Cancer is back: Hello all, OC high grade, stage... - OvaCare


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Cancer is back

Hairlessbeauty profile image
23 Replies

Hello all,

OC high grade, stage IIIc - debulking surgery March 2015 followed by 6 session of chemo, finished September 2015.

I was getting well, I felt brilliant during the summer. I thought that now everything it's gonna be OK...

I wasn't well last 2, 3 weeks. Just came back from hospital now... looks like cancer likes me... Is back, 9.5mm lump plus some liquid, ca125 - 80. I can't believe the ct scan in June was fine and 3 months later in september wasn't that well anymore.

I'm sad, upset, disappointed and angry. Had to wait till next Thursday to find out what the treatment plan is.

I'm devastated


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Hairlessbeauty profile image
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23 Replies
kittie profile image

Hi Zaneta, I am so sorry it is news none of us want to hear. I think you knew at the Coffee Morning in September that something wasn't right. You are a very strong minded woman and I know you will get through it all again. Try and do something nice this weekend (I know it will be hard) but remember you have a beautiful son and husband who love you and will hold your hand on the bad days . Kittie

Hosta profile image

Hi Zanetti. I am so sorry to hear ur news. As Kittie has said be kind to yourself. I have followed ur posts over the past 6 months and u r a very strong positive person. This time around u have knowledge on ur side and knowledge is power. Hope to met u at the next meeting. Take care. Lorraine

dryden1 profile image

Zaneta, Just to let you know that my heart goes out to you and I am so so sorry that you have received this horrible news. I just wish for you what you would wish for yourself and hope you get the love and support that you deserve and that your future treatment regime beats this sh....y disease into submission again

HI Zaneta, I am so sorry you received this news. A recurrence is very upsetting but hopefully you will settle a bit once you have a plan in place . I agree it is sad and dissapointing and not what we want to hear at any time. Its okay to be upset but try and focus on doing something nice this weekend to take your mind away from it all. Do go back to Arc, I found them brilliant for help with my feelings on recurrence. Let us know when you find your plan, you got through it once and will get through it again.

Lorent profile image

Zaneta, so sorry to hear this news, but you were strong enough to beat it once, you can do it again, keep up with the positivity you are a strong person... Will keep you in my prayers

L x

HogwartsDK profile image


I don't know what to say to you except I am so sorry that you find yourself in this place! Like Kittie I did sense that you were a bit worried at the coffee morning and I am sorry that your fears were realised! It's very raw now but I hope that you will begin to feel better when you get your treatment plan! Like Lorraine I hope to see you at the next coffee morning I won't be able to make the patient day on the 5th but maybe we can do another coffee morning in December!

I am sending you lots of love and positive thoughts and wishes!

Take care!


estherg profile image

Hi Zaneta,

Just wanted to reiterate what's everyone else has said. What a horrible shock for you and your family. All the mixed emotions are totally understandable. Difficult to know what to say but you have fought it before and once you have the treatment plan you can focus on beating this.

Lots of positive thoughts and well wishes coming your way xxx

Leeds2015 profile image

#bollocks! So sorry to hear that it is back. Sending you lots of positive vibes and you will find the strength to deal with itxxxx

baxbird profile image

Leeds got in before me with her chosen word reply!

It's a blooming pain that you have to deal with it again, but deal with it you will do. It's what you just have to do. Once you've got your game plan in place you'll feel a little more in control.

For now take the time for you and your family

Dawn xx

GBIRVMIC profile image

Hi Zaneta I just can't imagine how you feel having this news a 2nd time. I'm just so sorry to hear this nasty disease has found its way back. You have the strength to fight this again, you also have the experience to know what is going to happen and can prepare for this. Keep fighting lovely lady we're all here with you. Love Michelle x💐

ellseybellsey profile image


Very sad to hear this beast has returned, its understanding your emotions at this moment.

you won the last battle you will win this one? We are all here holding your hand. Virtual hugs

Ellsey xx

Sz123 profile image

Hi Zeneta,

Sorry to hear about this but be strong I just want to tell you that I am in the same boat,exactly same time.I had my surgery and treatment starting April 2015 and everything ok until this year June review.In Sept review CA125 high and now I am back on chemo its down after first cycle so don't worry we will beat it again and be positive and keep your self busy.Just wondering are you in Dublin?I am in Dublin myself.

