I have done so many hours of research on osteoporosis drugs and the natural route. Our bodies fight anything you put into your body that is not of natural substance. Too many people have had terrible results from all these prescriptions. Doctors do not have the time to stay up with research on these meds and are quick to prescribe. I switched to Ancestral living bone about 2 years ago and has stopped my hip pain. So many people taking this have said this helps their osteoporosis and I have another bone scan due in a few months. Microcrystalline hydroxyapatite (living bone) is from New Zealand & Australian grass fed bovine and that it the difference. It's not from rocks. I will be posting results in April after my next bone scan. So many people take their calcium and magnesium together and that is a mistake. They fight for absorbancy and money is just being thrown away doing it this way. I will never take meds for my condition. I have recently found through my research that HMB will help your bones. and muscle, especially in seniors. It's all natural for your body and I must say it's working for me by how I feel. I take daily: first thing in the morning, I take 1000 mg of the HMB, then during the day and evening I taken boron 3mg, Ancestral living bone 750 mg (split this dose to 2, K2 w/100 mcg MK-7, w/16mcg Nattokinase form vitacost vitamins. 3000 IU of d3 and I split those up to 1000 3 times a day, magnesium citrate 210mg twice daily and 2 hours before or after I take my living bone. Seniors should get a mini trampoline and do rebounding and it does not need to be extreme, just gently jumping up and down increased bone strength. Standing in place and stomping is excellent for bones, walking is great for bones. The worst thing that you can do is sit around. Keep moving. My mom always said "a rolling stone gathers no moss"
BONE HELP: I have done so many hours... - Osteoporosis Support

Thanks for sharing your routine and please update on your dexi scan results. I am going your route as well (not necessarily taking the exact vitamins as yours) but perhaps I should add some things if you find a reversal in your disease/scan.
Very informative. What is HMB? I’ll look for Ancestral. Have been taking calcium & magnesium together for many years!
HMB is naturally produced in small amounts when your body breaks down leucine, an essential amino acid that you can get through eating protein foods including milk and Greek yogurt, soybeans, beef and chicken, eggs etc. It can also naturally be found in very small amounts in foods like avocado, grapefruit, cauliflower and catfish. It's a natural substance produced by the body, but as we age production is very low. This has been studied for over 25 years, but yet we never hear about it because it is natural and pharmacies cannot make money off of it. Just type in HMB on your computer and there is so much information out here about this. I buy mine of Amazon and it's made by Nutricost and has the highest purity rating for $21.00 you get 240capsules. I take no medications and I'm 68. I cannot even take aspirin because of the effects on my body, so I always have go natural. Also getting enough protein every day is so important with rebuilding and strengthening bone. I refuse to let Osteoporosis beat me. Good luck to you.
Interested in following you. I am also trying to avoid medication. I take supplements, exercise, try to watch what I eat, walk and use a vibration plate. I am working with a ND, Functional medicine dr. and PT, and chiropractor. I also have Parkinson's. Watched 2 Youtube- Osteoporosis Medications: Pros and Cons and Bone Turnover Markers and Osteoporosis Margie Bissinger and Dr. Pete McCormick Good information- Great Bones is supposed to provide good information. Hope that is helpful.
For a list of supplements I use, read my response to Raleigh59 on this thread.
It's from the amino acid leucine. I'm now using a ultra whey protein isolate powder from Z naturals foods that I buy off Amazon. It has all the important amino acids without the cholesterol. I need more protein daily, so I'm really liking in my smoothies or you can put it in your coffee. It's really tasteless and comes from grass fed bovine.
what is HMB please ?
HMB is naturally produced in small amounts when your body breaks down leucine, an essential amino acid that you can get through eating protein foods including milk and Greek yogurt, soybeans, beef and chicken, eggs etc. It can also naturally be found in very small amounts in foods like avocado, grapefruit, cauliflower and catfish. It's a natural substance produced by the body, but as we age production is very low. This has been studied for over 25 years, but yet we never hear about it because it is natural and pharmacies cannot make money off of it. Just type in HMB on your computer and there is so much information out here about this. I buy mine of Amazon and it's made by Nutricost and has the highest purity rating for $21.00 you get 240capsules. I take no medications and I'm 68. I cannot even take aspirin because of the effects on my body, so I always have go natural. Also getting enough protein every day is so important with rebuilding and strengthening bone. I refuse to let Osteoporosis beat me. Good luck to you.
