Before diagnosis did you have cramps and pain i... - My Ovacome

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Before diagnosis did you have cramps and pain in ovaries

diww1 profile image
43 Replies

I wonder if any of you dear ladies had period like cramps in abdomen womb area and stabbing in ovary / overies before diagnosis .. that varied in level of pain but was there most days

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diww1 profile image
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43 Replies
BeeWild profile image

Hi the thing that took me to the doctor was a dull constant ache low down in the right side of my abdomen which I thought may have been the start of appendicitis. Oh how I wish it had been that instead! Gp acted really quickly though and for that I will always be grateful x

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to BeeWild

Thanks for your reply .. I have a large simple cyst right side but I am post menapause .. it's grown 1cm in 6 months .. I've got cramps like period pains and stabbing in my ovary now it feels like I've stabbing in left ovary .. I can't have surgery so they can't tell me if mine is cancer or not .. being post menapause it's not a functional cyst and 6 months ago it was 6cm x 4cm but I had no pain .. pain started 2 weeks ago and I have it every day x I hope you're doing ok .. what size did they find your at

BeeWild profile image
BeeWild in reply to diww1

Why can’t you have surgery?

They staged me at 3c at surgery so it had already spread to both ovaries and my omentum

I’ve had chemo and am currently having chemo again but having said that I’m doing ok and it’s been 2 years since I was diagnosed so I’m still here and living my life about to become a grandma in December.

So hope you are ok the waiting is the worse time for all of us xx

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to BeeWild

I am glad you're doing ok .. considering what you must of gone through .. it's lovely about your grandchild on the way congratulations .. i can't have due to other serious illnesses and one in particular .. they won't risk operations at all .. so if I have OC I won't survive long .. the pain is a concern I know it could burst or twist even if it's not cancer .. did you have pain in both overies as you mention it had spread to the other one . Was appendicitis kind of pain your only sign .. I know we are all different .. I truly hope you continue to do well on your treatment .. I really feel for you x

BeeWild profile image
BeeWild in reply to diww1

I’m not sure if your gynaecologist is an oncology gynaecologist as that’s who you need to see. Surely they can do a biopsy of some sort without full blown radical surgery?? Not sure where you live but as Laura suggests go get a second opinion from a specialist gynae centre if you can.

And IF (and that’s a big IF) it turns out that your cyst is something yucky there are lots of ladies on here who haven’t had surgery either and the chemo and other treatments have kept the beast at bay for many years so don’t give up hope xx

As far as my symptoms were concerned no I only had discomfort on my right side and with hindsight which we all know is a wonderful thing I was probably bloated but as it had been Xmas and I also had a months holiday in Australia in the February I put my jeans being tight etc down to over indulgence but now I know that was fluid build up. Like I said very few symptoms really and quite vague x

Do try and seek a second opinion if you can and ask about getting a biopsy taken the not knowing is torturous and try not to google it will drive you insane x


Bev xx

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to BeeWild

Thanks for yiur reoky Bevi saw an oncology gynaecologist 9 years ago when I started getting cyst problems and it looked like it could if been nasty then .. I had chocolate cyst and hemorrhagatic and another at once .. the oncology gynaecologist said I can't touch you for surgery you're far too high risk, and that was before my three major Rectal bleeds .. and I mean major .. two they've not found the cause spontaneous .. with my blood disorder I mainly clots but you can suddenly bleed after surgery too and in some rare instances clot everywhere .. I am also double the weight I should be and 56 and sedatory totally due to not being able to walk much and multiple prolapses asthmatic also .. there's no surgeon in their right mind that woukd even biopsy .. I would be too worried myself about surgery .. after the trauma of my last 3 hospital stays in 2 years .. I am literally traumatised by it all .. I have no quality of life and can only sit in a chair all day and barely able to walk to the bathroom each day ... It's just not possible .. it's very frustrating and difficult but I accept the complications x

Lindaura profile image

Dear Di,

We try to help each other in this forum, but we cannot diagnose anyone from their symptoms.

It seems to me that you need to get a second opinion, even present yourself to A&E to get a scan.

The belief that you cannot have an operation might be subjective and another surgeon/medical team might think differently.

So, talk to your GP, research your closest best hospital and see if you can force a better outcome than you think you have now.

