in September 2010 i had a bi-lateral mastectomy because i had "invasive lobular carcinoma" in my right breast and "invasive ductal carcinoma" in my left breast... 3 and a half years and 8 reconstructive surgeries later, I am still here and still smiling.
During my treatment, i had 2 years of zolendex injections that put me into early menopause... When the injections stopped, my periods came back (with avengence) so i went to see my GP... she sent me for a scan, i also had a vaginal scan.... 3 days later, i got called into see her and got told the scan showed no fibroids but it did show a SOLID ovary... i was refered to the gyni oncologist within 2 weeks... because one of my breast implants contained metal i was unable to have a mri scan, they did a CA125 and i am back on friday 28th for another scan to see if the tumour has grown any bigger... i have several other symptoms of ovarian cancer, bloated stomach, constipations, heartburn and a sudden urgency to pee (sometimes not quite making it)
When i was diagnosed with breast cancer, the diagnosis came quite quickly... this time it is taking has been 5 weeks since i had my first scan
I can deal with anything once i know what i'm dealing with.... it's the not knowing that is driving me mad..... and to be honest, I am scared to death.
Thanks for taking the time to read this
Caz X