Suspected ovarian cancer 3 years after having a... - My Ovacome

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Suspected ovarian cancer 3 years after having a bi-lateral mastectomy for 2 different types of breast cancer

mickysmum profile image
7 Replies

in September 2010 i had a bi-lateral mastectomy because i had "invasive lobular carcinoma" in my right breast and "invasive ductal carcinoma" in my left breast... 3 and a half years and 8 reconstructive surgeries later, I am still here and still smiling.

During my treatment, i had 2 years of zolendex injections that put me into early menopause... When the injections stopped, my periods came back (with avengence) so i went to see my GP... she sent me for a scan, i also had a vaginal scan.... 3 days later, i got called into see her and got told the scan showed no fibroids but it did show a SOLID ovary... i was refered to the gyni oncologist within 2 weeks... because one of my breast implants contained metal i was unable to have a mri scan, they did a CA125 and i am back on friday 28th for another scan to see if the tumour has grown any bigger... i have several other symptoms of ovarian cancer, bloated stomach, constipations, heartburn and a sudden urgency to pee (sometimes not quite making it)

When i was diagnosed with breast cancer, the diagnosis came quite quickly... this time it is taking has been 5 weeks since i had my first scan

I can deal with anything once i know what i'm dealing with.... it's the not knowing that is driving me mad..... and to be honest, I am scared to death.

Thanks for taking the time to read this

Caz X

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mickysmum profile image
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7 Replies
Seren18 profile image

So sorry that you are having this trouble after all you have been through, life is never fair. However, as you said once you know what the problem is you can get on with it. My daughter has OC and we don't want too much info from the medics, we just need to know what treatment next and we get on with it. Gillx

mickysmum profile image

That's exactly how I feel Gill... I just need to know what comes next

Is it normal for the tests and diagnosis to take this long?

I hope your daughter is doing well.... i know how cancer can affect the whole family, not just the patient.

Thanks for replying

Caz X

clunn profile image

I waited two weeks to be referred to gynae ct scan three days later then two weeks was told results then was four weeks till I had my ffirst cycle of chemo hope things start speeding up for you soon keep strong x

kaz14 profile image

Hi Caz, sorry you're going through this, the waiting is awful. I wasn't diagnosed for nine months after first seeing gp, but once things started moving it took about eight weeks and then started chemo, hope it won't be too much longer for you. Good luck

Love Kaz x x

mickysmum profile image

Thank you Kaz and clun,

it does help to know that i am getting closer to finding out what is going on... and hopefully things will speed up soon

Thanks for the advice.

Caz X

sharonforce profile image

Hi Caz

Sorry to hear what you are going through.Have you had the results from your CA125 blood test? My tumours were found with an ultrasound scan and then an elevated CA125 result and confirmed with later MRI.

Also do you know there is a link between breast and ovarian cancer? Have you been/were you offerred genetic testing? I am not telling you this to worry you further but it can open up different treatment options if the cancer is caused by a genetic mutation. We have the BRCA genetic mutation in or family that is responsible for my ovarian cancer. Both my grandmother and my aunt had breast cancer and then some years later both developed ovarian cancer. Following my diagnosis of ovarian cancer I found out I tested positive for the BRCA 1 genetic mutation.

Good luck with your appointment on the 28th and I hope you get all the answers to your questions.

Best wishes


mickysmum profile image

Hi Sharon,

I only found out about the link between breast cancer and ovarian cancer when i went with my daughter to "the family history clinic" (your GP can refer you) and we were refered to the genetics clinic... we have to fill out another questionnaire.. then i will have a test to see if i have the BRCA1 gene, if i do have it, then my daughter will be tested... then she can look at her opttions........ That is another big worry.... my daughter has just turned 18, she shouldn't have to be worrying about cancer at her age... how do i cope knowing i have passed this gene on to her?......... I guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

they haven't given me my CA125 results (but i wouldn't know what a good result was) i will ask on my next appointment

thank you for replying

Caz X

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