Best wishes,


diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to Lindaura

I appreciate what you are saying I am just interested in others symptoms .. I don't expect any one to be able to tell me if I have got it that's not possible even from scans .. theres only one way to be sure .. I am sure with you sadly experiening it that I am worried it's very hard when you don't know. I am going to see if I can have another scan to see if it's chsnged but I am sure no surgeon will operate .. it's far too risky on me with almost zero % of getting through it ... If I am honest I don't think I would risk it myself knowing my chances .. I honestly an not looking for anyone to give me any answers as to if I habe or haven't it's not possible

Lindaura profile image
Lindaura in reply to diww1

Dear Di,

I do hope you get some answers and soon. Or at least some relief from the pain you are experiencing.

Best wishes,


diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to Lindaura

Thanks very much Linda that's very kind, my gynaecologist has known me for years, and she has said she cannot tell me if my large cyst is malignant or not, and its too risky to operate, so I will either survive it or I won't, she says she cannot tell me by the Ultrasound, she can only tell me if its looked at under a microscope, my symptoms are worsening, so I will either be OK or I won't ... I can't risk finding out Linda, thats why I am so upset, its very hard at the moment. The pain isn't right, I think the only option is to see if they will scan me again, but its only 2 months since last one, they've agreed to do 6 monthly ones and CA125's just to see whats happening, but that doesn't mean it will change anything. Its too dangerous to operate and my husband and I have decided neither of us want them too, if I have a bad cyst, I will take what I have ... I hope you get on OK and thanks for your kind words they mean a lot to me x

Lizchips profile image

My periods were awful, terrible cramps when young. As I got older they were short, less pain. I did get a stabbing pain on left side only when ovulation occurred. Prior to cancer thought I was in menopause because cycle basically stopped. Then of course rediculously, tired. ❤❤hope this helps. Liz

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to Lizchips

I empathize with awful cramps when young mine were awful .. I hope you are doing ok mm I really feel for you x

Lizchips profile image

I never had very much pain just tired started losing weight, but stomach grew.

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to Lizchips

That must of been unpleasant for you to endure I hope you are doing ok now I feel for you and everyone who gets this awful condition x

Lizchips profile image
Lizchips in reply to diww1

No pain completely gutted like a fish, cancer free 5 yrs 2 months.

Lizchips profile image
Lizchips in reply to Lizchips

Do you live in the US, if so my Dr Amy Hakim, is an oncologist, gynecologist, surgeon she's affiliated with City of Hope, her main office if in Palm Springs, California. She's the best. Revered a friend, diagnosis stage 4 elsewhere, she's alive, doing good, been with doc a year and half. They love her.

Lizchips profile image
Lizchips in reply to Lizchips

She's at desert regional oncology gynecology center, Palm Springs. You'll need a referal.

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to Lizchips

Sadly I am in the UK and can't fly .. xx so happy for you though x

Lizchips profile image
Lizchips in reply to diww1

Ask people on this site who to go too, get a second opinion. ❤❤best wishes, Liz

Maus123 profile image

Hello. I'd agree with Laura and Bev: maybe you could go and see another gyn specialist? Me, I'm no help I'm afraid, as I had no pain at all prior to diagnosis. Just a growing stomach, reduced appetite, tiredness and at the end some breathing problems caused by ascites. Hope it gets sorted out quickly and you'll have some relief. All the best, Maus.

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to Maus123

Thanks for yiur reply .. I am sorry you went through that .. I could see all the gynacologist in the UK and they woukd all say I am too higher risk .. so I have to endure it .. no matter how hard it gets in two weeks I've seen a real change x

Eriksendi profile image

No pain, just a swollen stomach and blocked bowel. I had my right ovary out 10 years before for a cyst that wasn’t cancerous but had twisted and burst. Had it done by keyhole surgery. Very short procedure and very quick recovery., oh how I wish they had done a complete hysterectomy at the time. Perhaps I wouldn’t have been where I am now. I’d try to get a second opinion. There are many new surgical techniques available now x x

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to Eriksendi

Oh no poor you having had a cyst out before .. I can see your point .. any surgery is out of the question for me because of my blood clotting illness and the fact I've had so many clots and many bleeds and losing 4 and half pints after polyp removal from bowel shows it's too dangerous .. I am also very big and have other health conditions I've been told for over 20 years before my hemorrhages that no one wants to touch me .. I am too ill for surgery x