That is quite a regime. I’ll look for your supplements. Thanks
Do you buy the ancestral living bone on Amazon too ?
please explain why you don’t believe in the algaecal route that yes is from algae
Because I tried it for a long time and my osteo got worse.
TWEETYCAT, annatto tocotrienol is a bone builder and more, check out all it's benefits.
I already take that form of vitamin B and have for many years
TWEETYCAT, I'm sure you meant vitamin E not B, it's important if your supplementing with the tocopherol form of vitamin E to seperate annatto tocotrienol supplements by six hours otherwise annatto tocotrienol will be degraded of it's helpful activity. For bone health 300mg is reommended. I've beem using 375mg of it as a maintenance level. Always consult your health care professional before using any supplement.
I thought I read that’s a muscle builder
Yes, it helps with muscle also. We now know it helps with bone building and helping bones become more strong
how do you know it helps with bone building I didn’t read that
Get on your phone or computer and look up HMB and the affect on how it helps your bones, just like I did. The info is out there for anyone willing to do the research.
doctors best calcium has MCH. Are you familiar with that?
I will look up HMB
First, I am not a doctor, but I believe in thoroughly researching anything I put in my body. This product, once again, you are taking everything together. From my research, Magnesium and calcium should not be taken together as your stomach can not absorb both at the same time. Also, Microcrystalline hydroxyapatite in this doctors best, does not say if is from grass fed bovine and from what country it comes from. Ancestral supplements is an amazing company and very transparent. I suggest that If you have any questions, you can call them or email them as the owner is amazing at answering any questions about products and how they make them. Living bone is only one of the supplements they sell. I will be getting my scan in a few months and will post results.
What have you heard about other people who have taken ancestral living bone? I am very concerned about my bones and dexa numbers. I don’t want to go on medicine but I don’t think my new dr will think any supplements are enough.
Look up their website on the internet ANCESTRAL SUPPLEMENTS or go on to Amazon and you can read reviews there as well. If you google microcrystalline hydroxyapatite (MCHC) you can read up on this form of calcium from bovine. This form of calcium is all natural and provide several bone enhancing factors: including growth factors, peptides, mucopolysaccharides and other micro nutrients you will not find from the other calcium supplements we have been taking for generations.
Do you have ancestral supplements phone number ?
do you lift small weights
Yes I do, It's vital to use weight and resistance training for bone building and bone strength. Raleigh59, search on: research based annatto tocotrienol bone building. Also look into geranylgeraniol (GGOH), it's an essential building block of healthy aging that supports skeletal muscle protein synthesis, bone health, hormone regulation and CoQ10 synthesis. Always consult your health care professional before using any supplement.
Yes. I walk 4 miles a day with a 4 lb. weight vest. Rebound twice daily for 25 minutes each. I walk in place stomping while I watch TV in the evenings with small hand weights. I also have a teeter free step recumbent cross trainer that i use daily(best investment I ever made). You can adjust the level of intensity you want to use. I believe that if you keep moving will improve your life. Too many seniors set around too much because we all have, at times, pain we are dealing with. I'm in pain pretty much 24 hours a day, but it's worse when I am not active. Movement and resistance helps your bones along with the supplements for your bones.
Do you mind me asking what was your bone density score before your new regime?
I have a question about the living bone - it says take one on the bottle per day and it says calcium 250 mgs - do you cut that pill in half bc of the 1000 mgs minerals ? Or are you taking several living bone pills?
The bottle is a 60 day supply and you take 3 a day. I take 2 in the morning with my boron, d3 and K2 w/100mcg mk-7 with 16 mg Nattokinase in the k2. (it's all in one capsule, and repeat that later in the evening with one living bone capsule, which makes 3. I take 400-500 mg of magnesium citrate by nutricost, 2 hours after the living bone applications. I get the k2 supplement from Vitacost and purchasing from them for over 20 yrs. They have the best prices and a very trusted company with testing.
my bottle says living bone
One per day for 180 days supply ?
