Hello all ๐๐ thank you for this site! I am 49, have had abdominal pressure pain for awhile now, weight loss, achieved small weight gain by forcing myself to eat but now cannot do that or will vomit. All new weight is at lower belly (I look pregnant) stomach was flat before. Never had successful pregnancy. Recently lost Mom to cancer (squamous cell of uterine)...she elected no treatment upon diagnosis and was gone from my world within 6 months. Her main pain complaint was abdominal pain. I am concerned about my pain that I had explained away for some time. Long story, abbreviated - had abdominal/pelvic CT scan stated "uterus and adnexal structures appear unremarkable" yet, in my 20's, I had had ruptured blood-filled cyst removed in emergency surgery, adhesions developed, cysts reoccurred, endometriosis diagnosed and majority of right ovary removed. Also currently have abnormal CBC (polycythemia, then high WBC, Lymphocytes, low MPV). My doctor is not concerned. "Watch and see approach" he said. Doc said there was nothing in CT scan for me to worry about. BUT I still feel very real pain every day and I am Very Worried. Shouldn't my uterus and adnexal structures have been "remarkable"? Could ovarian cancer be missed on CT? Can a cancerous tumor look like a regular ovary?
Can Ovarian Cancer be missed on abdominal/pelvi... - My Ovacome
Can Ovarian Cancer be missed on abdominal/pelvic CT scan

Dear Twinkie,
CT scans take an expert eye, and different doctors see different things in the same scan and some doctor miss things out entirely.
Then your own doctor puts his spin on it, too.
You need to get a print out and study it yourself, looking up clinical terms you do not know or understand. Then you can ask your doctor more directly about what it shows.
But, in answer to your question, some women here had their cancers missed in CT scans, but picked up on PET scans.
Your symptoms sound suspicious to me.
If I were you, I would present myself to a&e because you cannot eat. Thatโs an emergency!
Best wishes,
Thank you for the great advice ๐ .... I will do that. I feel strengthened by the empowering and compassion here. Also must clarify in the instance anyone else may have similar symptoms/researching that I Can eat. But, I can only eat half to a third of my normal portion before I have to stop or I will vomit it all up.๐
I'm guessing they know about your previous history so the unremarkable comment probably meant that they looked normal for someone with your history.
However, it does sound like you are getting some nasty symptoms so I would keep going back to the GP, did you have an ultrasound too? My ultrasound showed up more than the MRI did.
I hope you manage to get some relief soon,
Emma x
Well..๐... I abbreviated my long story.... I have no insurance and went to clinic for the pain and other issues. That is when blood work came back saying I have a rare blood cancer (polycythemia). I was referred to hematologist/oncologist. Before that appt I went to ER the pain was so bad. I felt foolish when they said everything looks normal. Despite my real symptoms. I found out about the CT results from the oncologist. No, I haven't had a MRI but will push for it. My next GP appt (at clinic) is on 30th. I am not good with all this waiting. Esp if time is precious.
For me a PET scan was far better at showing my problem than a ct scan - pet scan are better than CT s or MRIs if the cancer is an aggressive one , but not so good in low grade / less aggressive cancers .
Good luck xx
Hi. Iโm sorry you are suffering these symptoms and feeling frustrated. Is your doctor a gyn onc? Is he/she at a major cancer hospital? You might want to get a second opinion about the CT scan.
Hi Twinsie... My mother had a rare endometrial cancer that was in the lining of her uterus. It was missed because there is a range of thickness that the lining can be and cancer causes it to be thicker. My moms lining was at the maximum thickness to be considered within normal limits. She did have symptoms like abnomral bleeding and was pre menapausal. They gave her iron pills for the bleeding and she had to go for a second oppinion for the biopsy to be preformed. Before this she did have an ultra sound done that which revealed a fibroid the size of a grape fruit which they said was the cause for the abnormal bleeding. Which was incorrect.
I would also keep going back and exaggerate your symptoms so they listen.
Hi Twinsie, Perhaps explanations from a doctor or cns would put your mind at rest. But I think the comment unremarkable means they find no problem there. Di
Hi Twinsie2, you are obviously very concerned especially after what happened to your mum, and I am sorry but I always used to say to patients if you are concerned then you need to be seen. It doesnโt matter how many times you go, if you are worried then you need to go back. Xx
Hi. I'm sorry you are having difficulty. Keep asking questions and asking for different scan until you get an answer.
Yes, there is a difference between a Catscan and a Pet/catscan. In my understanding, a Catscan does NOT show anything under 1 centimetre. A Pet/Cat scan will usually show over 3/4 mm. I had a Catscan before my operation and I was told I would have a 2/3 hr operation and go into recovery not ICU. It turned into a 7 hour operation and in ICU! The Catscan had missed cancer on my diaphram!
So I found myself an oncologist who sends me for pet/cat scans. It is an early warning system for me for recurrence and then I do wait and watch before I start chemo again!
Big hugs from English gal in Australia and hope it gets sorted soon.