Hi, I havent posted for a while, I have Oc stage 4. I have had one line of chemo, Debaulking and just finished my 18th Avastin. I had a CAT scan last week and get my results on Tuesday. My puppy keeps scratching my tummy like hes digging for something? He has only been doing this the last couple of days. I have read before, that dogs can sense cancer. Has anyone else had this experience with their dog? He only does it to me.
My last CA125 was 7, a great improvement from 4000 before I had treatment. I know I will not find anything out before Tuesday,
I guess Im anxious about my results, and have felt very depressed the last few weeks, I have spoken to my GP who has upped my Anti depressants, I have also got counselling booked through the Fountain centre.
Caz x