I actually got my DEXA back and they positioned me differently this time from what they did the first time. My results came back worse. So now I'm questioning this ancestral living bone. I called the company and talked to them about this results. I had been taking BOME-UP 2 years prior and I had a positive result by one point using that. I thought my dexa would be much better, but it's worse. I stopped taking that and now taking organic egg shell calcium. This has actually been studied over the last 10 years and has a 67% better absorption because it's pure natural calcium. So far I have had no side affect or stomach issues with it. My next dexa will be in a year and I am paying for it myself. I think 2 years is way to long in between. So very disappointed in ancestral. Clearly their calcium from bovine is not adequate or does no provide what it says it does.
I am so sorry - do you think the positioning affected things. What exact egg shell product -are you taking now? I take two calciums now:
I take organic egg shell calcium by GARDEN OF LIFE Dr. formulated (STRONGER BONES) Studies ES cal. absorbs 67% better in your gut compared to other calcium because it is all natural . Also you should not be taking calcium with magnesium. There is a lot of new research on that and that is why I stopped taking bone-up.
yes I know about that research but I am finishing this bottle and you did well on bone up. I know it decreases absorbency. I will switch to the 6 of bone and marrow also and I can order the egg shell calcium
I also get my magnesium from Amazon, they have the best price for a bottle of 240. With the milk and yogurt I eat daily, i get approx 1200 mg of natural calcium a day.
One other thing, the boron I take is 3mg once daily and not twice. You only need 3 mg boron per day for your bones.
I see you don’t take strontium citrate
Please do research on this, not good for bones as strontium atoms only give the appearance that it makes bone density appear to increase, but it does not. Using this product more likely to reduce bone quality
I HAVE done research on it and the density that strontium citrate increases has a fake exaggerated increase of 10% more of the density than the increase. So if you go from - 4.0. To 3.0, 10% or .10 of what shows as improvement is exaggerated.
As to it robbing calcium from the bones
It’s possible it kills off some new calcium coming in, idk I haven’t read that anywhere,
but for the severe OP patients, this is the best option with K2 MK4, other than medicine which has many more risks.
Yes, that is 250mg per capsule of calcium. Some people take this who does not have bone issues, so one is all they would need per day. You can contact the company and they will explain it to you.
if you email them, they respond very quickly. If you are a senior female, you should be getting 1200 mg of calcium every day
yes they responded explained it like you to take 3 per day . They said some people are taking the bone narrow supplement as well which would make one not take as much calcium . What do you think of the bone marrow supplement
I think you recommended living bone to me and my calcium level just came out normal
So thank you ❤️
That is great news! I have been taking living bone for 2 years now along with 1 bone & morrow a day and have a bone scan within the next 2 months. Praying to see some improvement. I know all my bone pain went away a year ago. Also, look into foods that harm your osteoblast and foods that improve your osteoblast. That helps your body absorb calcium into your bones. For years I was supplementing higher does of vitamin A and now I know that was a big mistake because it really harms your bones.
I think some calcium / k2 blends have high vitamin A included. So that’s weird that high A is in those blends. I stay away from vitamin a bc a lady I knew she said had hair fall out from it.
My blood calcium levels have never been low, but losing allot in my urine. I'm doing another urine calcium test over the next 3 days to see if that is still happening. If so, then I'm going to see a rheumatologist to figure out what is really going on. I think it's my thyroid, but all my tests come back normal. So I'm at a loss.
and you are taking magnesium and k2 and D too.. do you take 45 mgs of k2
There's more than one kind of K2 and dosage will look wildly different depending which you take! A dosage of about 180 mcg Vitamin K2-7 is considered best. My capsules are 100 mcg so I take two a day, morning and evening. The dose of 45 mg applies to K2-4.
(For those reading this thread who are new to Vitamin K2 note the difference is between micrograms for K2-7 and milligrams for K2-4.)
for some people k7 makes them anxious and I was one of them
Didn't mean to imply that one type was better than another, just referring to the best dosage for K2-7.
yes I used to take that and o was anxious from it - I didn’t even know that’s a reaction so maybe I was just anxious regardless , I didn’t get a fast heart rate . I just had overall more anxiety hard to explain . Now I talked the mk4 and while I think it’s not as good for bones it’s better for me . I think some people might take both
I agree. I have been using Vitacost vitamins for 0ver 20 years. I take their brand of Vit. K2 100mcg mk-7 wich includes 16mg. Nattokinase. (The Natto is important and comes from soybean) If you are looking for a great vitamin company with great prices with integrity, look at VITACOST.
