Survived (just)...: Hello lovely ladies - thank... - My Ovacome

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Survived (just)...

Mrs_Atko profile image
β€’36 Replies

Hello lovely ladies - thank you for all your well wishes.

Well I'm finally home & in my own bed. A slightly worse ordeal than op 1, starting with being bumped from 2nd to last on the list so I didn't head down to theatre until 4:30pm, parched & just a little peed off. On admission all my veins did a runner too making for 3 failed attempts at taking blood. The anaesthetist also sprung on me in the morning that I would be having a spinal anaesthetic before my general (something I was not told about before...!)

So I toddle down at 4:30pm muttering to one of the nurses that I'm dreading this spinal block...the anaesthetist comes in from theatre & explains that I wouldn't, in fact, be having one as she hadn't read my notes right & thought I was having everything out! 😳 Cue a sudden silent panic this woman hadn't a frickin clue what she was doing moments before I go under (& after her butchering both my arms!)

And so I wake up in Recovery & almost instantly start shivering (I did this last time) but also suffering the most horrific pain right across my lower abdomen. Pain like I have never known (& I have a pretty good pain threshold)...pain like the anaesthetist perhaps forgot to top me up with something before bringing me round (I'm sure she didn't...but I felt like I was being cut in two & this was the same anaesthetist who hadn't bothered to read my notes properly in the morning!) And this pain went on for 90mins. 90mins before an actual doctor (another anaesthetist I think...mine had gone home!) gave me a proper dose of morphine that put paid to 90mins of constant grimacing & crying. I was the only patient in recovery & it was like I didn't exist. A worse place I have not been.

Roll on a few hours & im finally comfy & rested on the ward. My husband informed me the op had gone to plan except for the fact my right ovary was so enlarged (over 10cm) a mini-laparotomy was performed instead of just keyhole. I've been told that this won't, however, scupper our South Africa plans on 1st Sept!!

Histology from removed ovary, tube, appendix & omentum biopsies should be back & a MDT meeting done within a week or two. Will see onc before travelling & will pray for good news.

I also escaped the need for self administered Fragmin (YAY!) but I'm itching like a mofo on this tramadol!!!! Literally, everywhere!!! EVERYWHERE 😳 Have taken a Piriton...hoping that will help whilst nursing an unexpectedly large incision on my bikini line (where said monster ovary was extracted!!)

It's good to be home though. Sorry for the moan but my latest experience has been one of high's but big time lows (namely the pain!) but at least it's all done (for now!) xx

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Mrs_Atko profile image
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36 Replies
minard profile image

Welcome home! You've done it - and the holiday is around the corner. Take it as easy as you can now x

Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to minard

Thank you 😘

Microbabe profile image

So glad it's all done and your on way to recovery ... What a story I had a similar anaethetist who was horrible to me not what you need when your going into a major op. Was thinking about you yesturday and remembering what it was like to be sat waiting in the sexy dvt stockings ... Get well soon 😍

Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to Microbabe

Thanks Shelly - these ones are the sexy dark green ones. Think I'll swap them to the nice white ones from op 1! 😊

Microbabe profile image
Microbabe in reply to Mrs_Atko

I had the green ones had to wear them for 28 days what with the big knickers and the sexy stockings and a massive scar like a zipper down my tummy I looked a picture lol... I had a few nightmares after my op it was awful wasn't sleeping much and then awful dreams so glad it's in the past... Looking forward to hearing about your holiday adventures xx

Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to Microbabe

I suffered terrible insomnia after my last op...hoping that isn't the case this time around (as I'm just so exhausted)! Only the sexy DVT stockings for me...& only until I'm moving around normally (or they bug me too much...which will probably come first!)

