Acid Reflux which is Worse on Empty St... - Acid Reflux Support

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Acid Reflux which is Worse on Empty Stomach

TCra95 profile image
6 Replies

I’m a 26 year old Male who started to wake up feeling Nauseous nearly every morning early January and after a couple of weeks started to get a horrible bitter taste In my mouth. Spoke to my GP who thought it was Acid Reflux, prescribed Lanzoprazole 20mg and made me do a Hpylori Stool test and a blood test. All tests came back negative and the Lanzoprazole didn’t help at all. After another 2 weeks I went back and they gave my Omemprazole 40mg and I’ve now been on them nearly 4 weeks still aren’t doing anything at all. Mean while I have cleaned up my diet, my diet was never bad anyway but Ive cut down caffeine, caffeinated drinks, takeaways etc. i don’t smoke and rarely drink. I wanted to do everything I could to improve this as currently I have to wait to see a specialist which could be weeks I’m guessing. Nothing I am doing is improving my situation, as well as the Nausea I also get a burning pain in my stomach which can be after meals but sometimes when I eat it actually goes away, I would say I feel more uncomfortable on an empty stomach, that’s when the pain is the worst. Does any one have any advice or have they had any similar experience?

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TCra95 profile image
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6 Replies
AMerchant profile image

I also get acidity when the stomach is empty. I take omeprazole 20mg in the morning only. I also take Rennie tablets. It helps a bit.

Do you take omeprazole 40mg in the morning?

TCra95 profile image
TCra95 in reply to AMerchant

Yes I’ve been taking it every morning for about 4 weeks, the Dr that originally gave me it said it could take 6-8 weeks to work which is why I’m still preserving but from what I’ve read it should be at least helping by this point

ParkSchool5 profile image

Hello, sorry to hear about your symptoms. It could be bile reflux which is not helped by PPI's, which is what I suspect I may have. The symptoms are similar to acid reflux but not always relieved by PPI or H2 meds.

KitKat1954 profile image

Hi TCra95, I experience the same thing from time to time. What helps me is to eat something alkaline like a banana or cantaloupe. Seeded crackers also help. I take PPIs but they don't help me that much. The Acid Watchers Diet also helped.

AHG123 profile image

The specialist told me to liberally take Gaviscon Advance. It quells my cough almost immediately which is the main symptom that I suffer.

Eddi50 profile image

I can’t eat sweets, especially in the evening, or I get a gnawing feeling in my stomach in the morning with slight nausea until I put something in it like plain toast to absorb the acid. Actually, if I ever eat sweets on an empty stomach, it happens. A glass of wine will do the same thing. I have acid reflux, too, and have found that diet is the key. Stay away from bad fats, sugar, wine, vinegar, chocolate, peppermint. These are some of my triggers. I do take a PPI for a few weeks until symptoms get under control but they aren’t good to stay on for long. Maybe low dose, but then they don’t work. Ask your doctor. If you can stay disciplined and stick with a good diet, you probably won’t need the meds. I’m preaching to the choir here as i sometimes cheat and pay for it.

It’s not fun but you’ll get used to it and will feel better.

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