Wedding renewal vows!!!!!: Well I went and... - My Ovacome

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Wedding renewal vows!!!!!

annieH1 profile image
45 Replies

Well I went and renewed our vows last Thursday, in the most romantic venue ever.Ballyseede Castle in county Kerry Ireland.To say I felt like a princess for the day is putting it mildly,it was awesome! Plus I had my dashing knight by my side ,our granddaughters were flower girls, my sister my bridesmaid and our 2 handsome sons walked me up the candle lit aisle to the song "The Voyage" sung by christy Moore.We giggled through some of the vows and got prepared to walk down the aisle to the song "Don't Stop Me Now" sung by Queen,It was fantastic.Mr and Mrs C and all the little c's were left at home,locked in a drawer and we danced them out of our system .

We had our 1st ever dance together to the song "I won't let you Go sung by Rascal Flatts,a very emotive song.

We had a brilliant time,I felt energised,I felt a sense of achievement,I felt I had a say. On how and why and when enjoyment would commence,I looked healthy(hate being told that) ,happy,glowing and in love.That was what normal felt to me and my family last Thursday and "Boy was it worth it.Im at home now and I haven opened the drawer yet to let the. C family out,I think I'll take a few more normal days and bask in the feeling of freedom.Wish you all could have been there,we had a great "Craic",danced,sang,ate and drank and hugged,laughed and smiled.xxxx

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annieH1 profile image
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45 Replies
rjhs profile image

Hi Annie, sounds wonderful and you look wonderful. It shows there are still lots of good things to celebrate - mine is Martha, six weeks old and our fifth grandchild. Ritaxx

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to rjhs

Hi rjhs,congratulations to you on the new bundle of joy.It must be a wonderful feeling to know your still here to cuddle and hold Martha.x x

Taichipat profile image

Oh how lovely...Patx

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to Taichipat

Thanks Taichipat.I needed to prove that ,stage 4 advanced ain't going to stop me! Ha ha x x

Taichipat profile image
Taichipat in reply to annieH1

You bet. You got a life and you gotta live it.....Patx

goinggaga profile image

So glad you had a lovely time!!!! Sieze the Day And enjoy every moment. You look fab and so happy.

Love Wendy xxx

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to goinggaga

Thanks Wendy.It was a fab day,was feeling guilty I didn't invite Mrs Ovarian cancer and her family ( as if )! Ha ha x x

TrishLey profile image

What a handsome couple you make! Really happy you had such a great day.



annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to TrishLey

Thanks Trish,had a brilliant day and wanted to show that there's life after diagnosis.x x

Lily-Anne profile image

That is so lovely, congratulations on your second big day with your husband

LA xx

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to Lily-Anne

Thanks La,as he said ,all he had to do was turn up on the day ha ha,It gave me something to aim for since January.xx

The radiant bride looks gorgeous! Love the dress too.



annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to

Thanks Judith,I was delighted with the dress Debenhams best ha ha,my hairdresser did my wig for me.Now all I've got to do is have something else to aim for ( in a smaller scale) ;-) x x

in reply to annieH1

Gosh is that a wig? I have seen a lot of them in recent times and I would never have thought it. You look great.



annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to

Thanks Judith.Yes It's a wig and a synthetic one at that.Got it in the Wig Clinic in Cork,I'm not sure if they have that shop in the U.K.They match up your original style and colour and it wasn't expensive,which was a bonus. X x

Hertsmum profile image

Congratulations so glad you had a wonderful day! you have given me that extra bit of courage I need to go ahead with planning a bash for my 50th .... Maybe the circumstances are not what I'd ever have imagined but must not let that stop me!!

Lovely photo too


Madeline x

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to Hertsmum

Thanks Madeline.Yes you gotta have an aim and your birthday bash sounds like a fantastic aim.Pick a place you always wanted to have a meal or party in.I did most of my preparations on line,invitations,dress and shoes etc,cake flowers.Leave the O.C and treatment plans at home for a couple of hours and enjoy the love that surrounds you .x x

Solange profile image

Sounds absolutely wonderful and soooo Romantic, Annie. You must have been bursting with happiness. Wish I knew the words to the songs.