Here's to adventures! :) xx

Tesla_7US profile image
Tesla_7US in reply to Mrs_Atko

painkillers cause insomnia!!!! then the pain is magnified because you cannot sleep. I found this out the hard way. the more painkillers I took, the more pain I was in. I suffered a "paradoxical response" to narcotic pain killers. they actually magnified the pain and also pushed me to near psychosis. Got rushed to hospital in ambulance. they figured out that I was allergic to the pain meds when paranoia began. then, as I was realizing that psychosis was on it's way (Hubby a psychologist) I knew something terrible was happening. the nurses figured it out, took me off the narcotic pain meds, found an alternative painkiller. Pain went away, I got sent home. Happy dance!!! Tesla

Yoshbosh profile image

So glad you are home and comfortable at last! And yay to not having the injections πŸ˜„

If it's any consolation (it won't be!), my anaesthetist was absolutely lovely and made sure I had loads of pain relief, plus something non-morphine related especially for me. I hope she sits in on any future surgeries I may have, regardless of the condition πŸ˜„

Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to Yoshbosh

Thanks Yosh - my first anaesthetist was a legend & I was completely pain free...almost serene! This time round, it was like something from a horror movie! Still...a thing of the past now (bar this bloody itching!!!!!!) 😁

Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshbosh in reply to Mrs_Atko

I shared a ward with a lady who got incredibly itchy from oramorph - it drove her mad! It drove the rest of the ward mad too because we had to listen to her moan about it too!

Jen85 profile image

Glad to hear your home! What an ordeal though. Waiting, anxious, thirsty and hungry is as bad as recovery! You did well to hold it together, I would have had the urge to check with everyone in the operating room that they knew what was happening lol. Fingers crossed for your biopsy results. My right Ovary was also large before they removed it, and all was good with pathology. Here's to a swift recovery and a well deserved holiday! Let us know how you get on, fingers crossed for you x x

Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to Jen85

Thanks Jen...I didn't hold it together at all in recovery...before that I couldn't help but be compliant as the nurses were so lovely :)

Fingers crossed for pathology. My right ovary was still massive due to my first surgeon successfully peeling it off my tumour!

Will certainly let you know when I do re: results xx

HogwartsDK profile image

Well done you hope you feel better soon and everything crossed for your pathology!!


Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to HogwartsDK

Thanks D xx

Great news you are all done road to recovery now will be quicker than you ever imagined! and good news you don't have to do the fragmin yourself I refused no way could I inject my self and my husband the lovely man he is doesn't have a gentle bone in his body so he wasn't doing it! the district nurses used to come and go moaning to me that I should be doing it I just showed them my scar and said don't you think ive already been through enough don't think any of them had seen a scar like it they soon shut up!

Get lots of rest chocolates and all the nice things you probably would never allow yourself and get on your hols!!

plenty of pics are you going on safari?

Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to

Thanks Alison - so glad I don't have to do Fragmin (although was fully prepared for it!) Got chocolates a'plenty it seems but hubby is a choccie monster lol might not see too many of them! πŸ˜†

And yes, there'll be loads of pics from safari...back to all my fav places, it just feels like family & friends I can't wait! πŸ˜€ Xx

January-2016-UK profile image

You must be so pleased to be home. I'm always flabbergasted to read about these near "mistakes" that are made. It's also so wrong that you had to suffer such pain, as it's so unnecessary these days.

Best wishes for good results from your MDT meeting and of course for a super holiday in South Africa, albeit with those sexy stockings! You must send us some pics.....

Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to January-2016-UK

Thank you - the recovery room pain was utterly ridiculous & highly unnecessary...I kept telling them something was wrong but it was like they weren't interested! I felt completely alone & that the pain wouldn't stop! 😒

Thank you for your well wishes...stockings will be coming with me...& I'll def post some piccies πŸ˜„ Xx

GBIRVMIC profile image

OMG I can empathise with you! Pain.. Bloody hell it's horrendous.. Paracetemol x8 a day.. Honestly I couldn't believe that's what I was told to take.. had sleeping tablets in the end.. knocked me out! I had my op in December. Glad you're home and just rest, rest and rest. Keep posting and good luck Michelle xx

Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to GBIRVMIC

Thank you Michelle! I've been given tramadol this time (codeine didn't touch it last time) & of course, Paracetamol & Ibuprofen. Stool softener & prune juice too & am trying Piriton to help the dreaded tramadol itch!!! Tramadol makes me drowsy too so actually, first night home last night was pretty restful! πŸ‘πŸ» long nay that last! X

Millie-c profile image

Fingers crossed for your results. Have a great holiday and hoping your recovery goes well.


Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to Millie-c

Thank you Millie xx

Gleedy profile image

Good to be home. Something about your own house that starts the mending process. I have to say your experience at the hospital was pretty lousy. Don't let this get in the way of your recovery. It's all done. Rest up now and don't feel guilty for it. You are allowed to be waited on........Lots. take care xx

Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to Gleedy

Thanks Gleedy - def helps the recovery being at home...away from all the bleeping & noise! I won't let me bad experience get in the way at all...feeling very positive & looking forward. Hubby is being a fantastic nurse! I'm so lucky! Xx

Gleedy profile image
Gleedy in reply to Mrs_Atko

This brings out the best and worst in men. Like you I have had my greatest support and my rock. Makes a huge difference x

knoxie profile image

I'm so glad you're home, concentrate on healing now and dream of your holiday. My first anethsatist was a nightmare couldn't get my epidural in properly and woke up in agony like you until they sorted out a morphine pump! The second one (a lady) was a dream fitted it perfectly and woke up feeling no pain at all. But it's all behind us now so onwards we go. Just sorry you had to endure it, sending. Good wishes for a speedy recovery and a positive outcome xxxxxAnn

Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to knoxie

Thanks Ann - sounds like we've had similar experiences with anaesthetist's! Honest to god I'd have throttled someone had I been able to! Thanks for your well wishes...onwards & upwards! Xx

Dollysmum profile image

Oh my days! What a nightmare!. No wonder your poor veins had packed in, you were probably dehydrated!. That anaesthetist should have a government health warning stamped on their forehead.

Pleased you and your sexy DVT stockings are home safely though and I'm willing you to rest. It isn't easy but must be done.

I found a firm V shaped pillow helped a lot...

Take care love and focus on that holiday.

Debs xxx

Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to Dollysmum

Thanks Debs...I was massively dehydrated!! And the bloody holes that have been left behind from my various cannulas!! Jeez! Butchered! Fortunately only one of those was done when I was awake (& that was bad enough!)

I used to have a V-shaped idea where it's at. May need to get another. Great tip, & thank you for you well wishes xx

Great you were left home to recover, nothing like your own bed. Take it nice and slowly dont lift any thing heavier than a cuppa for the next few weeks.

Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to

Thanks Suzuki - I'm taking it very easy! Bleeding a lot which has freaked me out somewhat (didn't have that after last op) but have a call out to my onc & trying to relax.

Caroles1 profile image

It sounds like you have had a rough ride,but nothing perks up the spirit than an operation over and a forthcoming holiday,both of which you have.

Look forward to getting better day by day, put the past in the past and get your strength back, but don't over do it.

Love to hear how you get on

Carole xx

Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to Caroles1

Thanks Carole - the more I think about the recovery room palarva, the more angry I get! 😑 But South Africa is a very good focus for me & my recovery.

Had a great recovery day yesterday but today not so good :( tired & bleeding a lot, no appetite either. Only 3 days post-op so know it'll take time. I just need a bit more patience. The Olympics are certainly helping! Xx

Caroles1 profile image
Caroles1 in reply to Mrs_Atko

You will be fine, just take it slow and don't try to do anything too early,certainly nothing strenuous,a little bit of light walking,just baby steps.

You need to nurture yourself to get better for that holiday!

Best wishes

Carole xxx

charlie12 profile image

Poor you ...second surgeries are very very tough, but of course we are not warned. Your story could have been mine ..anaesthetic c@@K ups and the most terrifying pain when I woke up. This is a lot more common than you think.

Having a holiday to aim for is an excellent diversion. ..take care if yourself.

Love and hugs xxxx

Mrs_Atko profile image
Mrs_Atko in reply to charlie12

Thanks Charlie - I'm just so angry!! It shouldn't have been like that when I came round & it shouldn't have gone on for SO long before an anaesthetist finally sorted me out! The nurses were disinterested & made me feel like I was just being a massive pain in the arse! I don't understand how anyone in the care industry let alone in recovery can ignore 90 minutes of crying from a patient who was clearly in an obscene amount of pain 😑 I feel like I need to take this further but I'm also aware of expending energy on things other than my's not going to get me anywhere but wound up!

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