I have stage 4 Oc. I have had 3 cycles of carbo/ taxol and debulking surgery. Yesterday I went in for the first of my final 3 chemos. I was told that my CA125 has dropped from 16711 in June to 25. It is now within normal range! Yeah.
Good News.: I have stage 4 Oc. I have had... - My Ovacome
Good News.

Thats wonderful news! You must be so pleased. Wishing you all the best xxx Trish
That's brilliant news Jo-Bo. Celebrate every single triumph along this journey. I'm delighted for you. xx Annie
Wow what wonderful news you must be so happy, What a great jump with the CA125.
Good luck with the remaining chemo.
Regards Barbara.
Hi, lovely news, I had to do a double take reading your ca, best wishes for the future. Trix
That's such fantastic news, I am so thrilled to hear it. I think you must get the prize for best behaved CA125.
Judith xx

Thank. I feel so positive after this news.
Thank you for posting your good news. It's great to read of such an incredible drop I'm really happy for you.
Best wishes, Solange.
My CA125 after 3 chemos and then Debulking in August was 100. Not had another CA125 yet (the nurse forgot to request it on my blood forms post chemo 4) ONC was not impressed and has requested its done pre chemo 6 in a couple of weeks. Very scared my CA125 was 100 but trying to be positive that it might have gone down since then? My CA125 on diagnosis was over 3k. Can anyone offer me any reassurance?
Thanks Jo-Bo
Mines still high at 89. it was 7500

Sorry to hear that, but much nearer normal than 7500. What stage of your treatment are you at?
Brilliant news. Good luck for the rest of your treatment. Ann xov #Warriors
That's wonderful news! You must be on top of the world! All the best for the coming future! Mx
Excellent news long may improvement continue. I had good results from the same treatment and still ok with a head of hair now.
Hi Mopsie How long have you been OK. I am feeling really positive but it still helps to hear of success.
Wow thats fab! Im due to go for debaulking next week im quite nervous about it. Then 3 more chemo
Sam xx
Hi Sam I am not surprised that you are nervous. To be honest I was terrified. But here I am nearly 6 weeks later, feeling well, having started my last 3 chemos. It is absolutely amazing what the surgeons can do and how well the body copes with it. Look after yourself this week, contact me if you want to talk before or after your op. My very, very best wishes Jo xxxx
Hi. Thanks for the reply. I think it just the word 'debaulking' that sounds awful! Hopefully they will get all they can out. Seeing surgeons on thursday to find out exactly what they are going to do. Thank you so much for the offer of chats. I may just take you up on that
How did you find the recovery process?
Sam xxx
Hi Samjane, I had my Debulking 9 weeks ago. I was really scared so was amazed that it was not that bad, I keep telling everyone on here who asks! The surgeon said it would be a big op but that they would manage any pain firstly with a post op epidural with a self press pump which was really good, I remember sitting in bed after the op talking to my family and asking my husband to got and buy me sweets and crisps as I was starving, said I had not eaten since day before this was about 3 hours after the op (I'm not joking). I even went on facebook I was so elated! Day after op they got me out of bed and in the afternoon they took the catheter out and let me walk to the loo. I had a shower day 2 (with a nurse helping me and she pulled the thin strip of plaster off that covered my wound which was a very neat vertical scar. Came out 4 days after op with no complications except a minor bladder infection which they gave me anti-biotics. The worst problem was constipation so my advice would be take the meds they give you.
I was able to potter about straight away once at home, did not need any pain. I took paracetamol at night to ensure better quality of sleep as I do tend to toss and turn a lot. I recovered very quickly, did not drive for several weeks but felt as if could have driven did not feel fragile and could move without any problems. Happy to answer any questions you have, just let me know if you want to speak to me or just get some reassurance. Good luck you will be OK you know.
Hi Sam My recovery was a bit slower than Kaz describes below. I didn't have an epidural as they couldn't get it in so I has a mophene pump for the first few days and was pretty much out of it. I found sitting up uncomfortable so layed on my back a lot. But I did manage to walk every day after the 3rd day and shower myself. I was in for a week as I had an unspecified infection ( raised temperature) and needed antibiotics. My haemoglobin was also low and they wanted to give me two units transfusion but had to wait until the temperature had gone down. The first week at home I felt quite fragile. After that I started to feel much better and I am fine now. Although I felt physically fragile I felt mentally strong and Ok. I took the time to have long lie ins and read lots of books. Good luck with you appointment on Thursday.
Thank Jesus
Wow thats fantastic news, well xone xx