together we are all going to be a team and keep improving 💪
Thank you, I've just been diagnosed in Feb& they did more labs then had me schedule a Reclast IV fusion.I researched that& other osteoporosis treatments & they all have bad /severe sometimes permanent adverse effects. I already have a life limiting disease of my pancreas which is probably why I have osteoporosis. I no longer just accept & do what Drs say, they've burned me when I was 1st diagnosed with this progressive uncureable disease causing constant pain, malabsorption & widespread inflammation. But when I did searches for alternative treatments most results were calcium & D. My D levels are okin fact were too high, toxic levels from taking calcium with d. Find out you have to take k2 with D or it won't adhere to the bone but float through you blood ending up in my arteries, kidneys etc. So now I take half a multi & vitamin k complex to help the d go to the bone. But found that out by researching widespread calcium deposits. Drs tell women to take extra calcium & D, but nada about needing the k2 to make the D adhere to&then build bone! I'm going to look into that living bone. But with my Chronic Pancreatitis I don't have the energy to exercise which also causes more pancreas pain. Either way, my prognosis isn't good, maybe another 1-3 years. I'm in end stage & have been living this for 13 years. Now osteoporosis? Why my bones& hips hurt? Thank you.
I am so sorry to hear that you are going through all these struggles. I just said a prayer for you, as I can feel your despair. I just don't understand why so many women have these illnesses when they try to always be healthy. I know some of it is genetics, but in the last 30 years osteoporosis has gotten much worse statistically. They say don't use dairy, Oh, yes use dairy it's good for you. We eat to much Phytic Acid foods. Oh! phytic acid food are fine. What do we believe? That's why I am taking my health into my own hands. Let's face it, doctors are no help, they are over worked and great doctors are in short supply. In my research I have found interesting studies that eating 5 prunes throughout the day helps greatly with bone because it reduces inflammatory chemicals that that contribute greatly to bone breakdown (osteoclast). Also I have read studies/ that show that women who took Pottassium citrate, around 99mg a day with their calcium, increased a significant 1% in their lower spine after 11 months. I take the NOW PC 99mg. with my calcium in the morning, just once a day. But, here is the kicker..... Consume your calcium with a protein source of some kind that has phosphates. yogurt, chicken, fish, etc. Most of us do not get enough phosphates and it is critical to get that for your bones. Also Vitamin C helps your gut absorb that calcium, so I have a 500 mg tablet that i cut into 4's and take that along with my calcium twice a day. Never take more than 500mg calcium at a time and always wait 4 or more hours before taking another dose. Also, take your magnesium 2 hours before or 2 hours after your calcium. I'm now using organic egg shell calcium along with my k2 with MK7, D3 and boron. I will see if I see any improvement. Medicare on covers a DEXA every 2 years, so I am gong to pay for my own in one year to see if there is any improvement or at least keeps it from getting worse. Another kicker is that DEXA scans are so easy to misinterpret and if the person does not position you right on the table, exactly as the time before, your scan will be different up to 5%. Now that may not seem like a lot, but bone is measured down to hundredth and even thousandth decimal points Therefore the doctor reading it is the key. They need to come up with a better way of doing this.
I replied to you on your original post. Saying with my disease I can't eat certain drugs, food or supplements. Potassium especially can be very irritating to the stomach & pancreas, same with calcium. I now eat a lot of dairy, it's a medium chain triglycerides fat & so is mostly metabolized in the liver & doesn't trigger the pancreas to try to make enzymes which mine no longer does much anymore anyway. Only a matter of time before I become diabetic. Am having more pain& MRI showed something so now I gotta get a special pancreas eval CT. &my new PCP won't even reply to my MyChart messages. So got 4 specialists who all want this test, treatment, etc. Only 3 of my 6 providers really know about disease &care. It's all become like a factory line with a PCPs just referring you to a specialist ,what do they even do anymore ? Too old &sick to deal with yet another health issue. Having put so much time& energy into researching my chronic progressive uncureable degenerative rare disease. Don't have the energy or will to do the same with osteoporosis. What happened to our Drs, are they told this in gov't med schools?.
You might want to look into Berberine. A friend of mine was prediabetes and 50 lbs over weight. I gave her some berberine supplements I had and told her to drink 1 cup of dandelion tea per day. She has lost those extra 50 lb and she is longer prediabetes, I don't know if that would affect your stomach issues given our health status, but you could research this supplement and read all about it.
