Crisis at the Gynae Unit in Cumh: Hi Ladies, as a... - OvaCare


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Crisis at the Gynae Unit in Cumh

7 Replies

Hi Ladies, as a public patient I feel I have to draw your attention to the above. There are 4200 patients on gynae waiting lists in CUH, 800 of which are waiting 18months or more. The consultants are worried that patient care will be compromised as some of those ladies could have advanced disease by the time they are seen. So what about those of us who are in their hands at the moment, we are obviously adding to the pandemonium out there. The CEO of the hospital is doing nothing to alleviate the problem. So today, I emailed Simon Harris, explaining how worried I am and that I needed assurance that I would be treated as best as possible. I also emailed the Hospital CEO, his secretary replied and said she would get back to me. I think the consultants there are threatening to abandon ship. It is a precarious position and if any of you would like to add their voice please feel free to do so,

7 Replies
annieH1 profile image

I've joined you Joan.We need voices out there.

in reply to annieH1

Hi Annie thanks for that, we need voices, this issue needs to be addressed yet when the CEO is interviewed on local radio, he disagrees with the IMO over trolley numbers, and also disagreed with the Opinion line host on another issue. He cant see problems in his hospital. I wonder why this is? I havent received the courtesy of a reply yet.

in reply to

I have been chatting to Aindrias Moynihan td who brought up the question again recently in the Dail about CUH. I am to let him know if I get any information, it seems the Minister is to set a date to visit the hospital this month, Reading the Tipp Nationalist, I dont hold out much hope as he visited Clonmel hospital last month and said the trolley crisis is unaceptable but so far, nothing has been done to help the sitiation. So we might be banging our heads off the wall a bit. All very well about the ladies waiting for appointments but the consultants didnt include the patients already in the system and I pointed that out to Aindrias. He will be meeting the consultants as well.

HogwartsDK profile image
HogwartsDK in reply to

Joan you are a mighty woman!

We don't have Gynae Onc in Mayo we have to go to Galway but we do have an A&E and its in a shambles! Minister visited a few weeks ago as did the previous minister last year and its still the same! Apparently when the last minister visited last year the place was cleared out before he arrived!!

I really do hope something is done in CUH as that waiting list for Gyne consultations is just simply unacceptable especially when the likelihood is that somewhere on that list are some women who have the early stages of OC and who won't be diagnosed until its advanced which is just a complete disgrace!!!

Best of luck with it all!


Well D today I got an email responding to my email about Oncology Patients having to attend A and E out of hours and cross infection. I had also pushed for drugs to become available. That email was sent to Minister in June. Oh they apologised for the delay. They have no answer to a and e as its standard practice which it isnt in some hospitals. The drugs cannot be made available if companies wont negotiate on price. So have emailed them back stating that is all very well to answer me about Junes email but I need answers about the waiting list and assurance that my treatment is not compromised due to staff shortages. Daisy would be proud of me and Annie and MissFitz too. I have a td very interested in any replies I get so I have sent him a copy of todays reply. So probably will be waiting for another six months regarding CUH, I know the Minister is doing face saving visits, he was at Tipperary South in Clonmel a month ago saying the trolley situation was unaceptable but nothing has changed yet. I am told there is an advocacy group to take up my issues with but when you google, advocacy is back to the Irish Cancer Society so I have submitted a request to see their news letters on advocacy. It is a howl I tell you.

Damelza profile image

Yes the situations in hospitals are dire. There was 39 people on trollies in UHG yesterday. In Mayo on Wednesday when I was in A&E I was seen by a nurse very quickly and I was on a bed waiting to see a doctor, I finally seen one at 3:30. I was dying with pain and didn't get morphine until 5:30. I was crying with pain. There was only one doctor for all of A&E

Thank is a disgrace, you shouldnt be in pain for that length of time. The triage nurse can dispense meds, she did to my hubby when he broke his ribs but never checked back on him, he could have left the hospital and gone out in the middle of trafffic. I am going to keep tormenting the Ministers Office while I am well enough to do so, I hope you are doing okay now and that you have been seen and treated

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