Long may that drawer be kept shut on the c family,

Love and Congratulations,

Solange. :-)

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to Solange

Thanks Solange.yes it was romantic and beautiful.We had a great day and night ;-) We chose the song because eventhough it's sung by a man ,the sentiments mean a lot to me also as sometimes I forget that hubby is fighting this cancer also and he does need some one to wipe his tears.These are some of the words,it's a slow dance so it was easy to do .

It's like a storm

That cuts a path,

It breaks your will,it feels like that,

You think your lost,

But your not lost,on your own,your not alone


I will stand by you

I will help you through

When you've done all you can do and you can't cope

I will dry your eyes,I will fight your fight

I will hold you tight

And I won't let go.Xx

Solange profile image
Solange in reply to annieH1

Thank you , Annie. They're beautiful words. I bet there wasn't a dry eye to be seen. It's good to remember our husbands and loved ones are going through it too.

Love, Solange. :-)

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to Solange


Great stuff Annie, my c family is in a box, it was trying to come out Sunday but it didnt. I have sinus probs again so just feeling down. Your post and of course your lovely day has inspired me. You are one fantastic lady and we do what we do to keep going. Always handy to have a project planned it keeps the mind focused. I am glad you are in great form, you do look a stunning bride with your handsome man. Enjoy your life to the full, I am wondering if a certain doc popped along to give you a waltz, he is talented that way. Hoping you can make the next Ovacare coffee morning so we can meet you in person

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to

Thanks Suzuki.I wouldn't have refused a dance from that certain "Doc" ha ha.Yes we do need an aim and a focus.The poor hubby is dreading my next aim!! I know how difficult ult it is to keep it in a box but I do this thing now and I know it sounds stupid but,I write the words Mrs O.C and family on a piece of paper,wrap it in tissue ,take it out and read it in the morning and then place it firmly under clothes on the bottom of the drawer,I shut the drawer and say "your not invited to my day so bugger off".It works sometimes.

Oh I do so hope I can make it to the next coffee morning it should be a craic and a good chinwag!

marymarcy profile image
marymarcy in reply to annieH1

I think the paper in the drawer sounds like a great idea!! Congrats on your vow renewal, sounds like a lovely celebration. :)

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to marymarcy

Thanks MaryMarcy,it was a wonderful day.Yes I find the drawers a great help ha ha xx

in reply to annieH1

Well my hubby has a bigger problem, I have collected King Charles dogs yes with paws and fur etc. One was a puppy farm rescue which I have for a number of years and I feared what would happen her if anything happened me. But now she has a heart condition and its anybodys guess. She wouldnt walk so I got one that would because I was too sore to keep lifting her off the ground after my hysterectomy. Then came Reggie a dog who wouldnt oblige a breeder. He has his moments. Then my baby arrived last November. I was only fostering him but his lift up the country didnt happen so in the end I asked to keep him. I did think seriously about what I was inflicting on my family at home my hubby and daughter but they thought if he made me happy go with it. This guy is a total howl about two years old and is always up to mischief. I get out walking with them, and its good to get out and meet people too. I expect some of you reading this are saying what is she like but blame my late Mum, she would never let me have a dog.

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to

Ha ha oh Suzuki,I think it's wonderful to have a pet.I think it shows the character of the person,and your a good person with a great personality.My sister who's foot loose and fancy free and single has a Lab.,Its her baby and I have to call her my niece ha ha.x

Maggiie123 profile image

I was feeling really down having had 6 chemo followed 11 days ago by a hysterectomy. Then I read your post and saw the lovely photo of you looking so lovely and happy and it made my day. Xxx

