Hey Everyone, spoke to my consultants secretary today before my first appointment with my oncologist next tuesday. This will hopefully educate me more on what grade my cancer is as I only know I am stage 1c .....but I have to be there early to have a 4 hour kidney test ? has anyone has this before? xx
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GRF) test - My Ovacome
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GRF) test
Hi Lisa,
Yes, this is a standard test they do to check how well your kidneys will cope with the intravenous chemo. I've had it twice (and I am sure many others will confirm this). Mine took place in the nuclear medicine department. Basically they do a cannula, then inject you with something, then test you a couple of times, at intervals, to see how quickly your kidneys clear out the test fluid. The purpose of the test is to determine the optimal dose of chemotherapy that your kidneys will easily manage. It doesn't hurt and just takes a bit of time hanging out in a waiting room.
Obviously you will have a lot of questions for your oncologist, so it might be worth while writing them down in advance. If you are anything like me, the appointment seems to signal a big brain mush so it's helpful to have notes.
All the very best with your appointments and I hope it all goes really well for you.
Judith x
oh that makes more sense , thank you Hunny and yes I have a list of questions , every time I think of one I'm writing it down, so many what if's at the mo xx

I too get the brain drain as soon as I enter the consulting room. I'm a bit the same with the amnesia sprays you have to walk through at supermarkets, I know what I've gone for as I cross the car park then through the warm air as I go in and mush! 😂 ❤️Xx Jane
Just checking, but is it definitely a 4 hour test, or does it take 4 hours to get the results?
I ask this because whilst I was on chemo, the monthly blood test which they give you before chemo included the GFR. I used to go in early to give the blood sample so that the oncologist would have the results a few hours later for my appointment.
So is it possible that it's just a quick blood test, but you will then have 4 hours to wait?
Maybe I'm totally wrong, and others may know more and there is another more lengthy kidney test but thought it worth letting you know this.
Wishing you all the very best xx
Oops, sonnetgirl obviously knows more than me, ignore my reply!!!
Actually yewbarrow I think you are right! I think a bog standard blood test also checks kidney function, including an "estimated GFR". If that's what they are doing, then the 4 hours is purely to wait to get the results. V confusing...!
Either way both tests are very straightforward and will help the team to decide the best way forward for you, Lisa.
oh right ok thank you for replying so swiftly ladies xxxxx
I too had to have the kidney tests before I could start my chemo. I think it's standard procedure to make sure your kidney function is good enough to deal with the chemo, I didn't have to be cannulated but had to have initial bloods taken on arrival, I was then injected with an isotope, this followed by a further 3 sets of bloods taken at hourly intervals. I was a bit like a pincushion but nothing too difficult. Take care and good luck ❤️Xx Jane
It takes so long because you have to go back for repeat blood tests.
If memory serves me right, something like inserting the stuff and bloods, then 1.5 hours later blood test 2, then 1.5 hours later blood test 3. Take a friend or a good book or some music or plan some shopping nearby.x
I had to have a kidney test twice in the nuclear medicine department like sonnet girl, with something injected through a cannula, & blood taken at intervals to see how well my kidneys cleared it. It meant a lot of hanging about, but I was allowed to leave the department between blood tests if I wished to have a cup of tea etc so long as I was back in time for the next blood test. I think the kidney test I have in the normal blood test is ESR, & at the hospital I go to, they can get the results of that one in half an hour. Di
Sorry, got that wrong. The kidney test I have in normal blood tests is U & E - urea & electrolytes. Di
Do you need to drink plenty of water for this GRF Test? I am due to have this test in a week's time.
I haven't been told to xxx
I think gfr is tested by a simple blood test. I'm guessing the 4 hours is to have results ready before your appointment?
I have a bunch of blood testa each week that look at a dozen or more items before chemo and/or visits with my oncologist or np (bit different titles in US). Gfr is one of the tests that is always on the list.
Hope its that simple for you. You can call in advance and confirm so you know what you will be walking into. I always feel more relaxed when I have clear idea about what my tests or exams entail in advance.
Wiahing you well! 🌺🌸🌼
Thanks Spencer2016
Hey Everyone, I had my letter through today and this is what has been explained, a tracer is given via a vein in my arm and then two blood tests are taken, one two hours later and one at the end four hours after the initial tracer , I have to avoid caffeine from 10pm the night before and then have a light breakfast in the morning but fast during the test except for a glass of water every hour... No pain and not really that uncomfortable then I see my oncologist for the first time and have a list of questions as long as my arm xxxxx