A lots of hugs and best wishes

Hairlessbeauty profile image
Hairlessbeauty in reply to Sz123


Sorry to hear that you are in recurrence. Like one battle for wouldn't be enough...

I'm based in Lucan. What hospital are you with?

Sz123 profile image
Sz123 in reply to Hairlessbeauty

I am in St. Jamses. Don't worry we will fight and win!!!

Hairlessbeauty profile image

Morning Ladies,

Thank you all for good words. I wish to believe that I'm that strong like you think I am...

I don't believe it's happening, just I don't

kittie profile image

Hi Zaneta, It will take a while for it to sink in that it is back. I had a 2nd recurrence in April and chemo was stopped in June and I am facing another recurrence I was told last week when in for my monthly review I actually had a meltdown when told and felt better after it. We are strong women and we will show cancer who is the boss. Sending you a Virtual Hug. Kittie.

IrishMollyO profile image

Dear Zaneta

I have just read your news and I am really sorry that you have a recurrence . It is just not fair. You went through so much to deal with this the first time and I'm sure you will fight it this time with the same courage. I will say a prayer for you. Take care


thesilent1 profile image

Hi Zaneta, I'm sorry your facing a recurrence. I think once a plan is in p!mace you will feel better. Take care. Ann xx

Hi Zaneta

I am so sorry to hear this - I know you were concerned at the coffee morning in Dublin in September. I think I shared on that day that I also was just diagnosed with a recurrence and I've now just completed my 2nd chemo session. The news of a recurrence is devastating, but when a plan is in place for you, I hope that you might begin to feel a bit better psychologically.

I hope to get to the Patient Day on 5th in Morans - I would love to see you there if you're up to it.

Thinking of you.

Juliet x

Hertsmum profile image

Hi Zaneta

So sorry you have had this awful news, sometimes this sneaky horrible illness comes back just when we think things are getting better. But you are a strong lady and will somehow find the will to fight it again. I don't know how we do it but we just do! It may be helpful to go to a support centre like arc or a counsellor to help you deal with your feelings about recurrence. I hope you will feel better once you have a treatment plan in place. Take it one day at a time. thinking of you

Madeline xx

Caroles1 profile image

Hi Zaneta,

All of what the ladies have said,but I do believe you are a strong lady and when you have as plan in place you will fight back.

We are all with you,

Lots of love

Carole xxx

kittie profile image

Hi Zaneta, Just thinking about you and I hope you are feeling more positive and now have a plan for treatment in place.Kittie

Hairlessbeauty profile image


Plan in place. Carbo and caelyx. I had first session two weeks ago and....I am still in bed.

Hit me like a train. I was ok two days after chemo, even went for Ovacare morning in Morgans. But when I came back and went to bed - I slept through till Tuesday. Nausea, gagging kept me for nearly 2 weeks. I am so tired that I am just lying in bed and sleeping. I cant read, watch tv etc. Bloating on my left size is kind of smaller but pain in my stomach is worrying me very much. I have fear that cancer is in my stomach. I feel pain when food is getting to my belly, and I feel constant pain, but much worse when I eat. I've lost 4 kilo in month. I feel like belt squizzing my ribs. Not sure is it because of caelyx? Doctor is seeing me every week now, and last week she admit that I look horrible. Potassium and magnesium level are low - so I'm taking supplements, Ca125 went up - but I heard its normal.

Anyone else experienced similar symptoms after caelyx?

Hope you all fighting hard


Janeta xxx

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