Ovarian cancer in my breast?: I was dx in Jan... - My Ovacome

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Ovarian cancer in my breast?

yellowroses profile image
6 Replies

I was dx in Jan 2013 with stage 4 ovarian ca. Surgery then I got cisplat/taxol x6 mos then remission for 8 mos. Cancer came back and had been on Cisplat/doxil x12mos once a month and then ca-125 rose to 223. so ct done and showed cancer had progressed. I was changed to Vinorelbine every 3 weeks and off a week. over the next 4 months suddenly developed ascites in my belly and a rash and bumps on my breasts. Mamogram and ultrasound done. they removed 2 liters from my belly and a biopsy to my breast showed ovarian cancer on and in my breasts! I was then put on Taxol once a week x3 then i week off. I do not know what they will do now? The ascites has not returned yet but they have warned me it may . The bumps and rash is on my breast is getting worst and they do not know what they are going to do next. I am so scared and beside my self with grief. Has anyone ever had this happen? My ca-125 is up to 343. This is my first posting but I have been reading theses since my dx in 2013. Thank you. God Bless you all.

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yellowroses profile image
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6 Replies
baxbird profile image

Dear yellowroses,

So sorry that you find yourself in the situation you currently are. That you've had to post on this forum, but as you have been seeing we do try to be helpful, suggestive and supportive.

It sounds like your team are trying to keep on top of things for you, but it is so scary when you can see and feel things changing. I had bad ascites, ( won't go into how many litres etc but it was a lot) but that did dry up when on chemo. I also found that when I reoccured that the ascites didn't come back to anywhere near the same extent, so hold onto that thought ( I know we all react differently)

How long have you had the weekly taxol? Is it still early days for it to be showing any significant improvement?

Can't really offer any practical advice I'm afraid, but just to let you know that we are hear for when you need to sound off, it helps when there are people in the know.

Dawn xx

Jackie0 profile image

So sad to read your post. Can imagine how worried you must be feeling at the moment.

Expect things will not get better for you until your oncologist decides on your next course of treatment which I hope will be soon for you.

I have no personal knowledge of your current prognosis, I did not know that OC could spread to the breast. Have they taken a biopsy I wonder?

Sending you a virtual hug ,keep your strength up and keep fighting.

Love Jackie O xx

Welcome! I'm glad you wrote to us.

Many of us write for the first time when things are feeling very uncertain and bleak.

You've got an awful lot on your plate and I'm afraid I have no experience or words of wisdom for you, but I wish you all the best xxx

TealSista profile image

Dear Yellow Roses,

Sending you hugs from London.

Lots of love,


airfemale profile image

Oh! You poor thing yellow roses. I too was diagnosed in January 2013. I have just been diagnosed with my second reoccurence. I will think of you and send my good thoughts to you. This is a rotten thing we all face. My treatment will correspond with yours. My bowel is involved this time. I will certainly be wanting to hear how you are getting on. Much love. Sharon

Hi Yellowroses. When mine returned it was also in my breast - but not on the breast. It was also in a lymph node in my groin and also on my liver. I had 6 months carbo/caelyx/avastin and have now been in remission for 6 months, continuing just with Avastin. I was stage 3C with my original diagnosis but perhaps it's considered to be stage 4 now it's in the breast - not sure about that. I had a core biopsy into the breast (painful procedure) to prove that it was in fact OC and not breast cancer.

Hope this gives you some confidence. My best wishes to you. Pauline

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