Eriksendi profile image
Eriksendi in reply to diww1

I’m so sorry to hear that

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to Eriksendi

Thanks x

ZenaJ profile image

Hi, I had no symptoms whatsoever. It was pure coincidence that my tumour was found. xx

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to ZenaJ

It's a good job they found it I hope you're doing ok now x

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to diww1

Thanks, yes I'm doing really well. Diagnosed stage 3c in 2013 and still here. xx

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to ZenaJ

I am so glad to glad you're doing well and I hope you continue to xx

izzybruce profile image

Mine came on suddenly, searing pain never felt anything like it,and I've had three kids, I thought I was dying, ambulance too hospital, after lots of investigation,was told I needed a radical hysterectomy,so went home to wait for surgery,four days before hysterectomy, searing pain again, hospital,and morphine, told too go home,had my big operation two days later,was told that my ovary had ruptured, four days before, anyway apart from that I had no symptoms,apart from needing to pee more, but just thought that was old age xx

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to izzybruce

That sounds awful. I hope you are doing ok now .. it must if been so traumatic as it happened so fast .. I am sorry to hear your experience and hope things are better now x

izzybruce profile image

It was traumatic, but if it didn't happen like that,it could have grown and spread,I am two years Ned,and so grateful xx

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to izzybruce

Yes that's true I am so glad you're 2 years NED I hope it stays that way for you x

marthasperson profile image

I certainly did x

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to marthasperson

Did you I am so sorry you did most who have replied didn't .. did you have them.long before diagnosis I hope you are doing ok now .. maybe it depends what type of OC so has .. so many seem to of either had nothing or bloating x

marthasperson profile image
marthasperson in reply to diww1

It only started in the latter stages and I was fobbed off by doctors as it being issues with . IBS/gastro issues/heading to menopause etc. It was only when it became excruciating and would put me to my knees in pain that I started being taken seriously. At this point I was HUGE! 9 months pregnant sort of huge. In fact the doctor who finally took me seriously insisted on doing a pregnancy test (despite it pretty much being a biological impossibility) and when it was negative she implied that I had been denying I actually was pregnant and that if it was the last month or so then a test would give a false negative. By the time they actually operated they removed 10kg of fluids, solids etc (mixed mass tumour) x

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to marthasperson

Oh dear it's such a shame they didn't listen to you before .. I've been told I have IBS last Sept. I was 55 .. and I've crampy period like pains and stabbing in the cyst . So I can feel for you .. any gynea pain is horrible .. If you looked pregnant why didn't they believe you .. you knew you didn't feel right .. I am so sorry to hear what you've been through .. I really hope you're doing well now x

zinko profile image

Yes I did also back pain as well, ovarian cancer Stage II, operation and then 6 months of chemo, I am ok at the moment

except lymphoedema as a result of my lymph nodes being dissected

diww1 profile image

Bless you I am glad you're doing ok .. did you get diagnose quickly after yiou had pain .. x

janmark43 profile image

No pain or discomfort at all, just a 'pregnancy' tummy. Perhaps you can have an MRI scan which I had prebiopsy. I know it is difficult for you but a second opinion might be very useful. I did after my first chemo and it completely altered the course of subsequent treatment. Good luck. I do feel for you. Perhaps you could try counselling help from Macmillan.

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to janmark43

Thanks .. I think I will see GP and see .. but it's so hard I am suffering. I knlw my own body and it's changing past two weeks more so .. having many other health conditions it's easy for doctors to say you feel full and bloated due to your hiatis hernia .. I do usually but not like this .. and gynea pain they can say is my prolapse .. but I've never had it like this before .. I don't teavel far from home so it's hard it would mean over an gour to bigger hospital. In each direction but it would be worth it .. thanks for your teply .. I hope you're doing well x

janmark43 profile image
janmark43 in reply to diww1

Sorry if I frighten you and I don't think it applies to you but when I had severe sudden pain which I had never had before, i called 999 and it was found i had internal bleeding in my abdomen and I needed 4 units of blood. Fingers crossed it was a one off occurance.

diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to janmark43

I appreciate you're thoughtfulness but you didn't frighten me .. I lost 4 and 1/2 pints of blood with a rectal hemorrhage so i empathize with you x

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