Hi lovely and brave ppl
I've had 6 cycles of chemo last 3 with avastin now on my 6 avastin,I'm having bad pains in neck arms shoulders back and my right heal could this be the avastin x
Hi lovely and brave ppl
I've had 6 cycles of chemo last 3 with avastin now on my 6 avastin,I'm having bad pains in neck arms shoulders back and my right heal could this be the avastin x
Yes. I had the same and found those injections unbearable. Could hardly sleep.
Everything and every bone and joint was hurting.
Yes I had dreadful joint pain but has gone now since stopping it xx
Hello, yes i have had 6 rounds carbo/taxol/avastin plus 3 avastin on own. I have joint pain worse in knees plus my right shoulder. Saw doc yesterday as it is constant and she said it is a side effect of avastin. Painful but i consider myself lucky to be getting it. A nice warm bath or heat pads really do help tho x
I have avastin now every three weeks and have stiff joints. I have taken to having hot baths with muscle soak salts and it has been suggested that I may benefit from some gentle exercise such as yoga and swimming. I hope that helps.
Ah yes, the joys of Avastin. We probably should consider ourselves lucky to get it under current restrictions (or they were current when I went on it in April), but the tiredness and the joint/muscle pains are not fun. I started having trouble with my stairs at home right after the first treatment, and problems seem to come and go a bit, but never go completely.
As has been suggested, heat is very soothing, and if you have access to an aquarobics class, they are fun and a bit of exercise, while being easy on the body. (I am lucky in that the one I go to is attended by women mostly older and even less fit than I am, so I don't feel embarrassed AND we sing along to the music. It's a great morale booster.)
I had bad foot and ankle and knee pain every morning when on Avastin, I would be like a snail for an hour then free out a bit. Gentle walking does help. I would also soak the feet and ankles in a basin with epsom salts and that helps you. Wear supportive shoes or runners or flat ankle boots. I also had sinus issues and my haemorrids got worse and had to be banded. I think the key is to try and keep moving and rest when you are tired.
I was on Avastin for a year and experienced nose bleeds and aching joints too. The worst pain was in my feet and I found it very difficult to walk to work. I bought a pair of MBT shoes which were a godsend since they provided padded support to the soles of my feet and I also took 2 paracetamol tablets in the morning and night regularly and had some in between if needed. Taking paracetamol regularly morning and night helped me sleep better and go to work too which meant I was active which I felt was important for my joints. I stopped wearing heels and any other shoes apart from the MBTs when I was outside and had a pair of Fitflops at home whil I was on Avastin and for about 6 months after I stopped.
The aching joints can be a problem however with pain relief, activity and correct footwear I think it can be overcome especially since being on Avastin for 18 doses has shown to give a longer remission. I can now wear normal footwear, do yoga and keep fit classes without experiencing any pain. I stopped Avastin in October 2013.
I would also say that you should try and get as much rest as possible when you are tired and do little at a time rather than overdo things.
I was diagnosed with Stage 4 OC in May 2012 and had debulking surgery in between 6 cycles of chemo. I started Avastin with my last chemo, continued on this for a year and had 18 dose. I am feeling very well and have been in remission since Oct 2012.