins did a runner too making for 3 failed attempts at taking blood. The anaesthetist also sprung on me in the morning that I would be having a spinal anaesthetic before my general (something I was not told about before...!)
So I toddle down at 4:30pm muttering to one of the nurses that I'm dreading this spinal block...the anaesthetist comes in from theatre & explains that I wouldn't, in fact, be having one as she hadn't read my notes right & thought I was having everything out! π³ Cue a sudden silent panic this woman hadn't a frickin clue what she was doing moments before I go under (& after her butchering both my arms!)
And so I wake up in Recovery & almost instantly start shivering (I did this last time) but also suffering the most horrific pain right across my lower abdomen. Pain like I have never known (& I have a pretty good pain threshold)...pain like the anaesthetist perhaps forgot to top me up with something before bringing me round (I'm sure she didn't...but I felt like I was being cut in two & this was the same anaesthetist who hadn't bothered to read my notes properly in the morning!) And this pain went on for 90mins. 90mins before an actual doctor (another anaesthetist I think...mine had gone home!) gave me a proper dose of morphine that put paid to 90mins of constant grimacing & crying. I was the only patient in recovery & it was like I didn't exist. A worse place I have not been.
Roll on a few hours & im finally comfy & rested on the ward. My husband informed me the op had gone to plan except for the fact my right ovary was so enlarged (over 10cm) a mini-laparotomy was performed instead of just keyhole. I've been told that this won't, however, scupper our South Africa plans on 1st Sept!!
Histology from removed ovary, tube, appendix & omentum biopsies should be back & a MDT meeting done within a week or two. Will see onc before travelling & will pray for good news.
I also escaped the need for self administered Fragmin (YAY!) but I'm itching like a mofo on this tramadol!!!! Literally, everywhere!!! EVERYWHERE π³ Have taken a Piriton...hoping that will help whilst nursing an unexpectedly large incision on my bikini line (where said monster ovary was extracted!!)
It's good to be home though. Sorry for the moan but my latest experience has been one of high's but big time lows (namely the pain!) but at least it's all done (for now!) xx