finished chemo in March, ca125 was 157 and i was told it was only a partial response. had been going back and forth to the hospital as I could feel a mass in abdomen and eventually was told it was a psuedocyst. I had the cyst drained on the 20th May and actually started feeling "normal". went for 3 month check up expecting to be told everything was fine but instead was told that my ca125 is up to 280. I am now having a scan on the 13th. I feel absolutely fine apart from a bit of constipation and tiredness but put this down to chemo. Has anyone else on here had a raised ca125 which turned out to be a false alarm or am i just clutching straws?
has anyone had raised ca125 but was not recurre... - My Ovacome
has anyone had raised ca125 but was not recurrence?

Hi Shabilla,
I suppose there is no way of telling as everyone is different, the good news is that you are having a scan and your oncology team will then know what they are up against.
Best wishes love x G x
I have heard that any abdominal infection can cause raised CA125, as can harmless ovarian cysts among other things. No one can tell what causes it to rise, so it's a really good thing that you are having a scan, as this will show the true picture. For some people the CA125 is a good indicator, but not for everyone.
All the best xxx Chris
Although the CA 125 is a good indicator its not foolproof. Sandra had a recurrence with a CA reading of only 20, but it had increased from 8 so the fact it started to rise it triggered a scan which confirmed the recurrence. Love Paul xx
My CA125 went from 45 to 70 after my fifth chemo, it subsequently dropped to 25 after number six. Never really found out why, think it was either an incorrect test result or some infection I was fighting off at the time.
Good luck with the scan, hope its just a blip.
Love Brenda xx
Don't worry needlessly any infection can cause a rise in ca125 and you are being well looked after best of luck. Jenny
I have often been advised that the CA123 test is non conclusive as many things can trigger a rise. Glad you are having a scan, that will show up what is happening, keep your chin up.
Hi Shabilla I agree with the others re. CA 125 my reading was 11 and I had recurrence so back on chemo, so the scan more important for you at this time. Good Luck. Xx
thankyou for all the responses, i guess i'm just gonna have to wait til i get the results of the scan, funnily enough i was fine until they told me my markers are up
Yes - sorry for the late response. I was recovering from heatstroke - the number tripled and then came down over six weeks or so. Hope all goes well with the scan. Cx