Ok so I have the written report from the GI consultant which thank goodness is overall very reassuring.
Advice now at recommends continued treatment with dietary changes, frequent and small meals, no spicy and nothing 3-4 hours prior to bedtime. Although in all honesty laying down is not a major issue for me.
Medication wise Long term use of PPI Pantoprazole was mentioned this time.
Optimally once daily with overlapping treatment with short acting antacids, I am already using Gaviscon, Rennies, Maalox ?
But this is the new addition potentially treatment with proinetics (Mecoclopramide, Domperidone as short acting, short term treatment when required,
OR potentially Erythromycin as a long term treatment if needed.
If this treatment is not successful he recommends referral for consideration of surgery.
So please, anyone with experience of any of the above would be very gratefully appreciated.
many thanks as always for replies.