I am a 45 woman who had an hysterectomy July 2011 for a large fibroid now just over two years later i am in pain and they have found 2 cysts? on my ovaries, one 10cmx6cm on my left and 6cmx4cm on my right i had a CA125 which came back normal according to my GP but on seeing the specialist he said it looked like cancer on the scan last week i have just had my pre-op and awaiting surgery to remove it all. i am petrified i have 3 children and wonder if anyone else as gone through the same and found it to be non-cancerous on operating, the specialist says cannot be sure until they open me up would love any info on this as i am so scared at this moment in time
Ovarian Cancer??: I am a 45 woman who had an... - My Ovacome
Ovarian Cancer??

Hello and welcome. I was told my 13x13 was likely to be cancer. Fortunately it was borderline - took 2 weeks for results and they even said it looked like cancer- and I needed no further treatment after my op. Try not to Google as there are far too many sites happy to share horror stories. We have many ladies on here who will come along soon to chat and have been exactly where you are now. Wishing you well with your op and subsequent recovery. Do take things very easy x
It's impossible to tell, but I think it's true to say that many cysts that look cancerous on scans turn out not to be cancerous, and also, some are borderline or low grade which usually need no further treatment and are unlikely to recur. Your cysts are worrying - anyone would worry - but many of us here have had cysts which are much larger, and you have to remember, this is a site for ovarian cancer, so women whose cysts turned out to be benign are unlikely to post here. Waiting is tough, so please be kind to yourself and try to share your worries with a trusted friend or relative, or call the Ovacome helpline on 0845 371 0554. Remember also that many women survive ovarian cancer - treatment is getting better all the time. Alas, you can't be certain of anything until you get the pathology report which usually comes a while after surgery. Best wishes, Vxxx
Hi Victoria is right this is an ovarian cancer website and if it is a benign cyst it's highly unlikely you will find people posting here. It is a worrying time though, i am 47 and I found out last christmas eve i had a tumour, my ca125 was 225, i got my hysterectomy on 12 Feb and i found out 2 weeks later after histology it was ovarian cancer. I know its easier said than done not too worry and be scared, i found speaking to friends and family helped. Take care and i will cross my fingers everything will be ok for you. Elaine x
Just wanting to send you good wishes and hopes that things work out we'll the advice given is spot on!
Love Wendy xx
My experience started out in a similar way to yours. I had a sub total hysterectomy in 2012 and then this year I was diagnosed with an Ovarian Mass/Cyst which was not huge but from the scans was thought to be solid. Additionally I had a slightly raised CA125 coupled with a family history containing Aunts who had Ovarian Cancer. I had what I refer to as my "second hysterectomy"! in July this year and I was one of the lucky ones to be diagnosed with a borderline tumour that was very unlikely to spread, plus all the biopsies from surrounding material were absolutely clear.
However, the intervening months in between the diagnosis of the Ovarian mass and the surgery and biopsies plunged me in to the darkest place I have ever been, and I was scared too. The consultants are looking at the signs and the possibilities and if the potential is there, then you are advised to follow a treatment path that covers all eventualities. So even though you do not have a diagnosis, you may be advised to have not only your ovaries removed but as a precaution, other things too. The macmillan website explains it quite well:
Only after surgery and biopsies will you have your answer.
Try and keep busy as it is too easy to dwell on what my be, I think this site is a good place for you to post. Everyone has always been very friendly and given me really good advice, until you have your biopsies you do not know what lies ahead and staying in contact with others who have shared similar anxieties can be a lifeline to get you through the day.
Take care and best of luck with your surgery.
Elaine x