I just read this, sorry been posting on my CP site. But losing weight is one of the complications of my CP disease. Much of my food doesn't get digested or metabolized right due to my damaged pancreas and it's inability to make pancreas enzymes vital to digesting food, lipase for fats, protease for protein & amylase for carbs. So I have to take oral enzymes every time I eat to help the food digest and able to be metabolized. So not worried about needing to lose weight but about losing too much weight and becoming cathectic and lose muscle mass on top of bone mass. Need to be in palliative care, but CP carries a stygma & most Drs know zip about it. It's considered a rare disease.
Thank you Tweetycat for your wealth of info!! Do you take the organic egg shell calcium with Living Bone or is that all your taking now calcium?
I only take garden of life Dr Formulated stronger bones for my daily calcium now. Because I eat yogurt and have milk also once a day, I take 4 tablets instead of 5. Along with that I take my Vitacost brand of Vitamin K2 (100 mcg MK-7 w/ 16 mg Nattokinase) and 3 mg boron. at least 2 hours before or after I take magnesium. With my morning dose of Egg shell, I take the NOW brand of potassium Citrate 99mg. ( you can research this) I hope to see improvement in one year. If not, I'm out of options. All the research I have found is that Egg Shell calcium is absorbed 67% more than any other form of calcium, but it should be from organic chickens. I am also taking Collagen complex supplements.
Is living bone from bovine or cattle, buffalo, red meat mammals, close to bone meal from beef? I'm looking for bone meal, that's in a capsule, I can't digest certain foods since I have Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency & I've been tested for the adrenal, thyroid etc from endocrine system. Have been taking thyroid meds for 35 years due to a goiter. Now my pancreas is damaged from a chronic disease causing inflammation, fibrosing of the tissue, atrophy & almost no Exocrine function so have to take pancreas enzymes every time I eat to help metabolize the nutrients. Lots of meds, supplements &foods can inflame my Pancreas causing worse pain. So I'm like you, spent years researching my "rare, complex& stigmatized illness because when 1st diagnosed was given outdated, wrong,or didn't know information on it, was labeled, gaslighted by Drs due to ignorance of my illness which has now caused kidney issues &now 3rd stage Osteoporosis from the widespread inflammation, toxic d levels, which my then PCP blew off to taking d supplements, but I'd already been taking calcium with d& no k2 for 9 years &never checked my d till 2 years ago. & now I've got osteoporosis & researched the treatments &told the Endocrinologist I wasn't going to have any of those infusions. Tried to find a lot of the supplements you used but not having the best luck& now my cvvs hasn't had my enzymes RX for a week so. feeling sick, pain, &have sthorghhea. The boys g drug chains won't keep specialty drugs in stock but on auto refill they're supposed to order it way ahead to make sure they have it on time. I know you've spent a lot of time researching osteoporosis &alt treatments, but with my illness I can't exercise or do a lot of what you're supposed to for bone healing. But agree that especially US medical community doesn't tell you about taking k2 with D, or D& magnesium at the same time will do no good. But they'll never admit they didn't know that d taken alone or with calcium does more harm than good. US medicine has become hospital, almost factory line medicine. You can hardly find any Drs that have there own practice, they can't compete with the big hospital Dr groups. So that old family Dr who really cared about their patients is passe& hello gov't controlled medical not care.So sad, so many patients who suffer because they're too demanding, take too much of their time. This is the reality now.
I don't take any calcium or d have too much in my blood & was getting calcium &d from dairy & my multivitamin &after I found out I had toxic levels of d, stopped taking calcium because of all the calcium deposits in my kidneys, pancreas, arteries & pretty much everywhere because I wasn't taking k2 with it so neither were adhering in the bone where most of those go. Plus the progression of inflammation from my CP spreading everywhere which also causes osteo, calcium deposits in arteries, etc. I've decided to take what my pancreas can tolerate & that's it. Not gonna be around much longer to spend more time & stress over yet another health issue that's not curable. But have gotten some boron but had stomach pain a couple hours later , might be the boron or just my unhappy atrophied Pancres. But thanks for the alt suggestions
After listening to what heron49 posted about vk, we should not take the vd with vk. Both are fat soluable and compete for absorption. Any thoughts. I started taking vd in am and vk at noon with one calcium. Magnesium mid morning and mid afternoon. One more calcium at evening.