Any suggestions for releasing post op wind please ?
Post op wind: Any suggestions for releasing post... - My Ovacome
Post op wind
Anything minty, peppermint oil, peppermint tea etc. If you are up to moving about walking can help. It is really uncomfortable but it will go.
I hope that you feel more comfortable soon.
Zannah xxx
I second Zannahs reply, peppermint Tea is probably best' camomilleTea is also good. A friend at work combines them so maybe you could try that. hopefully it will move soon xx Kathy
Simethicone liquid or tablets were my best friend after all of my surgeries. (Sold as De Gas in Australia).
If you can, walking also helps to dislodge the stuck wind and get things moving.
Yes to mint tea but the best thing is standing and moving around. So hard after the op but it does help. I'm talking little walks to the loo really, it doesn't need more than this at first. It is so painful at first but it does get better. I hope this helps. T.x
Spanish nurse told me to use fennel tea, brilliant also I'd excesses drawing knees to chest gently one at a time, if you can use fresh peppermit better than dried and walking, it does go but I know how horrible it is!
I'll be using theses tips after my surgery. I know simethicone is excellent. Our family calls them fart pills. Ha ha! Xxx
If you can without pain, I found lying down and rolling my bottom half from side to side released it. Also rubbing tum in a clock wise motion is also good.
You will need to have a session on your own in the bedroom.
Good luck.
Thank you lovely ladies. I have sent my daughter out for peppermint tea. Am walking to the toilet a lot as drinking lots of water. Standing brushing my teeth with electric toothbrush for 2 minutes. Up and down stairs. Feels like ran a marathon after each event and need to lay down. I'd laugh or cry if it didn't hurt!!!
There are such incredibly brave people on here I feel a bit of a wimp complaining about wind !
Sarah xx
Polo's were great, I couldn't face peppermint tea or peppermint cordial warmed up after this surgery, too much last time. We need a little filter lol
I have asked my sister to pick up polos today. All you ladies should get together and write a book with all these tips !! Thank you.
Hi there,
Physio have just been to see me and they have just said lay down and with legs raised gently rock lower part of the body side to side.
Sounds like you are doing well in your recovery.
I'm having my epidural removed this morning so fingers crossed the tablets they are giving me will manage the pain.
I had a little walk yesterday for the first time which wasn't too bad, they gonna take me a bit further today😬
How wave u been sleeping? Av u managed to get comfortable?
Mandy so good to hear from you. Been thinking of you. You are so brave and sound like you are doing well. Will think of you on your walk 😁 Slow and steady.
Can they give you some pain killers to take before they remove the epidural so you are already topped up ?? Have they given any indication as to when you may be able to go home?
Each day gets better. I am finding the wind and the bowel movements the worst part. It seems to take long hours of spasms and trips to the loo. Sorry seems very graphic !!!
Already beginning to panic about having staples removed 😷 But like everyone says just do one day st a time !!
Sending you lots of happy thoughts xxxxx
So I had the epidural removed and was given some painkillers, but within a couple of hours I was in really bad pain.
Iv struggled through the night and it's not got any better.
I don't know if it is just pain relief or maybe trapped wind?? But now I have my stoma I don't really know how to release the gas. Need to speak to stoma nurse again today.
I'm just having some peppermint tea so hopefully that might help.
In terms of going home my surgeon suggested yesterday a week on Wednesday.
They did say with the type of surgery it would most likely be around 14 days.
Hope you had a good night. Xx
That must have been such a long night for you. I was worried for you when they removed the epidural. I hope that the pain team are prompt this morning and find a solution. I'm don't know any thing about stomas and releasing wind but hopefully the stoma nurse will come and see you today. I had the morpine pump but found it didn't touch the trapped wind pain. It made me drowsy but not sleep. For me the wind is the worst part. I am very slowly beginning to eat more but that's forced. No pain relief has helped with the wind. I so wish the hospital had warned Me about it. I have taken all the advice from replies her so hoping the next couple days will become easier.
So wish could help you in some way. I hope you find some relief today. Even if you can just sleep for a few hours. Let us know how you get on today.
Big hug. Xxxx