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to Maggiie123

Thanks Maggiie.Was hoping it would cheer fellow Ovarians up.You poor thing 6 cycles takes a hell of a lot out of you and the hysterectomy on top of that is no holiday! You've come through it,you're resilient and I know your sore but hopefully everyday you will be feeling a little better.Im on a crisps and mineral diet today and I'm enjoying being a little naughty with the diet ha ha xxx (((hugs)))

in reply to Maggiie123

Hi Magglie, its very early days yet and you shouldnt be lifting anything heavier than a cup of tea. I remember being very sore. I had it other way round, debulking then total hysterectomy and then chemo. It seems to vary from person to person. I hope you are taking pain relief and resting. I remember going for small little walks first out to the gate and back to the front door which isnt very far. Then maybe up the foot path and back. Inside I would get up every so often and walk around the kitchen. You will get better, its just time and patience. Wishing you well

daisies profile image

Annie - how fantastic & glowing you look, definitely "it must be love". From your reports it certainly was a great wedding day and it will create more wonderful memories for you.

I liked your comment that about writing those dreaded words on paper & putting it in a drawer - visualising an end is so important and not a case of ignoring reality. So, leave that "C" family in the drawer for a good while longer.

Hope you can make the next Ovacare coffee morning, so we can all catch up for a chat.

Daisies xxx

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to daisies

Thanks Daisies.We're definitely in Luv ha ha.I hope your having a good day,it's nice down here in the land of milk and cheese!! I think visualising the beastie is a good form of therapy and the good thing about it is,if you get frustrated you can rip up the note and kick the drawer ha ha ,x x

daisies profile image
daisies in reply to annieH1

oh, I kicked l lot of drawers over the past 4 & 1/2 years.... no wonder my feet are sore. xxx

IrishMollyO profile image

Hi AnnieH. Congrats to the lovely couple. You made my otherwise dull down day into an uplifting one. Romance is one way to keep those awful little c,s locked in a drawer for the longest possible time. You go girl. It did my heart good to read all about your happy day. We all need many more of those and you have raised the bar. X X X

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to IrishMollyO

Thanks MollyO. Yes we can all do with a special day.Im so glad it cheered you up.poor hubby is gone grey from the worry of my next adventure ha ha.Hope your having a good evening.Its lovely and warm and lots of vit D. X x

thesilent1 profile image

What a wonderful post. Congratulations. Beautiful photograph. Ann xo

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to thesilent1

Thanks Ann.Wish I could do it again but I reckon 3rd time would be pushing it ha ha.It was a wonderful magical day without the O.C,it wasn't invited.Hope your having a good evening. X x

babsclunn profile image

You both look amazing and it sounds like an amazing day like you say lots of reasons to keep fighting and enjoy our lives x

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to babsclunn

Thanks babsclunn.My motto is "Get busy living or,get busy Dying".I choose being hectic living x x

babsclunn profile image

Me too lol with seven grandchildren definitely keeps me busy x

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to babsclunn

Wow 7 extra bundles to spoil,I have 3'which is plenty for now ha ha xx

babsclunn profile image
babsclunn in reply to babsclunn

Yes eldest is 17 youngest is seven months they are all the main thing that's kept me fighting this horrible illness x

AnnieMae profile image

What a lovely photo Annie! Sounds like you had a fantastic time. I have dropped hints to Hubby to renew vows but he still hasn't picked up on it! Unless he's hoping I'll forget about it! Mind you, he doesn't like being the centre of attention.

So pleased you managed to put the 'c' family where it belongs and enjoy your celebration.


Annette xxx

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to AnnieMae

Thanks Annette,ha ha Well I used my cancer to my benefit.When I found out it was stage 4 advanced I fluttered" my remaining eyelashes" at him,tried to flick the last few hairs on my head and whispered through Chapped lip,"Do you think I'm still beautiful? He answered "you'll always be beautiful to me".

,Then I asked,"would you marry me,eventhough I look like this? He said ,"Of course I would,in a heartbeat".So I replied "fine so we'll renew the vows in June,I'll start making calls ha ha ha,he still ponders on how it happened. Ha ha xxxx

AnnieMae profile image
AnnieMae in reply to annieH1

Brilliant tactics Annie! Love it !

Annette xxx

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