Today's the day: This morning is my first day of... - OvaCare


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Today's the day

Gvaadt profile image
•16 Replies

This morning is my first day of chemo for ppc, then 8 more to go. I am nervous, anxious and really ready to start this journey into the unknown. Hope it isn't too bad and I can smile after. 😅

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Gvaadt profile image
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16 Replies

I hope all goes well for you best wishes

Gvaadt profile image
Gvaadt in reply to

Thank you not too bad so far. Awesome nurses here. That helps.

Claire65 profile image

I know how you feel as I am having my frirst one on Monday. Best of luck with the treatment. 😊

Gvaadt profile image
Gvaadt in reply to Claire65

Just wanted to tell you Claire65 I just finished today and am home, It was so much easier than I had thought. I have 9 weeks, 3 sessions? 1st day (today) I had carbonplatin and taxol. Then just taxol on 2nd. And just taxol on third and then repeat till 3 sets done. Actually felt great to begin attacking some of these invading things! Nurses in chemo were so fantastic and supportive. I was where you were last weekend so I know how nervous I was. Hope this helps some and you can enjoy your time waiting without a lot is stress. Keep in touch, I will be Just a week ahead of you.

Donnasweet profile image
Donnasweet in reply to Gvaadt

Thank you I will be starting carbo/taxol this thurs . I am scared and nervous . I need 6 cycles . 1 every 3 weeks . I'm just worried about the side effects . I pray all goes well

Gvaadt profile image
Gvaadt in reply to Donnasweet

I just typed a long post to you and deleted it....sometimes this site is hard to figure out. I just did my 5th chemo and I haven't had any problems or side effects. I do 3 a series of 3. And I will do 3 sets equaling 9 chemos. 1st day Chemo is carbo/ taxol and I get anti nausea and Benadryl, then the chemo drugs. 2nd week I get nausea steroid and benadryl, and the taxol. Same on 3rd week. Then this week I started it over with same but get carbo/taxes.

After 9 weeks of chemo I will have a debulking surgery and then back to the 9 weeks of more chemo....hopefully remission after that.

Don't be scared, although I was too, but never got sick, no side effects at all. I have a lot of energy day of chemo and next day....3 rd day I feel tired so I try to rest, then Friday, sat, sun, mon I feel good. I know it is different for everyone so I hope it turns out good for you too.

One thing I take my anti nausea meds on time for 2 days after and that may be why I don't get sick. Even if I don't feel sick every 8 hours I take them.

Good luck my new friend. I hope I eased some of your worries. Please stay in contact. If it is easier you can email me at Might be easier to talk that way. I try to stay positive and keep on moving through this awful life journey. I do have a lot of support through family and fiends so that is nice. I have someone go to chemo with me each time cuz even though I have done well there, believe me inside I am nervous and scared to. It is just a scary thing to have to do. Tell you more about the hair in another post....that part was hard, but it turned out to be ok after the fact.

Hugs, gvaadt

Donnasweet profile image
Donnasweet in reply to Gvaadt

Thank you . My email is . I had surgery on November 16 , 2016 . Endometrial stage 1 . I had a robotic complete hysterectomy . Now dr said I need chemo and radiation . I need 6 cycles of carbo / taxol . Nurse said I will lose my hair . Did you lose your hair? She said I may lose my eyebrows too

Claire65 profile image

Thank you for your positive post. I am having 6 cycles over 18 weeks of carbo/taxol to zap any stray cells which may have escaped before or during surgery. I will let you know how it goes Monday.

Gvaadt profile image
Gvaadt in reply to Claire65

Oh they had me do 9 chemos then I will have the debulking surgery and then 9 more chemos, oncologist wanted to get some first then surgery....all so daunting to here it all. It's like I am not even talking about me! Where do you live? I am in Sacramento.

Claire65 profile image
Claire65 in reply to Gvaadt

I live in Buckinghamshire UK. I had surgery 5 weeks ago and was anxious about that as well. However, it was not as bad as I had feared and I hope chemo will be the same.

Spencer2016 profile image
Spencer2016 in reply to Gvaadt

Hi- sounds like I am about 2 cycles ahead of you. I will be having 3-6 cycles (carbo/taxol week 1, taxol only weeks 2-3).

Then sugery, followed by more chemo. I live in San Feancisco. The shock of it all is still raw. I'' eager for any comnents or advice about the surgery. That is what I am most nervous about.

Hope you do well in chemo, for me, it hasn't been ad hideous as I was expecting.

Gvaadt profile image
Gvaadt in reply to Spencer2016

My 2nd one of just taxol wasn't bad at all. I slept through most of. I go on Tuesdays so that day and Wed I feel really good. Thursday is a down day for me. I am tired and my insides feel sort of jumpy. So trying to make that a rest day. Fridays seem better, then Sat, Sun and Mon are good. Haven't been sick but I take the anti nausea pills after. Hope the pattern stays this way then I can at least have an idea what days to watch. Have you lost your hair yet? I haven't, but it looks dull to me. My daughter is a stylist so she got me some wigs. Fearing the hair loss😖 I was diagnosed with primary peritoneal cancer. How about you. Total shock and surprise! It nice you live close in SF. Seems like a lot of people on here are from the U.K. Keep in touch and we can compare and commiserate as we go along. Surgery doesn't scare me cuz I just want it out!! Hugs new old are you?

Spencer2016 profile image
Spencer2016 in reply to Gvaadt

Hi G-

I also have PPC. I am 45, live in SF and am being treated at UCSF.

My onc said 3-6 chemo cycles before surgery, so not sure exactly how many more I will have just yet. My chemo is on Fridays (leaving in a few hours). I've found it hits me most Sunday and Monday. Wed/Thur I feel pretty well. That pattern as been fairly consistent.

I''ve been told to take your nausea meds before you need them and eat and drink. This helped prevent sickness for me so far. The hair came out starting with 2nd or 3rd week but didn't buzz it off until about 6 weeks. I thankfully still have my eyebrows and some lashes. Fingers crossed I can hang onto them.

Curious, did you have ascites? Mine were horrible but went away starting with 3rd week of chemo, and continued to go down into 2nd cycle. The pain and discomfort from ascites was way worse than any chemo discomfort.

Would be great to stay in touch. I will reach out again over the weekend.

Off I go for treatment.

Best of luck to you my new friend.


Gvaadt profile image
Gvaadt in reply to Spencer2016

Will be thinking about you today having your treatment. Sounds like we have pretty much the same thing going on. And yes I had the Ascites. The stomach bloat is how I noticed something was wrong. I had it drained in the beginning before chemo and they took 1.5 litres! Then day after Thanksgiving I had 2 litres drained. I agree it was worse than anything else, the pain/ pressure was horrible. I still have some but the oncologist said it should dry up with the chemo. Still a little there after 2 chemos, but it doesn't hurt or bother like before. Draining it was amazing!

Glad to have found someone to relate to. Seems like our down days patterns are similar too.

Here's to a good chemo day for you today. You are in my thoughts. Hugs

Gvaadt profile image

Hoping your chemo went well and you are feeling ok. Hugs my new friend

Donnasweet profile image

I pray all goes well

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